Author Topic: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party  (Read 86869 times)

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #700 on: September 15, 2018, 10:40:13 pm »
On second thought, @the_doc How is it that my profanity makes you wrap yourself in 'holier than thou' when the orange clown you follow swears like a muleskinner?

Because Trump isn't ....................I haven't figured it out yet.  But he...........doesn't need forgiveness.  He is however the one God chose according to many religious leaders.  Just like King Cyrus.  So the prophesy says.  Just read it on TBN.  Or hook up with Jerry Falwell Jr. or Paula White.  They can explain it.  Or you can check with John Hagee who doesn't believe Jews need Jesus.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #701 on: September 15, 2018, 10:47:56 pm »

I guess if you are on call of some sort,you have no choice,but if it were me I would still have a separate business phone. EVERYBODY needs a day off each week,even people self-employed.

That's it, right there. It was not a problem when I had no cell phone... Or even the flip-phone I had before this... Everyone knew I forgot it more than I brung it with me.

Even at that, I only let this number to my SOHO businesses that yes, require me to be on-call...
But in a couple of months, pretty much my whole client list has it now... That's the problem with a small town. There ain't  nothing for it. The die is cast.

All I can do now is get gone, out to the sticks, where the dang thing don't work... or be far enough out of town that coming back for a service call isn't reasonable. That is all they'll understand anymore.  :shrug:

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #702 on: September 15, 2018, 10:50:43 pm »
Thank you for that. I accept.

Either you or someone else wisely configured your phone not to do that. I know both Android and Apple phones normally do receive unsolicited messages from stores when you visit (or even get close to) them. It is pretty disturbing when it happens to you.

It would be very disturbing.  Maybe it is your phone.  It has never happened to me.  Maybe you could contact your provider?
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #703 on: September 15, 2018, 10:54:47 pm »
Because Trump isn't ....................I haven't figured it out yet.  But he...........doesn't need forgiveness.  He is however the one God chose according to many religious leaders.  Just like King Cyrus.  So the prophesy says.  Just read it on TBN.  Or hook up with Jerry Falwell Jr. or Paula White.  They can explain it.  Or you can check with John Hagee who doesn't believe Jews need Jesus.

The hypocrisy is breathtaking ain't it? This massive blind spot... And I am to 'Go back to my Torah'. WOW.

@the_doc has long been a friend... But like so many that touch the tar baby, friendship means nothing if you don't kiss the ring.

I think Christians that put their faith in this man are going to get a terrible surprise.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #704 on: September 15, 2018, 11:05:00 pm »
Because Trump isn't ....................I haven't figured it out yet.  But he...........doesn't need forgiveness.  He is however the one God chose according to many religious leaders.  Just like King Cyrus.  So the prophesy says.  Just read it on TBN.  Or hook up with Jerry Falwell Jr. or Paula White.  They can explain it.  Or you can check with John Hagee who doesn't believe Jews need Jesus.

Our God is in perfect control of everything.  It's actually pretty awesome to watch what goes on as God's Providence unfolds--even when it's spooky or otherwise disturbing.  I am especially looking forward to the next few weeks.  I'm having a great time.  How about you?

Yeah, I am not surprised at some of the spiritual dingbats that think Trump is just a wonderful guy, even a kind of Savior figure.  I certainly don't think so.  (A lot of the TV evangelists ought to be tossed off the air by their own churches.)  I refused to cast a vote for Trump even when he was running against Hillary.  And as I said, I probably won't vote for him the next time around.  Ah, but if Trump were running against our TBR friend roamer_1, I might very well cast a vote! 888mouth

Offline Chosen Daughter

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #705 on: September 15, 2018, 11:06:40 pm »
(Back to a more serious note on this thread.)


I would urge all of my Trump-bashing friends on TBR to come up to speed as to what President Trump is doing behind the scenes.  This is very, very important info.  It may cause a lot of Trump bashers to re-think everything concerning their animosity toward Trump. 


I want to start off this post by saying that relatively few Americans (fewer than 40%) seem to have figured out where Trump really stands concerning the mess of the Deep State Swamp.  Trump bashers who insinuate that he is just another part of the Swamp rank among the most confused of all, in my sober opinion. 

(I will cheerfully admit that on the day of Trump’s inauguration, January 20, 2017, I felt the same way.  I was as angry as my friend INVAR was, even if I was slightly less blunt than INVAR was/is with my own flamethrowing.  :whistle:       Over the past year, however, I have gotten completely unconfused.  I hope some of my friends on TBR can have the same epiphany I have had—which is the reason for this post, of course.)   

An even smaller percentage of Americans (probably fewer than 5%) have gotten even a meaningful glimmer of the Trump administration’s plans for destroying the Deep State.  You will hear a lot about the Deep State on Fox News but essentially nothing about Trump’s detailed plans regarding the Deep State.

(Trump himself uses certain unorthodox communications channels [for example, the entity known as  “Qanon” or simply “Q”, a mysterious online entity that is strangely but obviously posting in close coordination with Trump himself] to leak out certain features of his Plan;  however, the leaks are carefully, even cryptically worded—ostensibly for reasons of national security or occasionally even designed as deliberate misdirection to cause confusion and/or panic on the part of the Deep State’s bad actors.  The Q project, then, is essentially a military-style PsyOps project.

In other words, Q’s posts are intended to reassure thoughtful but understandably impatient conservatives that Trump does have a plan for destroying the Deep State;  at the same time, Q’s posts are not designed to provide a completely clear road map, a map known to only ten souls in the entire Trump administration anyway.  [As a matter of fact, the figure of ten souls is the figure revealed by Q himself, who said that all but three of the ten are members of the U.S. MILITARY.]) 

Shockingly few voters are aware of the Executive Orders, much less their contents, promulgated and published by President Trump in late December of 2017 (Declaration of a State of National Emergency concerning Human Rights Abuses or Corruption) and in the first quarter of 2018 (concerning protocols in the Code of Military Justice for handling lawful prosecutions of civilians).  I don’t recall these EOs being even mentioned on Fox News, much less expounded for the public.  For one reason or another, these obviously newsworthy Orders are taboo subjects, despite being published on the White House website.

Nota bene:  The above Executive Orders are not the infamous stuff known as “Secret EOs.”

As a related matter of the public’s uncanny ignorance concerning a now-looming wave of prosecutions, very few voters are even aware of the 50,000 sealed court orders—including sealed indictments—established in our federal court system by Jeff Sessions’s DOJ.  (Yeah, Mr. Magoo has been very, very busy, despite all of the political theater surrounding him about his supposed worthlessness.)  These sealed court orders, formed and sealed at a rate well over 50 times higher than ever before in American history, are listed (without explanatory details, of course) on the federal court system’s website,  The number is still growing at a rate of about 5,000 per month as of the last time I checked.  As a matter of federal law, the orders/indictments are secret, but their existence in stunningly ominous numbers are by no means secret.  Literally scores of conservative websites have talked about the sealed court orders—and you can bet that the Deep State bad actors are aware of the stuff on—but most conservatives are not very good web researchers, it seems.

For now, that is okay with Trump.  He could talk openly about his Executive Orders concerning our State of National Emergency and about the looming wave of federal/military prosecutions against the Deep State, but that wouldn’t fit his tempo and dynamics at this time.  For now, our POTUS is happy with the smaller army of hardcore zealots recruited by Qanon.  (For that matter, Trump has recently started pushing Q out into the mainstream’s attention.  Hilariously, that has triggered a furious onslaught of MSM attacks against Q as a LARP, as a complete fraud.  Heck, it is axiomatic in war that if you catch a lot of flak, it’s because you are right over the target.  [Well, not always so, but usually so.])

This brings me to my biggest shocker:  Trump quite evidently was recruited to run for the White House by the U.S. military all the way back in 2015.  Almost no one is aware of this military connection, but Trump’s longtime friend, Dr. Jerome Corsi--a splendid investigative journalist, a man with a strong background in intelligence, by the way, and also the author of numerous bestsellers such as Unfit for Command and The Obama Nation--says his own very highly-placed sources in our military leaked this important fact to him.  As the story goes, high-ranking military officers sat down with Trump and painstakingly pieced together riveting evidence that Hillary Clinton was being tasked by a Globalist Cabal to waltz into the White House and utterly destroy the Republic—a matter of horrible death and destruction and enslavement of all survivors in full-blown Socialist tyranny (not just the “soft tyranny” that Obama had been ushering in).

Supposedly, the military officers’ meeting with Trump shocked the living daylights out of him, with his ideology hardening in Constitutional patriotism against his former social/political “friends” overnight.  I believe the sobering meeting with the military leaders largely explains why Trump campaigned so vehemently against the Global Socialists in general and Hillary Clinton in particular.  I believe it also explains why his White House staff is dominated by an unprecedented number of military officers.  (If you don’t believe me, look at some of the White House group photo ops.  The military guys and gals take up most of the slots in the staff.  This has never happened before.  Remember also that Q has said only ten folks are privy to THE PLAN--and seven of them are military.) 

In short, I am pleased to know that Trump's very real and deadly serious War against the Deep State, a war against all enemies foreign and domestic, is being waged by bona fide warriors—by guys and gals who happen to be experts in war.  And I submit that their warfare expertise largely explains why no one notices what is really happening and what will happen to America’s domestic enemies if President Trump survives 2018.)


To cap off this post, I urge you to read a transcript of a pretty incredible speech by Trump way back in October of 2016—a speech that shows what you need to know about him right now:

It’s the only political speech that I regard as even better, even more important than Reagan’s speech nominating Barry Goldwater in 1964.

If you doubt that Trump is serious about draining the Swamp, you'd better stop scoffing at what he says in the speech he made two years ago.  He has been a very busy POTUS, especially in dealing with the hassles of all-out attacks against him by America's enemies posing as America's saviors.

Anyway, whatever you think about Trump’s overall spiritual state, you can’t tell me that Trump is not a serious patriot, that he's deliberately avoiding what needs to be done.  You can’t keep insisting that he’s just a New York crook, that he’s just part of the Swamp.  If Trump even survives 2018, he is going to see to it that a lot of people get prosecuted and hanged---because that’s what it will take to drain the Swamp.

So, yeah, I’m the NeverTrumper who sat out the 2016 election.  But I was glad to learn in November of 2016 that God had already put his Own plan in place to keep us out of Hillary’s plans.  And I think God made a strangely good choice even though I think Ted Cruz was a better man overall.   I’m persuaded that God would laugh and agree with me about that.  Heck, I probably won’t vote for Trump next time if I don’t have to do so.

@Xena Lee
@Smokin Joe
@Chosen Daughter
@Frank Cannon
@Catherine of Aragon
@Liberty bele
@Maj. Bill White

I am sorry but this even makes me more worried with the Trump administration.  A shadow type government working behind the scenes.  A government outside the framework of elected officials?  A Trump government of itself?

I will take Sasse and his drain the swamp legislation over some kind of weird behind the scenes government.

Wow, I mean wow, can't say I am surprised.  A large part of audience at Trump rally wearing or holding Q signs.  Started by a media poster who claimed to be from the government with security clearance.  And it has grown into some kind of game like the who dunnit.  Or a video game conspiracy only real life with clues?

And really if you think about it that is what we have reduced our government to.  A game to figure out who is for us or against us.  Who are the leakers?  Who is after Trump and most importantly who is Q?
« Last Edit: September 15, 2018, 11:28:38 pm by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #706 on: September 15, 2018, 11:27:39 pm »
(Back to a more serious note on this thread.)


I would urge all of my Trump-bashing friends on TBR to come up to speed as to what President Trump is doing behind the scenes. 


Sorry to disappoint - but the Trump fanatics made all kinds of promises/predictions/prognostications of all the miraculous and incredible dealmaking Trump would do and accomplish the first day he stepped into the Office.

Not only did we learn that Trump was all hat, no cattle - but that his mythical prowess of deal-making was all a sham - as Trump could not even make a deal with his own party to enact his agenda (whatever that actually is).  Repeal ObamaCare, The Wall, Lock Her Up - just empty slogans and rhetoric designed to hoodwink for votes - same as every other inept politician in office.

I guess you can wake us if and when Hillary/Comey/Strozk, Lerner/Obama et., al. with the host of the vile criminal cabal in D.C. that would be the targets of all these secret "sealed" indictments are in orange jumpsuits awaiting arraignment on charges.

Until then - I do not believe any of the claims being made that the "Deep State" actors are about to get drained from "the swamp".  Nope.

I'll believe it AFTER THE FACT.

Not before.

Because as we learned with repealing Obamacare - all the promises and statements made by those in DC to actually getting rid of what is heinous - amounts to a mountain of bullshit.

We get BUPKIS as far as justice and the government boot off our necks are concerned.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #707 on: September 15, 2018, 11:32:14 pm »

All I can do now is get gone, out to the sticks, where the dang thing don't work... or be far enough out of town that coming back for a service call isn't reasonable. That is all they'll understand anymore.  :shrug:


Not true. You can buy a cheap phone,get a Trac-Phone account with a different number,and only give that number to friends and family. Preferably with a short list of friends. The casual ones can still call you on the other number,which is now your public number. Keep that one turned on,and turn the other off when you don't want to be bothered.

BTW,I only buy LG phones because they are the only ones I have found that let me receive and make calls inside my steel workshop.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #708 on: September 15, 2018, 11:34:45 pm »

You have no idea how I have prayed for God to intervene and restore the Republic He created and I fully trust that will happen if it is His will.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #709 on: September 15, 2018, 11:35:45 pm »
I'll believe it AFTER THE FACT.

Not before.

Because as we learned with repealing Obamacare - all the promises and statements made by those in DC to actually getting rid of what is heinous - amounts to a mountain of bullshit.

We get BUPKIS as far as justice and the government boot off our necks are concerned.

Well, I can tell already... You're too profane to be taken seriously...

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #710 on: September 15, 2018, 11:39:32 pm »

Not true. You can buy a cheap phone,get a Trac-Phone account with a different number,and only give that number to friends and family. Preferably with a short list of friends. The casual ones can still call you on the other number,which is now your public number. Keep that one turned on,and turn the other off when you don't want to be bothered.

BTW,I only buy LG phones because they are the only ones I have found that let me receive and make calls inside my steel workshop.

Meh. That sounds like going further IN, not getting out. Best bet, I think is to run that dang thing over by 'accident', cry 'too costly to replace', and let things go back to normal. Then I can walk to my fishing hole in peace.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #711 on: September 15, 2018, 11:43:21 pm »
I am sorry but this even makes me more worried with the Trump administration.  A shadow type government working behind the scenes.  A government outside the framework of elected officials?  A Trump government of itself?

Backed by the military, no less. People should be careful what they wish for.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #712 on: September 15, 2018, 11:54:21 pm »
Backed by the military, no less. People should be careful what they wish for.

Indeed!  We are already as close to a banana republic as I ever want us to come.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #714 on: September 16, 2018, 12:03:53 am »
   About 4 years ago my ol lady was broke and disgusted in Kentucky and got an obummer phone and that began her slide into paranoia 4 phones later she's so paranoid she takes the battery out when not in use OR it could be BS as to why she never calls me back.   :shrug:
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #715 on: September 16, 2018, 12:07:29 am »
Backed by the military, no less. People should be careful what they wish for.

I guess we should be paying attention to the signs and tshirts at the Trump rallies.  Another very strange conspiracy group is the blacks for Trump.  Actually a murdering cult.

Go ahead give it a try.  Go to
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 12:20:53 am by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #716 on: September 16, 2018, 12:16:17 am »
I guess we should be paying attention to the signs and tshirts at the Trump rallies.  Another very strange conspiracy group is the blacks for Trump.  Actually a murdering cult.

Anything can happen once principles have been discarded.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #717 on: September 16, 2018, 12:24:44 am »
I am sorry but this even makes me more worried with the Trump administration.  A shadow type government working behind the scenes.  A government outside the framework of elected officials?  A Trump government of itself?

I will take Sasse and his drain the swamp legislation over some kind of weird behind the scenes government.
I see nothing wrong with Sasse's measures except that they don't achieve proper retributive justice for people who have been plotting together to kill America.  This is why I said that Sasse's ideas are probably good maintenance therapy for America, not curative. 

P.S.  Please see my PM to you.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #718 on: September 16, 2018, 12:41:56 am »
@Chosen Daughter
I guess we should be paying attention to the signs and tshirts at the Trump rallies.  Another very strange conspiracy group is the blacks for Trump.  Actually a murdering cult.

Go ahead give it a try.  Go to

I'll answer that post only after you respond to my PM, if at all.  For now, suffice it to say that you are paying attention to the wrong sorts of things.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #719 on: September 16, 2018, 12:48:19 am »

Sorry to disappoint - but the Trump fanatics made all kinds of promises/predictions/prognostications of all the miraculous and incredible dealmaking Trump would do and accomplish the first day he stepped into the Office.

Not only did we learn that Trump was all hat, no cattle - but that his mythical prowess of deal-making was all a sham - as Trump could not even make a deal with his own party to enact his agenda (whatever that actually is).  Repeal ObamaCare, The Wall, Lock Her Up - just empty slogans and rhetoric designed to hoodwink for votes - same as every other inept politician in office.

I guess you can wake us if and when Hillary/Comey/Strozk, Lerner/Obama et., al. with the host of the vile criminal cabal in D.C. that would be the targets of all these secret "sealed" indictments are in orange jumpsuits awaiting arraignment on charges.

Until then - I do not believe any of the claims being made that the "Deep State" actors are about to get drained from "the swamp".  Nope.

I'll believe it AFTER THE FACT.

Not before.

Because as we learned with repealing Obamacare - all the promises and statements made by those in DC to actually getting rid of what is heinous - amounts to a mountain of bullshit.

We get BUPKIS as far as justice and the government boot off our necks are concerned.

I will take that as your apology in advance.  But I'm sure you will want to renew it in public based on the grace that will surely flood your soul. :pondering:

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #720 on: September 16, 2018, 12:52:38 am »
   I want to date a Hooters Girl, too and Good Luck with that #walkaway, Black Thing @the_doc  and granted he needs desperately to expand his base, but I don't think it will make up for the White Conservatives he's been hemorrhaging, since Day One.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #721 on: September 16, 2018, 01:01:24 am »
Indeed!  We are already as close to a banana republic as I ever want us to come.

Be of good cheer.  Our military is loyal to the Constitution.  That's important under the circumstance of the mess that we are in.  (When the NYPD found the awful stuff on Weiner's laptop, one purported FBI leaker on the Dark Web said the revelations [e-mails and videos] were so bad that they could trigger a civil war and topple the U.S. government and possibly even start World War Three.  Arresting and prosecuting and punishing bona fide TRAITORS--quite a lot of them--will be necessary but dicey.  That's why Trump is moving slowly and surely.  (Banana Republic dictators and their thugs are not so careful with the peace and safety of their citizenry.)

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #722 on: September 16, 2018, 01:06:26 am »
   I want to date a Hooters Girl, too and Good Luck with that #walkaway, Black Thing @the_doc  and granted he needs desperately to expand his base, but I don't think it will make up for the White Conservatives he's been hemorrhaging, since Day One.

I have to admit that you are a very witty guy (or gal?).

Anyway, don't fret about the polls one way or the other.  Just wait and see what Trump does between now and the election.

Hey, maybe he really has figured out a painless way to pay off the national debt  tri22

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #723 on: September 16, 2018, 01:16:43 am »
   I rule nothing out with President Trump, the Brilliance nor the Failures.  He is a Ol Man, stuck in his ways, not unlike me.
   Survivors, we are, in spite of the adversity.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: GOP senator says he 'regularly' considers leaving Republican Party
« Reply #724 on: September 16, 2018, 01:34:02 am »
   I rule nothing out with President Trump, the Brilliance nor the Failures.  He is a Ol Man, stuck in his ways, not unlike me.
   Survivors, we are, in spite of the adversity.

Good quote there.

(I'm a moderately old man, too, stuck only in my ways of stubborn reasonableness--just like you suggest that you are.)