Author Topic: Pity the poor Vox editor who published a hit piece on John McCain just as he died  (Read 611 times)

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Online Wingnut

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Vox politics editor Laura McGann argued that there would be no icky President Donald Trump if presidential candidate McCain hadn’t sold out his principles and elevated Sarah Palin to the status of running mate. McCain “sacrificed his values to win” and “empowered a demagogue” in the process.

Now McGann seems surprised by the not-so-warm reception her hit piece on the just-deceased McCain is receiving.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Pity him?  F*ck him.

Offline mountaineer

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As many have observed, the same left-leaning people who are gushing over him now that he's shuffled off this mortal coil - He's a war hero! Don't forget he's a war hero! - were quick to criticize him and his military history while he was alive. Case in point: the WashPost during the 2008 campaign: McCain fudges his Navy record.

Offline Frank Cannon

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LOL. Like anyone reads Vox.

Online libertybele

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Pity him?  F*ck him.

Definitely not the smartest career move  .... possibly why he works for Vox!
« Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 12:36:08 pm by libertybele »
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Offline mountaineer

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LOL. Like anyone reads Vox.
Exactly. Just another site trying desperately to be relevant and hip. Mostly hip.