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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Walter Mitty at the Negotiating Table
« on: September 16, 2018, 04:10:59 pm »
Walter Mitty at the Negotiating Table
American Greatness, Sep 16, 2018, Joshua Sharf


So it must have been agonizing for former administration officials to stand by and watch the Trump Administration dismantle the thing piece by piece, finally pulling out altogether and re-imposing both nuclear and non-nuclear sanctions on the regime.

How galling to watch not only the work of years destroyed, but also the very ally-in-waiting shaken to its foundations by economic collapse, and its dreams of regional hegemony threatened on every front. Companies and entire countries will find themselves having to choose between doing business with the increasingly impoverished mullahs and doing business with a booming U.S. economy. Some choice.  So galling, in fact, that the former administration has found itself unwilling to stand by and watch.

Following up on earlier reports, we learned this week that former Secretary of State John Kerry has been conducting unauthorized shuttle diplomacy, trying to salvage what remains of the fraudulent Iran deal. According to reports, he has been pressuring Iran on the fringes of its Middle East empire, about Yemen and Syria, and hoping to include the active Iranian missile program in a new deal.

At the same time, one presumes that he has been working with the Europeans to find ways around the new sanctions, ways to read international agreements (no matter how strained the interpretation) to allow European and the Chinese governments to protect their companies from U.S. sanctions.

In short, as the Iranian people’s disgust with and rebellion against the regime gains steam, Kerry seeks to give it a new lease on life, in direct opposition to current administration policy. Kerry himself admitted as much, attacking the administration in his talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, and attacking it publicly for what he believes is its policy of regime change rather than engagement on his pet issues.


Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Walter Mitty at the Negotiating Table
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2018, 04:15:20 pm »
FTA:  (DO IT!!)

Far better would be a criminal investigation into possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Ultimately, it was a FARA violation that nailed Flynn and became the basis for several other indictments from the never-ending Mueller Investigation. As Michael Rubin points out, FARA “covers not only formal lobbying, but also providing advice to foreign governments or individuals about how to change or circumvent U.S. law.”

Let’s see his communications, his emails, his phone and travel records. Let’s see his notes from these discussions and conversations. Let’s line them up with press coverage, and see what kind of public pressure he sought to create. Let’s see what, if any, U.S. government officials he was in communication with. Let’s see what U.S. political parties and actors, if any, he coordinated with. Let’s take a look at who, if anyone, was footing the bill for all this activity.

Offline Absalom

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Re: Walter Mitty at the Negotiating Table
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2018, 09:34:12 pm »
A reflection.
For a nation/state to retain greatness it must remember and/or recover its past.
Iran was the Ancient Persian Empire and the rival of Greece until Alexander.
In the early 20th century, Rheza Khan, a contemporary of Kemal Ataturk of the
Ottoman Empire, brought their nation/states out of the Muslim dark ages.
The former's son, Rheza Phalevi, ruled till forced out by the Mullahs, encouraged
by our then jackass-in-chief, Carter, remember him???
Mercifully, Iran is awakening because of Trump!!!

« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 09:34:56 pm by Absalom »