Author Topic: What We Can Learn About 21st Century Wars From The Byzantines  (Read 336 times)

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What We Can Learn About 21st Century Wars From The Byzantines
« on: September 02, 2018, 10:35:27 am »

What We Can Learn About 21st Century Wars From The Byzantines

Gary Anderson

General John “Mick” Nicholson, the outgoing commander of US forces in Afghanistan, recently created some controversy by stating that US strategy in Afghanistan is working. Some critics point out the near catastrophe that befell Afghan forces in the provincial capital of Ghazni as proof of the ultimate failure of the Americans to adequately prepare the Afghan armed forces and their government for independent operations against the Taliban. Others, including the Editorial Board of the Washington Post, have called for an abandonment of the Afghan enterprise entirely. If General Nicholson had been a senior commander of the Byzantine Empire, his comments would have made nary a public ripple. He would have been stating a plain fact of the new strategic normal.