Author Topic: Cosmo magazine now celebrating morbid obesity, featuring it on their cover in the name of “feminism  (Read 347 times)

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Cosmo magazine now celebrating morbid obesity, featuring it on their cover in the name of “feminism”

Sunday, September 09, 2018 by: Vicki Batts   

(Natural News) Cosmo U.K. just featured a size-26 model on the cover of their latest issue. While feminists and so-called body positivity activists are celebrating the fact that a 300-pound woman got to be on the cover of a popular magazine, many people are concerned about what kind of message this “activism” is really sending. No one would argue that body shaming is wrong, but is fat activism really the answer? Obesity is a top risk factor for virtually every major disease that plagues modern society: Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer.

Promoting healthy minds and bodies is not the same as promoting obesity, which is already rampant in most Western nations like the United States and the United Kingdom. Critics have been quick to point out the disparity between the two and have lambasted Cosmo U.K. for promoting unhealthy lifestyle choices.