Author Topic: Dems Turn to Debarred Convicted Felon as Star Witness in Futile Kavanaugh Fight  (Read 291 times)

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 Dems Turn to Debarred Convicted Felon as Star Witness in Futile Kavanaugh Fight
Posted By Brent Scher On September 7, 2018 @ 1:04 pm

Set to testify on Friday in opposition to Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court is John Dean, a convicted felon and disbarred lawyer who gained fame for flipping on former President Richard Nixon during Watergate.

Senate Democrats will bring Dean, who served prison time for obstruction of justice, in front of the Judiciary Committee on Friday afternoon to "speak about the abuse of executive power," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the committee's top Democrat.


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Offline Timothy Dennis

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Dems seem to have a penchant for supporting/promoting criminals in any number of political areas. Just look at how they promote illegal alien criminals, even those with a rap sheet as long as your leg. The Dems are morally bankrupt, and regarding their recent forays into the Land of Socialism, they are blind as to its implications and are barreling ahead in a effort to bring down our Republic as we have known it. This is no joke. Just witness such uber-extremist leftist groups like Antifa--who actually  and violently even, is pursuing the overthrow of our Republic. Again, this is no joke, but an intentional move to subvert democracy and our Constitution. WE MUST stand our ground, raise our voices and raise our Bibles high for all to see. If we stand on the Truths of Scripture, those truths will rise to the fore and will quell the feckless hordes of the Left; as God Himself will guide the direction of our leaders as we pray for them and work to promote the Bible and its author, our Heavenly Father.