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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #725 on: September 16, 2018, 01:42:55 am »
Thanks for a great and perceptive post.

Comments below in navy

(Back to a more serious note on this thread.)


I would urge all of my Trump-bashing friends on TBR to come up to speed as to what President Trump is doing behind the scenes.  This is very, very important info.  It may cause a lot of Trump bashers to re-think everything concerning their animosity toward Trump. 


I want to start off this post by saying that relatively few Americans (fewer than 40%) seem to have figured out where Trump really stands concerning the mess of the Deep State Swamp.  Trump bashers who insinuate that he is just another part of the Swamp rank among the most confused of all, in my sober opinion. 

I'm persistently shocked at the level of ignorance of above average informed conservatives. I expect the liberal hidiots to be terminally ignorant. But conservatives--sheesh.



An even smaller percentage of Americans (probably fewer than 5%) have gotten even a meaningful glimmer of the Trump administration’s plans for destroying the Deep State.  You will hear a lot about the Deep State on Fox News but essentially nothing about Trump’s detailed plans regarding the Deep State.

Certainly this strategy is well within wisdom as well as Sun Tzu's ART OF WAR guidelines Trump tends to follow.

(Trump himself uses certain unorthodox communications channels [for example, the entity known as  “Qanon” or simply “Q”, a mysterious online entity that is strangely but obviously posting in close coordination with Trump himself] to leak out certain features of his Plan;  however, the leaks are carefully, even cryptically worded—ostensibly for reasons of national security or occasionally even designed as deliberate misdirection to cause confusion and/or panic on the part of the Deep State’s bad actors.  The Q project, then, is essentially a military-style PsyOps project.

I actually believe this is a key part of Trump's success and something that God delights in. God has a habit of using His servant leaders to cut katty-wumpus-across a lot of customs, habits, cultural norms and sensibilities. For one, it tends to discombobulate the opposition to some degree.

More importantly, it puts him closer to the troops/citizens and removes the globalist tyrannical traitors from the middle of the equation. He can say what HE wants vs have the talking heads mangle it. True, he could sometimes be more refined and even a bit more circumspect on some topics and in some situations. However, even in that, I believe God is working out GOD'S will through Trump. A lot of convention is just a nice word for variations on group-think slavery. His jarring, startling, sometimes uncooth statements are great at shaking folks loose from their globalist induced stupor and mindlessness.

In other words, Q’s posts are intended to reassure thoughtful but understandably impatient conservatives that Trump does have a plan for destroying the Deep State;  at the same time, Q’s posts are not designed to provide a completely clear road map, a map known to only ten souls in the entire Trump administration anyway.  [As a matter of fact, the figure of ten souls is the figure revealed by Q himself, who said that all but three of the ten are members of the U.S. MILITARY.]) 

IIRC, the QTeam has noted that there are "less than 10" --3 of whom are civilians. Perhaps they are 7 ... with POTUS, Melania & Pence = 10? Hard to guess. Certainly the project is designed to avoid too much clarity while generally increasing clarity toward red-pilling for those who are not very well informed--i.e. 90-95% of the populace?

Shockingly few voters are aware of the Executive Orders, much less their contents, promulgated and published by President Trump in late December of 2017 (Declaration of a State of National Emergency concerning Human Rights Abuses or Corruption) and in the first quarter of 2018 (concerning protocols in the Code of Military Justice for handling lawful prosecutions of civilians).  I don’t recall these EOs being even mentioned on Fox News, much less expounded for the public.  For one reason or another, these obviously newsworthy Orders are taboo subjects, despite being published on the White House website.

Nota bene:  The above Executive Orders are not the infamous stuff known as “Secret EOs.”

This has been a persistent sad slight surprise to me--how few people are aware of the Dec Executive Order. I usually start with that in my red-pilling efforts.

As a related matter of the public’s uncanny ignorance concerning a now-looming wave of prosecutions, very few voters are even aware of the 50,000 sealed court orders—including sealed indictments—established in our federal court system by Jeff Sessions’s DOJ.  (Yeah, Mr. Magoo has been very, very busy, despite all of the political theater surrounding him about his supposed worthlessness.)  These sealed court orders, formed and sealed at a rate well over 50 times higher than ever before in American history, are listed (without explanatory details, of course) on the federal court system’s website,  The number is still growing at a rate of about 5,000 per month as of the last time I checked. 

As a matter of federal law, the orders/indictments are secret, but their existence in stunningly ominous numbers are by no means secret.  Literally scores of conservative websites have talked about the sealed court orders—and you can bet that the Deep State bad actors are aware of the stuff on—but most conservatives are not very good web researchers, it seems.

This, too is a shock. There are State websites that one can total the numbers of sealed indictments from. And, there is Pacer.

And, I've heard that a lot of folks are dismissing such huge numbers as inconsequential or whatever that doesn't consider them very important.

We may not know all the particulars about such a huge number of sealed indictments. However, it is fairly obvious to anyone with a brain above that of a drunken lobotomized slug that something VERY SERIOUS, likely even dramatic--IS going on--much of it behind the scenes, to date.

For now, that is okay with Trump.  He could talk openly about his Executive Orders concerning our State of National Emergency and about the looming wave of federal/military prosecutions against the Deep State, but that wouldn’t fit his tempo and dynamics at this time.  For now, our POTUS is happy with the smaller army of hardcore zealots recruited by Qanon.  (For that matter, Trump has recently started pushing Q out into the mainstream’s attention.  Hilariously, that has triggered a furious onslaught of MSM attacks against Q as a LARP, as a complete fraud.  Heck, it is axiomatic in war that if you catch a lot of flak, it’s because you are right over the target.  [Well, not always so, but usually so.])

THAT has been very interesting in a mass psychology/mass brainwashing by the oligarchy sort of way.

It much appears that the guilty are fairly clear that Trump IS GUNNING FOR THEM--that their freedom, wealth and possibly very lives are forfeit--likely to be taken from them. THEREFORE, they will do all they can get away with to blow Trump out of the water any and every way they can.

imho, GOD ALONE can insure Trump's survival and effectiveness. I realize the military has upped their guarding of Trump etc. etc. etc. but I don't think in the natural, that would be sufficient. The demonic forces, globalist violent stooge forces etc. against him have to be incredibly numerous and complex. God and His wisdom, alone, imho, are sufficient to protect and guide Trump against such an evil array of human and supernatural evil forces.

The guilty likely are fully aware that WHEN the Q-Anon team becomes publicly affirmed by Trump as being part of his doing and Admin, that the guilty's necks are on the line.

Why? Because in Q's more than 2,000 'drops,' a fairly decent outline of the guilty's evil doings with a fair number of specifics and names listed.

Therefore, there was instantly (upon Q's being pointed out personally by Trump at a rally) a full court press on the MSM's part of great hostile ridicule and outrage over the "Q conspiracy theories & nonsense." Thankfully, Q had warned that the attacks were coming. The usual 4:00 AM talking points that go out to all the MSM for their authorized talking points daily have been relentless in castigating Q as worthless to horribly dangerous.

This brings me to my biggest shocker:  Trump quite evidently was recruited to run for the White House by the U.S. military all the way back in 2015.  Almost no one is aware of this military connection, but Trump’s longtime friend, Dr. Jerome Corsi--a splendid investigative journalist, a man with a strong background in intelligence, by the way, and also the author of numerous bestsellers such as Unfit for Command and The Obama Nation--says his own very highly-placed sources in our military leaked this important fact to him. 

As the story goes, high-ranking military officers sat down with Trump and painstakingly pieced together riveting evidence that Hillary Clinton was being tasked by a Globalist Cabal to waltz into the White House and utterly destroy the Republic—a matter of horrible death and destruction and enslavement of all survivors in full-blown Socialist tyranny (not just the “soft tyranny” that Obama had been ushering in).

I think you stated that last part too mildly. Shrillery was reportedly tasked with shredding the 2nd & 1st amendments right away and then the whole Constitution and then her 2nd 4 years--starting WW3 to implement a major part of the globalist cabal's FORCED DEPOPULATION schemes. She had publicly stated a number of times that she would attack Iran. Remember, this was the bw*tch who laughingly cackled about 'We came, he died!' or some such statement about destroying Qaddafi.

Supposedly, the military officers’ meeting with Trump shocked the living daylights out of him, with his ideology hardening in Constitutional patriotism against his former social/political “friends” overnight.  I believe the sobering meeting with the military leaders largely explains why Trump campaigned so vehemently against the Global Socialists in general and Hillary Clinton in particular.  I believe it also explains why his White House staff is dominated by an unprecedented number of military officers.  (If you don’t believe me, look at some of the White House group photo ops.  The military guys and gals take up most of the slots in the staff.  This has never happened before.  Remember also that Q has said only ten folks are privy to THE PLAN--and seven of them are military.) 

I understand how some can feel quite nervous about such military involvement in government. However--please consider:

1. No one else is adequate or better is available.

2. OBummer shredded the military as much as he could get away with by firing all the true patriots he could identify.

3. Fighting the globalist cabal/Deep State cannot work with merely a rag tag crew of NRA members. THIS REALLY IS WARFARE--SPIRITUAL AND TANGIBLE.

4. To pretend otherwise is, imho, proof that one is terminally uninformed; dysfunctional-y tunnel visioned; willfully wholesale ignorant; perversely treasonous; and/or wholesale stupid.

5. One can fantasize until the cows come home that in a perfect world, there would be a lot of other options. In case you haven't noticed, we do NOT live in a perfect world.

6. Trump and company--for bitter, badder, better or whatever--are all that--by GOD'S GRACE--stands between us and the Biblical END TIMES TYRANNY of the literal Anti-Christ and his satanic one world government and satanic one world religion. And if you still are party to the ignorance that Shrillery and highly likely OBummer have not participated in child rape, dismemberment, sacrificing to satan and eating of babies and toddlers--PLEASE WAKE THE BLAZES UP--while you still can!

7. Yes, the truth hurts. The truth is horribly shocking. It IS STILL THE TRUTH. The oligarchy's control of the media for more than 100 years has very effectively brainwashed the populace and installed Kool-Aid IV drips to everyone's arms. WAKE UP!

8. Thankfully, God has made clear through a variety of prophets over the last 20-30 years that this project with Trump playing a key role--WILL SUCCEED. We don't know how long after Trump's 8 years we'll have of relative peace, prosperity, freedoms, safety in worship etc. before the satanic oligarchy places the planet again on the slippery slide to Armageddon & hell. God calls us to work while there is LIGHT. Let us be found doing so.

9. Will there still be problems, mistakes, missteps--of course. But on the whole, Trump will survive, not be assassinated (in spite of evidently more than 12 very serious attempts--including at least one missile toward AF1}; will push back the evil cabal wholesale for the bulk of his reign.

10. imho, Mark Taylor is accurate, folks who are needlessly throwing rocks at Trump and working against what God is doing with Trump are/will be essentially working against what God IS DOING in our era and our planet and our Nation. Depending on a number of factors that would determine how big a slap-down God would respond with, I'd not want to be seen by God as opposing what HE IS doing. Actually, I don't want to work against God's doings nor the doings of HIS chosen servants at all, regardless.

In short, I am pleased to know that Trump's very real and deadly serious War against the Deep State, a war against all enemies foreign and domestic, is being waged by bona fide warriors—by guys and gals who happen to be experts in war.  And I submit that their warfare expertise largely explains why no one notices what is really happening and what will happen to America’s domestic enemies if President Trump survives 2018.)

Absolutely INDEED. We are blessed and most fortunate that Adm Rogers et al teamed up with, convinced POTUS etc. to join the fight; lead the fight. It is gratifying to see that they demonstrate that they know what they are doing to a high degree. Nevertheless, we do well to PRAY EARNESTLY throughout every day for their protection, Godly Wisdom, Godly humility, etc. I also pray that every effort of the enemy will fall uselessly to the ground; that no weapon formed against them will prosper; and that every thought and every effort against them will cause God's retaliation back on the perpetrators with 3-5 times the devastation they intended on the white hats.[/u][/color][/b]


To cap off this post, I urge you to read a transcript of a pretty incredible speech by Trump way back in October of 2016—a speech that shows what you need to know about him right now:

It’s the only political speech that I regard as even better, even more important than Reagan’s speech nominating Barry Goldwater in 1964.

If you doubt that Trump is serious about draining the Swamp, you'd better stop scoffing at what he says in the speech he made two years ago.  He has been a very busy POTUS, especially in dealing with the hassles of all-out attacks against him by America's enemies posing as America's saviors.

ABSOLUTELY INDEED. Behaving and thinking Otherwise means folks just DO NOT 'GET IT.' They are still in the lala land of the Kool-Aid dispensers of the MSM and cabal.

Anyway, whatever you think about Trump’s overall spiritual state, you can’t tell me that Trump is not a serious patriot, that he's deliberately avoiding what needs to be done.  You can’t keep insisting that he’s just a New York crook, that he’s just part of the Swamp.  If Trump even survives 2018, he is going to see to it that a lot of people get prosecuted and hanged---because that’s what it will take to drain the Swamp.


Take note disbelieving, smug, self-righteous, arrogant and otherwise contrarian naysayers:

1. Around 10,000 children have been rescued from sex slavery ALREADY.
3. Several dozen corrupt Congress critters have been forced to resign and agree to never run again to avoid prosecution.

4. Several hundred high level CEO's of big companies have resigned under threat of prosecution and a lot of them will likely still be prosecuted and their wealth confiscated.

5. America has stopped a ton of OBummer implemented suicidal behavior.

6. It is OK to be patriotic, American and CHRISTIAN again--from the White House on down.

7. It is OK to honor the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's children and receive God's blessings for doing so.

8. It is OK for the millions of American Christians who have been diligently REPENTING for their sins, government sins, sins of our ancestors, sins against Native Americans; sins against defenseless other people groups and nations; sins against God etc. etc. etc. (doing so for around 20-30 years publicly and in out of the way places)--it is OK for them to see their prayers answered.

9. There are far more, proportionally, of honorable, authentic Christians left in the USA who have not bowed their knees to baal than the 10 people Abraham asked God about preserving Sodom & Gomorrah for.  The MSM and media and the sad state of most Churches has left many with the impression that we already had one foot in hell and the other on a banana peel. Not so. God still has HIS remnant in the USA and it is larger than you might think. It has been demonstrated that 5-7% or so engineered the successful Russian Communist revolution. We have a much larger percentage of authentic Christians who can play a big part in helping Trump in the spiritual warfare against the satanic cabal.

But we can't do it hiding in fear or being weak-kneed, wimpy Christians. We must be prayerful and live Godly lives to the best we can with God's help. We can't do it depending on someone else to play our part. We must stand up and be counted. We were born for such a day as this. Let us not shirk what GOD IS CALLING US to do in this great fight. I wouldn't want to face God's query--"Uhh, why exactly were you hiding in the closet when the battle was raging?"

The weapons of our warfare are primarily NOT carnal--but mighty to the prayerful spiritual warfare declarations bringing down strongholds and all that would exalt itself against God.

So, yeah, I’m the NeverTrumper who sat out the 2016 election.  But I was glad to learn in November of 2016 that God had already put his Own plan in place to keep us out of Hillary’s plans.  And I think God made a strangely good choice even though I think Ted Cruz was a better man overall.   I’m persuaded that God would laugh and agree with me about that.  Heck, I probably won’t vote for Trump next time if I don’t have to do so.
I do not think that Cruz had the temperament and a lot of other God-given qualities that are essential for the role Trump is playing. God did NOT make a mistake. HE gave Trump the genetics, rearing and conditioning preparing him for this role at this time. You can criticize GOD'S choice, if you wish. But I don't recommend it.

Our job is to prayerfully support the whole war effort and even Trump's leadership of it. That much is basic Biblical sense. We also do well to be sufficiently informed to help red-pill our social network in order to minimize social chaos when the biggies start to be rounded up--and particularly if and when their executions begin.

This talk by Paul Hellyer--former chief of Canadian Defenses can help get you up to speed if you are largely ignorant of the globalist cabal etc.

And, the globalists in their own words, here:

@Xena Lee
@Smokin Joe
@Chosen Daughter
@Frank Cannon
@Catherine of Aragon
@Liberty bele
@Maj. Bill White

« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 02:11:06 am by Quix »
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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #726 on: September 16, 2018, 02:05:43 am »
Indeed!  We are already as close to a banana republic as I ever want us to come.

How is it folks fail to realize how very very VERY close we were to satanic, satan worshiping literal witch Hitlery being CINC?

How is it folks fail to realize how farrrrrrrr down the slippery slide toward Armageddon & hell the MSM and globalist cabal HAD ALREADY SUCCEEDED in shoving us?

The illusions of life before Trump were just that--MSM media painted illusions. The rot was deep and broadly spread far worse than the worst banana republic. IT just didn't show on the surface  as much as some would expect. And, many didn't realize what they needed to pay attention to in order to seethe satanic rot.
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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #727 on: September 16, 2018, 02:05:46 am »
You are just too profane to take seriously.  Go back to your Torah.

Speaking of profane.   *****rollingeyes*****

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« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 02:24:16 am by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #729 on: September 16, 2018, 02:16:37 am »
OK, Qanon from FOX News

That's a fairly mild hit piece by agents of the cabal's MSM.

Much of it is grossly false to greatly distorted.

It really is true that Q-Anon is a group of mostly military intel folks with 3 civilians working very closely with Trump in a very critical mass education psy-op to help prepare the populace for massive arrests--many well known idols.

Any narrative that denies that or is contrary to that is a load of oligarchy cabal sponsored BS.
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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #730 on: September 16, 2018, 02:18:18 am »
I will take that as your apology in advance.  But I'm sure you will want to renew it in public based on the grace that will surely flood your soul. :pondering:

"Apology in advance"?

You got that out of reading what I wrote?

Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #731 on: September 16, 2018, 02:42:08 am »
That's a fairly mild hit piece by agents of the cabal's MSM.

Much of it is grossly false to greatly distorted.

It really is true that Q-Anon is a group of mostly military intel folks with 3 civilians working very closely with Trump in a very critical mass education psy-op to help prepare the populace for massive arrests--many well known idols.

Any narrative that denies that or is contrary to that is a load of oligarchy cabal sponsored BS.

Well at the very least I have learned a lot tonight.  That Trumps base is conspiracy theories.  That Qanon which I never knew about exists here on TBR.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #732 on: September 16, 2018, 02:56:16 am »
Well at the very least I have learned a lot tonight.  That Trumps base is conspiracy theories.  That Qanon which I never knew about exists here on TBR.

Uhhhh I assume you are quite familiar with the DIFFERENCE



You may not have read many of the quotes of the cabal over the last 200 years in the globalists own words.


If you have not read at least 20% of those quotes, then I think you are insufficiently informed to claim anything about the globalists is a mere conspiracy "theory."

Further, Q-Anon is NOT a theory. It IS a definite part of the TRUMP administration. It is performing a very critical and priceless function toward getting the populace sufficiently up to speed on the REALITIES of life in our Nation to avoid unnecessary chaos in the streets.

I have studied globalism since 1965.

It is outrageous to read that someone, anyone still thinks of such stuff as merely 'theory.'
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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #733 on: September 16, 2018, 03:17:40 am »
How is it folks fail to realize how very very VERY close we were to satanic, satan worshiping literal witch Hitlery being CINC?

Maybe because we're all 'disbelieving, smug, self-righteous, arrogant and otherwise contrarian naysayers' because we require proof.  *****rollingeyes*****

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #734 on: September 16, 2018, 03:30:41 am »
Well at the very least I have learned a lot tonight.  That Trumps base is conspiracy theories.  That Qanon which I never knew about exists here on TBR.

Uhhhh I assume you are quite familiar with the DIFFERENCE



You may not have read many of the quotes of the cabal over the last 200 years in the globalists own words.


If you have not read at least 20% of those quotes, then I think you are insufficiently informed to claim anything about the globalists is a mere conspiracy "theory."

Further, Q-Anon is NOT a theory. It IS a definite part of the TRUMP administration. It is performing a very critical and priceless function toward getting the populace sufficiently up to speed on the REALITIES of life in our Nation to avoid unnecessary chaos in the streets.

I have studied globalism since 1965.

It is outrageous to read that someone, anyone still thinks of such stuff as merely 'theory.'
Maybe because we're all 'disbelieving, smug, self-righteous, arrogant and otherwise contrarian naysayers' because we require proof.  *****rollingeyes*****

If Colombo had waited for your criteria of proof, he'd never have solved a single case.

There's quite sufficient evidence for every statement I made.

As will be made clear, in due course.

I realize no amount of personal first person testimonies (whether 5, 8, 12 or a 100) matter a gnat's fart's worth to a lot of hyper-rationalist-laboratory-proof types.

Evidently until Shrillery dices a baby in your laps and shares a bite, you'll still consider her a harmless grandmother.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #735 on: September 16, 2018, 04:05:46 am »
   I want to date a Hooters Girl, too and Good Luck with that #walkaway, Black Thing @the_doc  and granted he needs desperately to expand his base, but I don't think it will make up for the White Conservatives he's been hemorrhaging, since Day One.


You people are neither political nor social conservatives. You are religious zealots that worship a leftist deity. I understand you THINK this makes you conservative because you refuse to question dogma,but the truth is the direct opposite. You need a master and rules to follow,or you just ain't going to be  happy.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #736 on: September 16, 2018, 04:16:49 am »

Religious Zealots usually don't talk favorably of us, @sneakypete  /JS

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #737 on: September 16, 2018, 04:26:27 am »
We've had some threads here that wander in and out of StupidLand, but this one has achieved permanent resident status.  Congrats everyone.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #738 on: September 16, 2018, 04:36:34 am »

You people are neither political nor social conservatives. You are religious zealots that worship a leftist deity. I understand you THINK this makes you conservative because you refuse to question dogma,but the truth is the direct opposite. You need a master and rules to follow,or you just ain't going to be  happy.

You're just nuts.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #739 on: September 16, 2018, 04:38:49 am »

You people are neither political nor social conservatives. You are religious zealots that worship a leftist deity. I understand you THINK this makes you conservative because you refuse to question dogma,but the truth is the direct opposite. You need a master and rules to follow,or you just ain't going to be  happy.

I would say the ones who need a master are the Trump cultists.

God is a leftist? Hardly.  I think He is the ultimate conservative.  The pope and those who claim to represent Him might be lefties,but He is not.

Really, man, you don't understand those who believe in God, so how about laying off something and Someone you don't really know? I don't criticize you for not believing.  Why do you feel the need to bad mouth those who do?

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #740 on: September 16, 2018, 04:49:49 am »
I would say the ones who need a master are the Trump cultists.


Of course you would.

God is a leftist? Hardly.  I think He is the ultimate conservative.

ROFLMAO! Have you not read his instruction manual? He is the original Communist.

The pope and those who claim to represent Him might be lefties,but He is not.


I don't criticize you for not believing.  Why do you feel the need to bad mouth those who do?

I am not criticizing you or asking you to not believe. I am just identifying you.

Really, man, you don't understand those who believe in God, so how about laying off something and Someone you don't really know?

LOL! I had 3 uncles that were ministers,and grew up wanting to be a preacher myself. I even set out to read the Bible from front to back to understand it better when I was in the 5th grade. That was what caused me to stop going to church.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #741 on: September 16, 2018, 04:50:20 am »
We've had some threads here that wander in and out of StupidLand, but this one has achieved permanent resident status.  Congrats everyone.

Just repeating what Roos said.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #742 on: September 16, 2018, 04:53:58 am »

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #743 on: September 16, 2018, 06:51:46 am »
We've had some threads here that wander in and out of StupidLand, but this one has achieved permanent resident status.  Congrats everyone.

Really ... I checked back in to see what people could possibly still be saying and that was a big mistake.

Someone needs to burn this thread and sand the ground.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #744 on: September 16, 2018, 07:16:49 am »
Really ... I checked back in to see what people could possibly still be saying and that was a big mistake.

Someone needs to burn this thread and sand the ground.

I know!  Can you believe it?!!!!!!!!!!!  I was thinking the same thing.  The Trump Qanon conspiracy theorists have come out in full force.   Exposing that they think that God is orchestrating a shadow government led by President Trump.  He's the one Emjay!  The president to save the country from the Satanists running it.  The cabal.  Who would have known the person you describe as "horndog" is going to save the world (with Gods help if you are a good Evangelical believer).  People are coming in droves with their Q signs and shirts and signs to Trump rallies.  There are facebook pages and twitters dedicated.  I think there is even video game.

Isn't this wonderful?  The heck with the Constitutional structure of government.  Trump has a plan and he is working his miracles behind the scenes with his shadow military people who are going to stop Hillary from hacking up babies and eating them.  Wow, I guess Trump really had a reason to fake his friendship with that pedophile guy Jeffrey whatever his name was.  You have to fake the relationships in order to infiltrate their satanic club.  I bet that's why he also played so many games of golf games with his pedophile friends the Clintons.  Fake, fake, fake friendships.  And then when he honored the baby eater at his inauguration lunch.  That was some performance.  He actually had his daughter sitting at the table.  Would you have your daughter sit with the leaders of the pedophile ring?  Who would have thought!  Brilliant I tell you.  Art of the deal.

Yesiree, its all happening now.  And Trump is having the Qanon people to the White House

Look at those two!  Creepy.  Very busy day discovering what makes Trump tick.

And I must mention I am post #744 in a thread about Senator Sasse.  He must be interesting enough to generate that many posts and over 8,000 reads.  The thing about Sasse is you can be assured he isn't chasing conspiracy theory.  That he understands how evil government is and actually prays for change.  A person who will work within the confines of the Constitution of which he swore to uphold.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 07:30:36 am by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #745 on: September 16, 2018, 07:32:36 am »
Wow, I guess Trump really had a reason to fake his friendship with that pedophile guy Jeffrey whatever his name was.

Jeffrey Epstein.  Nice rant.  It reflects my incredulity and frustration.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #746 on: September 16, 2018, 07:37:00 am »

Offline Chosen Daughter

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #747 on: September 16, 2018, 07:39:46 am »
Jeffrey Epstein.  Nice rant.  It reflects my incredulity and frustration.

All I can say about this day is  :2popcorn:  I feel like I have been to a horror movie.  I didn't like the character from the start and then the movie reveals how crazy the guy is.......
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #748 on: September 16, 2018, 07:51:19 am »
One of many sources:

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,’’ Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Offline Chosen Daughter

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AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.