Author Topic: Hitler, Mussolini and FDR: The Secret History of a Mutual Admiration Society  (Read 651 times)

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Dinesh D'Souza
Aug. 22, 2018

We hear a lot today from progressives about how neo-Nazis support President Trump.  In reality this is questionable; no one has actually surveyed or queried neo-Nazis to find out if this is actually true.  Moreover, several leading neo-Nazis like Andrew Anglin, co-editor of the Daily Stormer, have leftist backgrounds.Even so, gullible people go along with the progressive allegation, because they have been taught that fascism and Nazism are “on the right.”

But are they?  We can throw light on this question by examining the mutual admiration society between the FDR administration and Mussolini’s Italian fascists, and also the praise that the Nazis heaped upon FDR’s New Deal in the early 1930s.  Hitler, Mussolini and FDR seem to have regarded each other as ideological kindred spirits.  This is a subject hardly mentioned in progressive textbooks or progressive historiography.

In 1933, FDR responded to a journalist who asked him his view of Mussolini. “I don’t mind telling you that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.” That same year FDR again gave his view of Mussolini to Breckinridge Long, US ambassador to Rome.  “There seems to be no question that he is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.”
