Author Topic: Trump Hits Gavin Newsom: Open Borders + Free Health Care for Illegal Aliens = 500 Million People!  (Read 291 times)

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Joel Pollack Sept 7, 2018


President Donald Trump mocked California’s Lt. Gov Gavin Newsom from the stage at a rally in Billings, Montana, on Thursday evening, noting that his twin policies of open borders and free health care for illegal aliens were absurd together.

Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco, is now running for governor in the November elections. He has embraced the “single payer” or “Medicare for all” policy currently in vogue among “progressives” — though he has no plan to pay for it.

Trump said:

    How about the governor, the governorship of California? He just announced that he wants to open borders, and he wants to let anybody come in that wants to. And then he wants to pay for all medical, for all school. What happens, I said, if the entire world decides to go to California because they get free health care, free medical care, and free education? “California has just increased in size to 500 million people.” …California — think of it. He says “I want to open the border, I want everyone to come in. At the same time, for illegal aliens, for illegal immigrants — a lot of different names — he wants to get rid of ICE [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement], he wants to cut down on law enforcement, and he wants to pay for their medical, their health care, and their education. But I really asked — look, it’s all about common sense. I think I won because of common sense … But I said to myself, it’s just common sense. Everyone’s going to come in. I may even move to California to get free health care! I may move there!
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