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Is the deep state a real threat or is it a paranoid conspiracy theory?

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Free Vulcan:
It's pretty well documented. They are prosecuting sitting GOP congress persons for far less.


--- Quote from: Machiavelli on September 03, 2018, 11:17:58 pm ---I think it's a paranoid conspiracy theory propagated primarily by the most fanatical supporters of Donald Trump. I am not talking about all or most Trump supporters, of course.

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I almost agree with you - Though I cannot vote the poll, because the correct answer would be 'both'.
There is an old adage that a church ceases to be a church the minute the pews are moved in... And I think that to be true - There is in any organization a distinct and inherent drive toward promotion and survival. The church would, in some sense, become more about its bricks and mortar than it is about its message.

That innate drive toward continuity is also present in government, with the unfortunate sum-total that, in the case of promotion and survival, government of its own weight, will try to get bigger, badder, faster, better; and that, in the perspective of an all powerful state, IS communism/socialism.

Thus the 'deep state' is to be found in the places of government that draw a pension. Those middle management departments that do not change with elections... That those tend toward authoritarianism, and are comfortable with an overweening state should be no surprise.


--- Quote from: Machiavelli on September 03, 2018, 11:17:58 pm ---I think it's a paranoid conspiracy theory propagated primarily by the most fanatical supporters of Donald Trump. I am not talking about all or most Trump supporters, of course.

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Do you know the hierarchy? Where does any POTUS have standing on certain issues?  I don't know if "deep state" really imbues the state of the state.

Look at the imbroglio surrounding the death of John McCain.

But even closer. If I apply for documentation under the FOIA and all I get is a heavily redacted piece of paper...

And I call BS when they claim "national security". Every CITIZEN IS national security.

Presidents come & go but the "deep bureaucracy" continues on & on:

(along with the so-called "military-industrial complex"...i.e. "forever war").


--- Quote from: Drago on September 04, 2018, 03:46:03 am ---Presidents come & go but the "deep bureaucracy" continues on & on:

(along with the so-called "military-industrial complex"...i.e. "forever war").

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Donald Rumsfeld was both the youngest and oldest SECDEF, with about 25 years between terms IIRC.  This gives him a rather unique perspective on the MIC, which he discusses in his autobiography.  Basically, SECDEF and the rest of the administrations aren't such a big deal to these people, because they'll be gone and replaced with someone else in a few years anyway.


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