Ummm, wasn't l'affaire de Stormy just a few years ago? It was not in his youth. It occurred during this 3rd marriage.
So, what would you have us do
@Sanguine ? Throw away this successful Presidency? Spend our time tearing down the POTUS instead of supporting and helping him?
History is replete with courageous leaders who are flawed men. Another example that springs to mind is Benjamin Netanyahu. Here is a man who has been championed as not only courageous, but the "true leader of the free world". But if Israelis had followed the lead of so many here, he would have died a political death because he did not measure up to their principles and sense of morality.
Bibi, too, had three wives. The first, Miriam, was his "soul mate". They married and lived in the US while they were in school. While she was pregnant with their daughter, he began an affair with a British woman, Fleur, living in MA and attending the same university--they met in the library. Miriam found out, kicked his ass to the curb and took their daughter, Noa, back to Israel.
Bibi continued the affair with Fleur eventually bringing her to Israel where she converted to Judaism and they married. Fleur was sent packing when Bibi realized voters were less than enthralled with his British, formerly Christian wife.
Bibi played the field, as they say. He was dating several women including Ruth who has been described as an attractive, sophisticated woman working in political public relations. Another was a flight attendant, Sara, he met on a flight to Israel. Sara was the antithesis of Ruth and was on her way out when she became pregnant.
It took Sara more than six months and the threat of going public and damaging his political momentum for her to get Bibi under the Huppah. Sara was home taking care of their toddler son when hell broke loose with the news that there was an "indelicate" video of Bibi and Ruth --- an affair he never ended.
Bibi went in front of the cameras and gave his "I have sinned" speech, Sara stayed with him after extracting promises and arrangements whereby she essentially knew everything he was doing and would never, ever again let him out of her sight. To this day she travels with him, even on day trips, attends his meetings, "reviews" his meeting schedules and reminds flight attendants that all questions to the PM are to come through her; not one of them is to speak directly to him.
Does any of Netanyahu's history change your opinion of him. Or are you able to accept that he is a flawed soul doing great things for his nation?