Author Topic: ‘The Week’ panics as TDS sets in: Trump will repeal 22nd Amendment, President forever!  (Read 510 times)

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‘The Week’ panics as TDS sets in: Trump will repeal 22nd Amendment, President forever!
Robert Laurie image

By Robert Laurie —— Bio and Archives--September 12, 2018

‘The Week’ panics as TDS sets in: Trump will repeal 22nd Amendment, President forever!
Everywhere you look, you see them: Panicked progressives and NeverTrumpers, running wild in the streets, screaming that the sky is falling. America – democracy itself – is doomed and soon we will awaken to find ourselves in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max hellscape. Once powerful pols and pundits will roam the barren land searching for seersucker and bowties, trying desperately to organize the kind of cocktail parties they used to enjoy.

What could have caused such a tectonic shift, you ask? In a word “him.”  The beast. Donald J. Trump. He came crashing into town, defeated their mighty champion, and now they’ve lost all hope.

This is the core of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Everything they understood to be true about their place in the political pecking order has been upended and they’re terrified that “the old way of doing things will never return.”