Author Topic: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2  (Read 104900 times)

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #575 on: October 20, 2018, 02:45:55 am »

Soros’ Hollywood Rentboy – Exposed by #BlacklistAnon! #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT
October 18, 2018 by Neon Revolt   

I have a little confession to make, Anons.

Keep in mind, I never chose the name for myself, but… it stuck. And more importantly, it worked. Because what I’ve stumbled across, as a result of so much digging, is a deep state apparatus that is so well hidden, and so nefarious, it’s hard to comprehend.

After all, what did I always promise you?

. . .

Smoking gun = Expose.

Smoking gun = Takedown.

That’s right, dear readers.

I am #BlackListAnon (That is why you see all the (You) notations next to the post index above; meaning, I’m the one who made those posts) and today, I intend to deliver on that promise.

I’m actually somewhat surprised no one guessed it beforehand. After all, how many times have I said I’m a screenwriter that previously worked in Hollywood? Who better to approach this subject with the laser-like focus of #WeaponizedAutism, than someone familiar with all the faces and players?

And it’s because of that familiarity that a while back, even going back years now, I started to notice a disturbing series of coincidences that, upon the advent of Q, would lead me down a dizzying rabbit-hole that leads straight back to international finance and foreign intelligence agencies.

Far from being a mere personal vendetta, what I’ve uncovered is disturbing and sinister; an indication of a far bigger agenda at play.

But I didn’t have everything I needed at the time to publish what I’m about to publish now.

For those who feel I may have been somewhat disingenuous with them, remember, I didn’t pick the name BlacklistAnon for myself. I was merely presenting my research as one more Anon during a time when #QAnon himself was not posting (which I was, and which I am). I was convinced I was on to something big, and as such, was seeking help in digging, trying to curry as much interest as possible by echoing Q’s distinctive style in the hopes that we could blow the lid on a self-styled Hollywood Marxist Gatekeeper.

Taking a page from Q’s playbook, I carefully planned and spaced out the drops over a number of days, effectively creating an index of #BlackListAnon posts so that they would be easy to find and research.

All these drops were planned over the course of weeks; each word and image chosen carefully.

And in the meantime, I continued to do what I always did: watch, wait, and observe; hoping for the time when my quarry would slip up and make a mistake.

And boy did he ever make a mistake.

So let’s get in to “BlackListAnon’s” drops, shall we?

. . .

Ah, the first post. (Also, big thanks to the anon who screencapped these. Saved me a bit of work, though I did go back to get the ones that were dropped at a later date).

    What does it mean to be on the Black List?

This would be my starting point.

See, for those who don’t understand the screenwriting world, there are actually very few ways to “break in” to the business. Firstly, you have to write something spectacular; that goes unsaid. Beyond that, you generally either have to know somebody, break in with a big contest win, or, more recently, get on of the several “lists” that circulate around Hollywood.

The most “famous” of these lists is The Black List, which styles itself as an annual list of the “best” unproduced scripts in Hollywood.

. . .

In other words, we now have a basic timeline:

Worked for Leo DiCaprio.

Created a List because he was bored.

List went “viral” because everyone else was bored.

And this became a business whereby Leonard suddenly found himself a gatekeeper in Hollywood.

So what’s the problem with this?

The problem, having observed Franklin Leonard and his behavior for a number of years, is that the man is a Rabid Marxist/Leftist, with deep, subversive instincts, Radical Islamic sympathies, and a profound Anti-white bias. Because his list is “esteemed” (and we’ll get into that a bit later), it allows him to unilaterally make or break writers, effectively walling out Conservative/Right/Traditional voices, and replacing them with subversive Leftist ones. The list, far from being the barometer of quality it claims to be, has actually turned in to a political tool used to demoralize the United States and the world at large.

But don’t take my word for it. The man’s twitter feed is a goldmine of Marxist snark and bloviation:

. . .

Remember that disaster of an adaptation, Wrinkle in Time, that tanked hard at the Box Office? The one where they included all kinds of forced diversity into the book, while simultaneously eroding the spiritual messages of it?

Translation: according to FL, if you didn’t like that movie, you’re a racist bigot.

No surprise then he’s no fan of Trump.

. . .

From, the official site of the Black List:

The Black List, an annual survey of Hollywood executives’ favorite unproduced screenplays, was founded in 2005. Since then, more than 400 Black List scripts have been produced, grossing over $26 billion in box office worldwide. Black List movies have won 53 Academy Awards from 262 nominations, including 4 of the last 10 Best Picture Oscars and 10 of the last 22 Best Screenplay Oscars.

. . .

Wonder how many Trump supporters were included in that list?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Hey, remember Superbowl 51, when the Patriots won, and libs were butthurt because Brady supported Trump?

. . .

The man can’t even tolerate Trump supporters winning at a sporting event. Do you really think he’d knowingly let one succeed in the industry?

Nahhhh, he’s totally open and unbiased right? He wouldn’t let anything like that affect his creative judgement… would he?

Hey, remember that time Hamilton the musical put out an “open” casting call, but basically told white people to stay at home:

. . .


Take THAT whyte pipo!

Of course, he’s thrown his weight behind every Leftie cause over the past few years, including the likes of BLM and other “revolutionary” movements.

But his silence can say just as much as his tweets.

Remember the time that mentally disabled man was kidnapped by four BLM supporters, tortured, beaten, burned, and made to lick the inside of a disgusting toilet.

. . .


Facebook Live video shows disabled man tied up, beaten as captors yell 'F--- white people!'
By | Fox News
3-4 minutes

Chicago police on Thursday were considering filing hate crime charges after a mentally disabled white man was bound, duct-taped and tortured by four African-Americans who yelled anti-Trump and racial slurs while broadcasting the heinous ordeal on Facebook Live.

Police Supt. Eddie Johnson told reporters Wednesday that two males and two females -- including the woman believed to have shot the video -- were in custody, though no names or ages of the suspects were given. Formal charges were expected to be filed Thursday, FOX32 Chicago reported.

"It makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that,” Johnson said. "I've been a cop for 28 years and I've seen things that you shouldn't see. It still amazes me how you still see things that you just shouldn't."

"I'm not going to say it shocked me, but it was sickening."
Related stories...

The woman who allegedly recorded the video posted it on her Facebook account and Chicago police were made aware of the footage on Tuesday afternoon. Authorities later found the 18-year-old unidentified victim, who appeared to be disoriented, walking down a street wearing only shorts despite the cold weather.

Police believe the incident began when the victim, who lives in Crystal Lake, met acquaintances in Streamwood, a neighboring suburb. The group then drove to Chicago in a stolen vehicle, FOX32 reported.

The victim was kept tied up with his mouth taped shut in an apartment on the city's west side. The video showed him cowering in a corner while someone yelled "F--- white people!" and "F--- Donald Trump!" At one point in the video, the victim was held at knifepoint and told to curse the president-elect.

The video shows the victim being repeatedly kicked and hit, while his scalp was cut. The group also forced the victim to drink water from a toilet.

The suspects can be heard saying they want the video to go viral.

Investigators said late Wednesday the victim was a classmate of one of the suspects, and added he was held in the apartment for at least 24 hours, possibly as long as 48 hours.

Johnson said authorities currently don't believe the crime was politically motivated, despite the disparaging remarks about Trump.

"I think some of it is just stupidity, people just ranting about something that they think might make a headline," Johnson said. "I don't think that at this point we have anything concrete to really point us in that direction, but we'll keep investigating and we'll let the facts guide us on how this concludes."

. . .


. . .

Was Franklin Leonard quick to condemn the act? I mean, this is something pretty much everyone can condemn, right?

Nah, he never even touched the subject.

Instead he was retweeting snide posts about Jackie Evancho’s album sales dropping a while after she sung the National Anthem at Trump’s inauguration.

. . .

And this barely touches the anti-Christian rhetoric plastered across his feed for the past few years

. . . .

But I think you get my point. The man’s a total Marxist jackwagon, through-and-through. Still, that’s not exactly against the law. He’s entitled to his own opinions, right?

Well, stick with me here as we get into the rest of the drop.

. . . .

Remember when I said that FL was leveraging the Black List as a political tool?

Nowhere is this seen more clearly than in this line of questioning.

First, who is SS?

Why that, my friends, is none other than Susan Sher.

Susan Sher, Former Chief of Staff to Michelle Obama

. . .

See, it was actually Sher who discovered Michelle Obama in Chicago all those years ago. (You’ll recall, Michelle Obama’s Secret Service codename was actually “Renaissance,” thus my reference).

Sher was (and still is) good friends with subversive Muslim Brotherhood member Valerie Jarrett. See, they both worked together in the Chicago Mayor’s office long ago, which is how Sher met Michelle.

So what’s that got to do with Franklin Leonard and The Black List?

It’s her son. Graham Moore:

. . .

{blah, blah, blah . . . somewhat interesting if you are into all the HOLLYWEED intrigue, evil deeds etc.}
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #576 on: October 20, 2018, 05:24:13 am »

GREAT bunch of conjectures about secret military tribunals

Annette Cividanes
Published on Sep 6, 2018
Now the hard reality of setting up military tribunals lies before us with secret military tribunals.

A very interesting review of some earlier Q drops. Very interesting indeed.

Particularly the one about implanting listening devices and a "kill switch" in guilty folks who meet certain criteria--plenty horrible but not the most horrible. So allowed to live under very strict contingencies.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #577 on: October 21, 2018, 12:24:40 am »


PRAYING MEDIC also would not be surprised if we did not hear from Q again until midterms.

Said that God wants us to pray for the guilty {those who everyone really hates} politicians who are prone to suicide . . . that they would be saved and God could use their testimony etc. etc. etc.

PRAYING MEDIC has been having a lot of dreams about Q . . . some about arrests . . . a lot of PRAYING MEDIC's fans have been having similar dreams.

One dream had something to do with Christmas. PRAYING MEDIC was, in the dream, helping very wealthy people pack their bags.

In one dream by someone else, the dream included Trump talking about giving folks a CHRISTMAS PRESENT.

TRUMP'S RALLY'S . . . he's focusing . . . he's hitting his stride . . . he knows he's in the driver's seat. He has 0.0% concern about the Mueller investigation . . . he's not concerned about losing house or the Senate . . .

PRAYING MEDIC: I would not worry about it but

Has been trying to get to a video on China.

But he's been working on THE Q BOOK. I feel that's what God has me doing for now.

I feel very natural and in my element when I'm writing a book. That's less work.

I've written 13 books.

THANKS to all who have/do take 30-90 seconds to complete the HALLOWEEN poll at the top.

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 12:39:25 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #578 on: October 21, 2018, 12:40:58 am »

PRAYING MEDIC: I would not worry about it but

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  THIS!!!
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #579 on: October 21, 2018, 12:45:18 am »

20 OCT 2018

A review of today’s Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’

Latest Qanon-Related News 10-21-18 : What's Really Happening?

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #580 on: October 21, 2018, 12:54:35 am »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #581 on: October 21, 2018, 01:23:30 am »
About the poll.

The g-kids were involved with a church event today--pre Halloween. But I don't go to church. My church is every day. Sometimes only with myself. We bought a couple of pumpkins grocery shopping today for them to paint. We plan on eating the pumpkins.

My focus, including my dreams, or nightmares, are in a different area. Transhumanism and AI.

There are people proposing that homo sapiens will be a small minority. In a shorter span of years than what is projected.

Yes, I use tech. But it doesn't control my life. It doesn't infect my life. I use this laptop to communicate with you. But I simply closed the lid this morning and went fishing.

The point I am making is that they are creating an idol that DOES speak. That many billions will willingly follow. Relating to all the scriptures bespeaking against the making of idols that are mute, deaf, and dumb.

I have the interest in what Q is doing. But I also have the ability to close the lid and go fishing. I kinda get the feeling it is, and no disrespect, a sideshow. Not a sideshow for this country, in a larger sense. Satan is working on the entire world in high gear right now.

Peace and Love.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 03:25:17 am by Quix »
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #582 on: October 21, 2018, 03:24:30 am »


Stroppy Me
Published on Oct 20, 2018 21 OCT AUSSIE TIME

Latest Qanon-Related News 10-21-18 : What's Really Happening?

People walking among the invasion from Honduras handing out money to all of them.

Reasonably well dressed, clean . . . etc. Who's paying the bill?

George Soros, of course.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #583 on: October 21, 2018, 03:26:54 am »
About the poll.

The g-kids were involved with a church event today--pre Halloween. But I don't go to church. My church is every day. Sometimes only with myself. We bought a couple of pumpkins grocery shopping today for them to paint. We plan on eating the pumpkins.

My focus, including my dreams, or nightmares, are in a different area. Transhumanism and AI.

There are people proposing that homo sapiens will be a small minority. In a shorter span of years than what is projected.

Yes, I use tech. But it doesn't control my life. It doesn't infect my life. I use this laptop to communicate with you. But I simply closed the lid this morning and went fishing.

The point I am making is that they are creating an idol that DOES speak. That many billions will willingly follow. Relating to all the scriptures bespeaking against the making of idols that are mute, deaf, and dumb.

I have the interest in what Q is doing. But I also have the ability to close the lid and go fishing. I kinda get the feeling it is, and no disrespect, a sideshow. Not a sideshow for this country, in a larger sense. Satan is working on the entire world in high gear right now.

Peace and Love.

Very worthy points, imho. Congrats on your fishing!

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #584 on: October 22, 2018, 12:10:28 am »

The point I am making is that they are creating an idol that DOES speak. That many billions will willingly follow. Relating to all the scriptures bespeaking against the making of idols that are mute, deaf, and dumb.

Yep...  as prophesied...

Revelation 13:15 - "The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed."

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #585 on: October 22, 2018, 12:49:52 am »
Yep...  as prophesied...

Revelation 13:15 - "The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed."

Agreed. Thanks.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #586 on: October 22, 2018, 03:45:03 am »




1) Just so you all understand what I do, for the one-millionth time, I don't do polls.

Yes, from time to time I will post one for those of you who do. But we're WAY past polls now because we have actual NUMBERS.

2) A poll is a sample of opinions that cost nothing to give.
3) For example, before a horse race you can poll everyone---including jockeys (who may or may not know something), owners, bettors, whomever. But it's just an opinion.

Moreover, you have to know that in a political poll you have the correct sample (most absolutely do not).
4) The sample anymore is almost impossible to get, and certainly you cannot get it by phone only and you cannot get it by "self-reporting." So far, only @PPDNews and Trafalgar have a track record of really getting "likely" voters in the proper sample sizes.

5) I don't do polls.
6) I examine ballot REQUESTS and ballot RETURNS BY PARTY. (In 2016, party ID was the single best predictor of a vote according to Pew---very, very few party switchers, but those that were, by 2:1, went from Dem to Republican.
7) But then you need to compare the current numbers to something. The rule of thumb is you never compare a mid-term with a presidential election because the turnout for the latter is supposed to be so much higher.

Guess what I did?

I compared it anyway, just out of intuition.
8) So, in four sample states where we are already seeing large #s of ballot requests---AZ, FL, OH, and IA---and which have very different voting patterns, I have found that so far (and anything can change---but usually the patterns hold) the Republicans are exceeding their #s
8) contd . . . from 2016, a Presidential Election. This is not supposed to happen.

9) Moreover, with the help of Freepers "Ravi" and "SpeedyInTexas" and "Ohio Wan" and "The Accountant" and others, I have found that DemoKKKrats are falling behind their 2016 performance
10) One would not be surprised that Ds are lagging behind 2016, a presidential election year. But it IS surprising that Rs are not only running ahead of 2014 (a midterm) but also 2016.

11) Just in case there was some weird state-wide tilt to these numbers, we also . . . .
11) contd . . . looked at four key FL counties, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Lee, and Broward, and in all four counties (!!) even the blue ones, Ds are underperforming 2016 and Rs are overperforming.

12) Same is true in IA absentees. Ds always lead in total absentees in IA.
12) contd. But again, they are behind the 2016 election---and in 2016 Ds had fallen behind their 2012 #s in IA! But Rs are up from 2016.

13) So we looked at a key IA district that no one is watching, IA2 that everyone just assumed the D incumbent will win. And lo and behold . .
13) contd. . .Same pattern. Rs are up 7% in this district, D is down 2.6%. This is over 5,000 votes shifted already (plus Is are way down, indicating people are "picking sides").

In a district where the D won by 28,000, and where Ds ALWAYS lead in absentees, to be already down
13) contd . . . 5,000 votes before absentee voting is even over, and before the big guns that Rs bring on election day, well, if I was that D I'd be worried.

14) We did something different in Montgomery Co., OH--a key bellwether county. In 2016 "The Accountant" figured out
14) contd . . . how to allocate the "indies" by looking at a 20 year voting history of their addresses. It proved uncanny in its accuracy. We correctly projected Trump to win a county no R had won in 20 years.

15) That same county's absentees are coming in, we can count them .
16) And those absentees, so far, are showing EXACTLY the same pattern as 2016 with, once again, the Rs performing a little better this time around.

17) There are similar #s coming in for absentees in AZ, where the Republicans are out to a 7% lead, despite having only . . .
17) contd. . . a registration advantage of about 140,000. Once again, a pattern. Rs overperforming, Ds underperforming.

18) Then finally you have to take into account voter registration and voter registration trends, where in 8/10 battleground states since 2016 Rs have made
net gains. They don't always lead in registration (as in FL, for example, where they trail) but trends are important. They tell you which way the #s are going.

19) In OH, after doing the "indie" voter math, the Rs have a solid registration lead of 300,000 after all but 2k indies
19) contd . . . are accounted for.

WHERE DO YOU THINK THIS SHOWS UP WITH "POLLSTERS?" It won't. None of them did this work.
20) So, before you send me "What about this guy?" or "What about this poll?" I don't know and I don't care. Unless someone is getting different math than me on absentee request #S and absentee return #s it's irrelevant.
21) They are asking people in the stands asking their opinion of who will win.

I'm at each turn, giving you photographic evidence of where the horses are.

Now, that STILL doesn't mean I'm always right. Horses fall. Some horses really come on at the end.

But . . .
22) here is another reality the "pollsters" and pundits either miss or flat out ignore:

LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY VOTED. We just haven't counted them yet, but we can know if they were Ds or Rs!!
23) In FL for example some 400,000 absentee ballots went out. So all the campaigning from here on out, and anything that happens that might change a vote . . .


24) And what do you think is the single biggest issue motivating people in the last 3 weeks?
24) If you said Justice Kavanaugh, you'd be right. Not jobs, not health care, not immigration. That event was the most "motivating" voter event of the last 10 years.

25) So let me now ask you this: if 5,000 more Iowans in a single district requested absentee ballots at this time
25) contd and they were all Republicans, what do you think they'd be voting on?

26) And let me put it this way: if 50,000 (or whatever the number) of FL ballots have already been RETURNED, what was the biggest issue when those people were in the middle of voting?
27) And since we know that the Republicans have about a 7% lead in those RETURNED ballots, would it not be safe to assume that they were all voting on issues rated to Justice K? I think so.

28) Those are touchdowns already scored. Can't take them off the board.
29) So now in all these areas I've mentioned, the Ds have LESS TIME and a much smaller voter pool from which to now recover that 7% lead, or those 5,000 IA votes.

See how this works?

30) Finally, my assumption--could be wrong---is that a river carries all boats the same way.
31) I have asked a historical genius on this kind of data, "Can you think of ANY time in American electoral history where one party gained four to six senate seats and lost the House." None.

32) Therefore, when I see data---not polls, but ballots---ALL going the same way
32) contd . . . they I don't care what polls or "experts" say. The voters are


And this was exactly how I knew Trump would win very early in the 2016 election.
The VOTES were talking.

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #587 on: October 22, 2018, 04:05:51 am »


Latest Qanon-Related News 10-22-18 : Caravans & Khashoggi Distractions

Stroppy Me
Published on Oct 21, 2018

A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #588 on: October 22, 2018, 04:50:01 am »


“Rank and File” – A Conspicuous Absence of Visible Indignation….
Posted on October 20, 2018   by sundance

Against a rather enlightening week of activity from within the DOJ and FBI, last night I posited the question:

    “If the FBI and DOJ were not institutionally corrupt wouldn’t we have seen multiple whistle-blowers this year?”

The purpose of the question is to draw attention to an empirical reality.  By now we  understand many of the big picture details behind DOJ and FBI efforts to weaponize the institutions of government to target their political opposition, namely Donald Trump.

With the removal of so many officials within the institutions, the question becomes less rhetorical.  If the corruption is removed, where are the ‘rank and file’ whistle-blowers surfacing from underneath the now replaced leadership?  Why haven’t we seen anyone from within the system come forth to tell their story?

Where are the voices of the officials within the FBI data forensic units who were given restrictive analytical instructions on Clinton laptops and hard-drives?  Where are the voices of the investigative field agents charged with finding leakers?  Where are the voices of the non-corrupt employees inside the DOJ-NSD or FBI who watched for two years as the small group within upper level offices controlled/scripted the activity?  etc. etc.

The larger question is not asked to state emphatically no such honorable “rank and file” exist; but rather to highlight: if they do exist, then why are they invisible?

. . .

The primary reason why honorable people do not step forward within corrupt systems to blow-the-whistle is fear.  Fear of losing a job; fear of retaliation; fear of being targeted by elements within the institution who maintain a corrupt disposition.

If the DOJ and FBI have been cleared of that corruption – wouldn’t we see at least a few people step forward and breathe a sigh-of-relief?

There is a conspicuous absence of indignation, which likely means the aforementioned concerns have not been addressed.  So it is against that backdrop where we review highlights from the last week and accept a disconcerting landscape.

. . .

♦Beginning on Monday, October 15, the DOJ announced a plea deal with James Wolfe; the former security head of the Senate Intelligence Committee. I won’t repeat all of the warning flares sent up by the details within the plea agreement {GO DEEP HERE} except to say the plea agreement doesn’t indicate any actual accountability or intent to drain the proverbial swamp.  Exactly the opposite appears true.

However, I will draw attention to what I call the suppressed voice of someone within the system who was clearly signaling, to the best extent possible, that something was afoul.

Wolfe’s June 2018  indictment was never technically about actually leaking to the media.  He was charged with three counts of lying to investigators about his contacts with media. He plead guilty to one count therein. So with that in mind, why was the details of the FISA application so clearly described and outlined within the original indictment?

If Wolfe was never going to be charged with leaking the FISA application (he wasn’t); and if the DOJ/FBI was never going to admit the FISA application was even given to the SSCI (they didn’t); then why did someone go to great lengths to describe that very specific document in the original indictment?

Think carefully about this.

Take a look at the specificity:

. . .

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #589 on: October 22, 2018, 11:17:48 pm »

It's HAPPENING!--With Sean From SGTReport!

Quite Frankly
Published on Oct 21, 2018
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #590 on: October 22, 2018, 11:19:59 pm »
DUSTIN NEMOS Let's talk Soros Mob caravan and midterms

Caravan, Midterms, And More
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #591 on: October 23, 2018, 01:18:25 am »

It Begins, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1696b

Talks about the Soros strategies with RE to the caravan invasion.

Published on Oct 22, 2018
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #592 on: October 23, 2018, 02:32:00 am »
A short PRAYING MEDIC re "Suicide Weekend" re leaders and dreams of them attempting or committing suicide.

Thanks to those who bother to take 30-90 seconds and complete the Halloween poll at the top.


The Youtube question and answer session recorded Saturday 10/20/18


« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 02:37:34 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #593 on: October 23, 2018, 02:40:34 am »


Published on Sep 5, 2018
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #594 on: October 23, 2018, 03:10:09 am »


Caravan, Trump rally etc.

14:04 / 28:55
7PM Lou Dobbs Tonight 10/22/2018 - Fox Business - October 22 2018

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #595 on: October 23, 2018, 03:20:32 am »

0:03 / 45:32
Sean Hannity Fox News 10/22/18 Hannity October 22, 2018

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #596 on: October 23, 2018, 03:38:16 am »

EARLY VOTING TALLYS in terms of which party has the most voters having voted early. GOP leads in all but NV.

Key State Tracking: Republicans Leading Democrats in Early Voting…
Posted on October 22, 2018   by sundance

NBC News Data presents an analysis completed by TargetSmart showing key states and the registered affiliations of early voters.  Within the analysis Republican voters are leading Democrats in all states except Nevada.  [Note the Nevada result should not be a surprise because as we saw in the 2016 presidential campaign, there are several organized groups who coordinate bus loads of Californians into Nevada to vote in both states.]

. . .
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #597 on: October 23, 2018, 04:01:58 am »


FOX NEWS 22 OCT 2018

More Trump Rally etc.

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #598 on: October 23, 2018, 07:40:56 am »

Trump: Caravan a "National Emergency"- Promises Aid Cut-offs

Truth and Art TV
Published on Oct 23, 2018

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #599 on: October 23, 2018, 10:42:54 am »



AS Jordyn Brodie 22 OCT 2018


Judge Jeanine is DONE Negotiating and Proposes The Only Solution to Migrant Caravan




I Am Sick And Tired Of Illegal Migrants Judge Jeanine Confessed


Judge Jenine via M.T PROPHECY
5 SEP 2018

RE JEFF SESSIONS . . . DJT: "He's not going before the mid-term"
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 10:51:13 am by Quix »
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