Author Topic: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2  (Read 104908 times)

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #75 on: August 25, 2018, 09:20:55 am »

KEVIN SHIPP--MSM Covering Up DOJ Wrote Phony Trump Dossier in Failed Coup

Greg Hunter Published 21 AUG 2018

viction that have nothing to do with Russian collusion. The Left wants to remove Trump from office even if the Mueller investigation is illegitimate and started with phony documents and fraudulent wiretap warrant applications. So, don’t expect to hear of this failed coup to remove Trump from office from the propaganda MSM.

Shipp says the MSM are conspirators, and Shipp charges, “We know the mainstream media (MSM) is not interested in the news. They have, from their editors on down and their corporate owners, an objective and, in this case, to remove Donald Trump. He stands against everything that they are, the Left or the ‘Dark Left’ as I call it.

Trump is actually confronting the Shadow Government and Deep State, and he has them shaking. He has the news media shaking that pushes these really leftist things. So, they are intentionally and on purpose blocking the news and deleting the news about things like this soft coup, the (phony) dossier.”

The MSM will not tell you the latest revelation and that is Bruce Ohr, who was the fourth highest ranking official in the Obama Justice Department (DOJ), wrote the now infamous phony Trump Dossier which was used to apply for fraudulent federal wiretaps (with the FISA Court) to spy on Trump.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp, founder of the popular website


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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #76 on: August 25, 2018, 09:48:46 am »




 STEALTH JEFF @drawandstrike



WAIT A SECOND! I THOUGHT VOTER FRAUD WAS BS Nineteen Foreign Nationals Charged for Voting in 2016 Election

OMG OMG OMG kiss vote fraud by the Democrats GOODBYE

Rosie Memos
‏ @almostjingo
Replying to @Headsnipe011 @drawandstrike and

🔎 The BEST part of that whole announcement. DBFTF a newly created task force lead by @ICEgov @DHSgov and Enforcement Removal Operations AND @StateDept oh dear now we know why so many want to #AbolishICE Investigating document and benefit fraud is brilliant @TheJusticeDept

The cases are being investigated under the newly created framework of the Document and Benefit Fraud Task Force (DBFTF) in the Eastern District of North Carolina lead by Immigration and Customs Enforcement--Homeland Security Investigations, and assisted by Enforcement Removal Operations, and the Department of  State--Diplomatic Security Service. The investigation as to voting fraud is ongoing.

24 AUG 2018

All of a sudden the Democratic Party's huge #AbolishIce push is making a whole lot more sense, ain't it? 🤔



Heads up centipedes this is the same county that had all that trouble in 2000 and beyond. she seems to have a reputation of incompetence. I don't know if this is illegal but it should be. Hillary's arrogance is mind numbing.

from r/The_Donald


This means the SHIELD under which a LOT of their Vote Fraud was SAFELY hidden from view just went POOF!!!

And now Wictor has it! Spread the word, people!

. . .

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
10h10 hours ago

(11) Retirees keep their pensions, so there no need to allocate new funds for them.

Depending on how its done, they could be kept completely off the record books.

I've seen many of them identify criminal ringleaders by simply walking up to them and trying to shake hands.

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
10h10 hours ago

(12) Later, you see video of that ringleader unmasked in public.

Also, his DNA is collected.

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
10h10 hours ago

(13) Bringing back retirees massively increases the size of federal law enforcement without costing us any money.

If these are all volunteers, they would already know their job, and they could operate virtually autonomously.

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
10h10 hours ago

(14) This is ALL AIRTIGHT.

I can't even prove it's real.

But I've seen MANY videos of white-haired men coordinating by cellphone and then...doing something.

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
10h10 hours ago

Thomas Wictor Retweeted Mike Shields

(15) I was just alerted to THIS:

Thomas Wictor added,
Mike Shields
Pro-Trump PAC injecting $12.5M into midterm races 

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
10h10 hours ago

Thomas Wictor Retweeted Ronna McDaniel

(16) So the PACs are spending for the midterms.

Here's what the GOP is doing.

Thomas Wictor added,
Ronna McDaniel

Verified account @GOPChairwoman
We have 20,000 of these fellows across 28 states – 4 times as many as 2016. #LeadRight #DefyHistory …

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
10h10 hours ago

(17) The ground game is FOUR TIMES LARGER than in the 2016 GENERAL ELECTION.
5 replies 172 retweets 668 likes

. . .


. . .

Don't you wish you hadn't tried to spread disinformation in my thread, @Kalm1Kerry?

Because now you're blocked.

. . .

So, as I was saying, there are new sheriffs in town. The usual vote fraud tricks are not going to work. Democrats are doomed.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 09:50:49 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #77 on: August 25, 2018, 10:03:39 am »

from r/greatawakening


Too few people know about Both McCain and Kerry's involvement in giving North Vietnam the permission to kill the remaining American POW's and how they covered it up.


There's interesting things in Inside Delta Force about how a rescue operation was sabotaged by people within our own Government... there's good threads to tie No Name to the botched operation.


Talk to any USN veteran, we are taught in boot camp about his traitorous/illegal/I'm better than you are attitude, before his incarceration (in the Hanoi Hilton), it was my grandpa & several other Americans, that tried giving Jane Fonda their serial numbers! Ask, and ye shall reap, so I had 2 sources of his (no name) treasonous actions & 1 of hers, first hand.


But we voters in Arizona need to vote in his replacement in November. We haven't had a true Republican in the Senate for quite a few years (McShame & Flakey are both RINOs). This is starting to feel like "taxation without representation" to Arizonans.


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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #78 on: August 25, 2018, 10:34:53 am »

0:58 / 16:01
Latest Qanon-Related News 8-25-18 : Has Something Very Very Big Been Dropped?

Stroppy Me
Published on Aug 25, 2018

. . .

Bush & Clinton Cocaine running.

Five Star Trust

Bank Account Data Sheet

1. Special Federal Reserve Board Account no. 5525525424AM with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of:

US$2,178,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 reconfirmed
and reconsidered matured audit dated December 1, 2008 that guaranteed and reconfirmed earned worth of US$410,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 from the month of Octover up to this month in the total of . . .


. . .


Official Order, to Referenced.

1. Contact Zero vest full authority in those duly named in #Operation--C-Z/Admin2/Tier3-2/ Deepstate/Blackhat power games adn  covert empire building with the blackmarket (chinese box) collateral accounts is no longer tolerated. For too long you have waged war against the global peoples for the control of planetary resources to enforce your internationally illegal agenda. Be warned, we are moving against you now.

Former Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta via (M)--your assassination order of <WHITECAT> over the FST CIA collateral accounts is being published to all ANONS for the record. IG/10/CIAKillOrder9.6.2011

Please note the forensic paper trail with the Australian Government under Malcolm <John> Turnbull via Rudy Giullani. We have you cornered like a rat in a cage. IG/9/ServedEntities--God Save the Queen--Not Elizabeth but the Crown. Australian Attorney General Christian  Porter <MC18- 003524> & Governor General Peter Cosgrov <EF1526023318024> are under stand down orders via tacit agreement to their various breaches of Australian Statute, Constitutional & various International Laws. IG/5

I know Q. This is Ground Zero @ContactZero.ENSIN17. Gives the order.

Thy Kingdom Come & there is nothing you can or will do to prevent this phenomenon. InsigniaGate is the key to the door.

How folly are you as <DRUG DEALERS> that you feign the moral high-ground whilst threatening ASSANGE that ends now. InsigniaGate is enforceable in the International Courts, the UN & all Law abiding Countries as we purge you, the deep state from them. This is #TruthAmnesty.

FBI concludes that EagleII; IG/3/CGR/EagleII--is authentic--SeeMaccoby/Hathaway--DOD-Joint-Chiefs/DTRA.

Thus, Context is key: General Laurin William Rossier aka Lt Col Ferrera <if still alive> must be called in for debrief. LWR Got sa Purpleheart Foundation: see Obama/Cameron/StrathClyde/Blackheath/2011--I5T's RBS Global.


Dear 8Chans & Anons, I truly do this as a down to earth Aussie bloke who has had enough of the corruption in my Country and the world. I fight as a Husband & Father for a better world for my wife & our children and their children.

I tell you the truth by the blade & my death, that I remain always in integrity and honor.

For Sergeant Alexander John Priest 2/18th Battalion, Pop.

Lest We Forget




has a website . . . 20,000 murdered . . .

Evidently associated with Wikileaks.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 10:37:19 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #79 on: August 25, 2018, 10:40:53 am »



Nine days after a former police detective published a book exposing a high-level government pedophile ring that murdered children, he was shot in the head.
Matt Agorist -
August 23, 2018


A former police detective, and author of a bombshell book that exposed a massive pedophile ring made up of high-level government officials was found shot in the head last week. While officials are calling it an apparent suicide, his family is claiming that he told them he would never kill himself and that people were after him because he was about to expose even more high-level government pedophilia.

Mark Minne, author of the controversial book ‘The Lost Boys of Bird Island’ devoted his post-police life to exposing the corruption and horrifying pedophilia he discovered while working as a detective. Minnie and his good friend Chris Steyn, also a former cop turned investigative journalist, worked together on the book to expose a government and business community who took children to Bird Island where they were abused, and some possibly murdered.

The book details the level of their involvement in the pedophile ring, abuse of the children, alleged acts of murder to cover up the crimes, as well as corruption and abuse of high-level state resources by the network’s members.

The book details the corruption within the last Apartheid government of South Africa and implicated officials all the way to the top, including defense minister Magnus Malan and the minister of environmental affairs John Wiley.

Before his death, Minnie announced that he was approached by many more people with even more damning evidence which he planned to reveal in a sequel of the book. However, he died before he could finish it.

The book was published earlier this month on August 5 and only nine days later, Minnie would be found dead. Officials claim they found a suicide note at the scene, but his family says they don’t believe it at all.

Tersia Dodo, a family member of Minnie told reporters that just days before he died that if anything happened to him, they must know he was killed.

“He mentioned to us all the time that his life was in danger and if anything did happen to him we must know that it was done to him not by himself,” she said.

Dodo says Minnie was being watched and feared for his life because he had more information which would’ve exposed even more people.

“I knew about the book for many years and I knew what he had been through, it really played him that he had seen and been involved with the investigation surrounding the book,” Dodo told SABC.

Dodo came forward on her own after she saw the suicide narrative being played out in the media. She said she was compelled to do so, to dispel the myths.

“Mark was not a coward, Mark faced life head on,” she said. There is no ways that I or any of us believed that he would have opted out and that is why I agreed to do this interview to dispel any thoughts and rumors of suicide. He was not the type of man that was cowardly and that would do something like that.”

As for the note police allegedly found next to Minnie’s body, Dodo believes it is either fake, or was written under duress.

“I have said this from the beginning, this supposed suicide note was either written under duress and I would like to see it before I will believe it was written by Mark,” she said.

This case is eerily similar to that of a man who was allegedly murdered in Lithuania after he began exposing high-level government pedophiles.

. . .


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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #80 on: August 25, 2018, 11:20:53 am »

{OF the evil doers, connections, of the globally organized corruption networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, & family trees etc.}
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 11:22:55 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #81 on: August 25, 2018, 11:27:05 am »

Hmmmmm the black hats are becoming harsher ...

from r/greatawakening

Soros side of pyramid up next: ElRusho just targeted Soros & SPLC visa/mc takedown of David Horowitz

If the King of AM radio is talking about it, likely it's part of the plan. Hour 3 opening monologue. Argument: left realizes 2A unassailable directly, so they resort to stealth. For example, bank loan apps ask about gun ownership/use. Wrong answer = no loan. Example 2: defund jihadwatch on patreon. Example 3: refuse to process visa/mc donations to conservative Americans who support the Constitution. SPLC offshore tax shelter cash highlighted. Soros funding. We are in a battle for our lives against insidious evil. Fight fight fight.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #82 on: August 25, 2018, 06:36:02 pm »

I  would like to think this could be the  last video on this hideous topic. It appears to be a substantive overview of the depth and breadth of such horrors:

"Satanic Pedophilia, Torture and Blood: Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed"

Nebulous 1982
Published 25 AUG 2018

The darkest truth you will ever learn about. If you feel led to watch--only watch prayerfully at your own risk.

{I have not watched all of it. I post it as a reference and as possibly a crucial reference for those who find it hard to conceive of or believe that such terrible things go  on in the 'modern' world. Also, as a warning--Prayerfully, POTUS Trump will be successfully assisted by God and His angel forces  in removing  such from our  institutions and media. Nevertheless, at some point between the end of Trump's reign and Armageddon, things will get worse. Walking circumspectly and wisely before God is vital. Teaching our children to do the same is life-saving. May God be with us all.}

« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 06:50:31 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #83 on: August 25, 2018, 07:40:20 pm »

BREAKING: What You NEED To Know About the MASSIVE Leaked Democrat Plot to SILENCE Conservatives

49 page memo among tech giants, Soros funded groups, et al toward elimination of 'right wing propaganda ...'

The Next News Network


Pub: 21 AUG 2018

Per Washington Free Beacon

& Media Research Center . . .

Memo presented by David Brock at a retreat:


Laura Ingraham: "Of the 25 members on the panel that guides Twitter's policies, 12 are liberals and only one is conservative."

"This is their plan to silence all opposing voices."

"Almost two-thirds of Americans (200 million) consume news on social media. By contrast, less than half of adults watch  local news, less than a third watch cable news or nightly network news, a quarter listen to radio and only one in five read newspapers."

Brent Bozell Media Research Center Fuonder

"This is ... the emerging of the greatest censorship of free speech world wide in the history of man."

. . .

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #84 on: August 25, 2018, 07:43:24 pm »

"Q Anon & POTUS Expose Deep State Cover-Up?"

Justinformed Talk
24 AUG 2018

James Comey blathering about [patriots] should be held accountable. COMEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!

. . .

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Qanon Proofs of Authenticity and What MSM Doesn't Want You to Know!
« Reply #85 on: August 25, 2018, 08:00:29 pm »

"Qanon Proofs of Authenticity and What MSM Doesn't Want You to Know!"


This is part 2 of more Q proofs MSM is terrified to address.

This is why they stick to their progressive method of yelling out rhetoric with no basis or twisted information in an effort to force Trump hate and Qanon/Qarmy hate.

This is Why they call us Conspiracy Theorists. . .They think it will keep You from taking a closer look and seeing the fact that They are complacent about the evil that is on a pandemic scale and they know you will see how negligent They have been in reporting the Truth!

If you have not seen what is behind this and what is key to You taking charge of discerning your own information and how, please go here,

Qanon and what the Mainstream Media is Terrified You Will Find Out! Proof of their Corruption and Misleading the Public!

Here are more proofs and verifiable evidence of the Truth Qanon is attempting to expose.

On Dec. 10, 2017 Qanon posted,

. . .

Just read it then look at this. We will be coming back to Adam Schiff, he is key.

Remember what happened on Dec. 11, 2017 as reported by Fox5 NY,

The suspect is reportedly an ISIS-inspired immigrant from Bangladesh and lives in Brooklyn. The NYPD identified him as Akayed Ullah. He was taken into custody and rushed to the hospital.

In a criminal complaint, federal authorities claim Ullah told authorities he "did it for the Islamic State" and wrote on his Facebook page Monday: "Trump you failed to protect your nation."

Clearly the Cabal Deep State hoping to lay blame on a president Dedicated to ending their evil, corruption and preying upon We the People! They love nothing better than orchestrating these maneuvers so they can have their corporate owned press pipe out their own misdeeds while blaming it on the side of Good. This is after all one of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. . .whatever you are doing, blame it on the other side.

Alisnky is a hero of the progressives. Idolized by Obama, the Clintons and many other Power Elites.

Now what does this have to do with Q and the information drops?

Number one, look at the date 12/10/2017

Now when was the attack? 12/11/2017

7:20 a.m. during their rush hour.

Notice how Q stated... Blunt and Direct Time

There are blunt pipes used to construct devices and according to articles this was a homemade pipe bomb strapped to the terrorist. It was clearly meant to do more damage. . .injured possibly 5 as some articles claimed 4 injured others 5 treated for minor injuries.

Also it was Rush hour.

Q also stated in the drop. . .thwarted and message delivered which likely meant, they already knew this was going to happen, so were Prepared to Stop them!

Message for the Cabal. . .Tick Tock! Sort of like "play time is Over!"

Remember Q dropped this the Day before.

Why would he reference Adam Schiff?

Do you remember what Trey Gowdy had to say about Schiff when he wouldn't do his job to investigate Hillary and used it to further his political party agenda? Trey said Schiff had been hoping to become Attorney General under Hillary so he certainly had a numerous reasons to protect her rather than do the job he was paid to do and investigate his friend.

Do you remember when a trafficking ring was found in Los Angeles County. . .Schiff's district?

Children being sold in plain sight was the title of many articles.

. . .

According to one article, as there are many if you just do a quick search,

The traffickers Quinton Brown, 30,Mia McNeil 32, and Gerald Turner, 32, “would traffic the victims in plain sight,” using the Internet to post photos to announce that they were for sale.

The uncovering of the ring began with the search for a missing 15-year old from Tulare County last year. They found her in a West Hollywood apartment unit and that led to detectives in LA tracking down the ring that ran from California to Nevada.

So, Schiff territory!

Then when an Anon mentioned Schiff trying to strike a deal and Q did respond!


Q!UW.yye1fxo ID:6f3736 No.230358
Jan 31 2018 23:00:51 (EST)

Anonymous ID:4c1b8d No.230252
Jan 31 2018 22:55:26 (EST)

Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he's trying to cut a deal cause he knows he's grass.

The intel just dropped is bigger than you can imagine.

Let's take a look at what Adam Schiff has done and what he controls.

. . .

Q also pointed towards. . .Fireworks, the day before. In other words that pipe bomb was meant to do more damage the damage was blunt, weakened or impaired, compared to what the Damage was meant for.

Here is that drop.

. . .

Qx: Stock popcorn. Red-pill social networks. PRAY EARNESTLY for POTUS etc.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 08:28:40 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #86 on: August 25, 2018, 08:10:36 pm »

Thread by @ThomasWictor: "(1) Check out this article on plea deals.… (2) "Our criminal justice system is almost exclusively a system of ple […]"

Thomas Wictor


. . .

(2) "Our criminal justice system is almost exclusively a system of plea bargaining, negotiated behind closed doors and with no judicial oversight. The outcome is very largely determined by the prosecutor alone."
(3) People were asking why a judge would accept a guilty plea to non-crimes.

Well, there's your answer.

Let's go back to the article.
(4) The federal criminal-justice system is characterized by sentencing guidelines and mandatory minimum sentences.

As a result, only 3 percent of all defendants go to trial.

Why is that?

(5) "The guidelines, like the mandatory minimums, provide prosecutors with weapons to bludgeon defendants into effectively coerced plea bargains."

(6) The defense attorney "meets with the overconfident prosecutor, who makes clear that, unless the case can be promptly resolved by a plea bargain, he intends to charge the defendant with the most severe offenses he can prove."

(7) Remember, the feds never announced the charges against Cohen.

. . .

(12) "Furthermore, the prosecutor controls the decision to charge the defendant with a crime. Indeed, the law of every US jurisdiction leaves this to the prosecutor’s unfettered discretion."
(13) "It is the prosecutor, not the judge, who effectively exercises the sentencing power, albeit cloaked as a charging decision."
(14) "An appeal to the prosecutor’s superior will rarely succeed, since the superiors feel the need to support their troops and since, once again, the prosecutor can shape the facts so as to make his superior find his proposed plea acceptable."
(15) "And there is no way defense counsel can appeal to a neutral third party, the judge, since in all but a few jurisdictions, the judiciary is precluded from participating in plea bargain negotiations."
(16) Any questions?

Amazing stuff.

See how easy it would be to create "President Unindicted Co-Conspirator" out of thin air?
(17) "There are no written regulations controlling the prosecutor’s exercise of his charging power and no established or meaningful process for appealing his exercise of that power."
(18) "The system of plea bargains dictated by prosecutors is the product of largely secret negotiations behind closed doors in the prosecutor’s office, and is subject to almost no review, either internally or by the courts."
(19) FINALLY the money quote:
(20) "The prosecutor-dictated plea bargain system, by creating such inordinate pressures to enter into plea bargains, appears to have led a significant number of defendants to plead guilty to crimes they never actually committed."
(21) Michael Cohen is such a person.
(22) It is FORBIDDEN for federal judges to involve themselves in the plea-bargaining process.

NOW, imagine a defense attorney EAGER to have his client plead guilty to non-crimes in order to implicate the president.

Now do you see what happened?
(23) Basically the system makes it impossible to stop a prosecutor from forcing someone to plead guilty to non-crimes.

(24) Trump and Giulliani aren't worried. They have something up their sleeves.

And the public has seen through this charade.

But now you know why Cohen pleaded guilty to non-crimes.

This was another political hit job.

(25) Sessions isn't the problem.


It depends on personal integrity in order to work...

. . .
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #87 on: August 25, 2018, 08:27:45 pm »



Written by Robert Patrick Lewis


What if #Q, #QAnon and #TheGreatAwakening are Real?

By this point you may have heard Q mentioned online, whether in conservative circles or somewhere in your social media feed.  You likely didn’t pay too much attention to it, as many of us have known for a long time that nefarious, shady and corrupt elements exist within our government. 

If you’ve looked into anything regarding The Clinton Foundation you probably made a reasonable guess that she had been likely selling her presidency since her time at the State Department, but perhaps you didn’t go much further down the rabbit hole to see exactly who she was selling favors to, nor what those favors were. 

And though it was rather quiet when Q first began posting, as of late there has been a full-court press by the Mainstream Media [MSM] to establish him (them) as a conspiracy theory as the #TheGreatAwakening grows from a small underground group on obscure websites to a full-blown movement. 


*Edit: as of  8/1/18 there were 50,000 subscribers to The Great Awakening board on Reddit.  While the media did their best to portray this in as many inaccurate ways as possible (alt-right, small cult, violent, etc) this truly has grown into a movement.  If you read the actual posts, you will find that not only are the people not who the MSM told you they were (they are in fact your neighbors, family members and co-workers), but they are absolutely not promoting any form of violence (which will get you immediately banned from the Reddit board).  And the numbers are growing by the minute.


But some strange coincidences have been occuring in our lives here at Heroes Media Group lately, and as someone who’s seen too much of the world to believe in coincidences I decided to dig deeper into what was going on.

First, there was the interview with General Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency on Straight Outta Combat Radio here on Heroes Media Group.  We received a lot of both positive and negative engagement from that, and it was a bit puzzling for me.  As the Chief Marketing Officer for HMG I pay a lot of attention to high levels of engagement to our website and our social media channels, and let’s just say there were some interesting data points that came from it.

Shortly after that, our CEO went to a small conference regarding cyber terrorism and some very bad things that people are using the internet to do.  For a long time those bad actors were able to hide their actions through various proxies, and as he learned at the conference it seems some of those bad actors may have had help from a few major tech companies to hide their actions.

Adam was approached by some interesting individuals at the conference with a few potential opportunities to promote the great things our military intelligence units are currently doing to combat bad actors, and when he and I discussed our moving forward on these opportunities I began to do a little research. 

As I dug into what’s been going on I found QAnon.Pub , a site that lists every single “data dump” that Q has posted since October 28th of last year (2017) along with “answers” from the Anons (anonymous users on 4Chan and 8Chan) who have been helping research his cryptic riddles and provide cross-referenced answers, links to news stories, YouTube videos and other data points to verify the conclusions and provide “proofs.”

[Edit: seems to have been taken down 8/8/18.  Another good one to use is]

[Note: You may want to start with the YouTube video by @Praying Medic  , QAnon for Beginners which explains much more than I can in the confines of this article.]


If you’re an especially cynical person such as myself, you will likely demand proof that these claims are true and not just an extremely intricate and well-planned LARP [Live Action Role Playing, the online version of catfishing or a hoax].  Thankfully there are thousands of researchers and “Anons” [Anonymous users on 4chan, 8chan, Reddit, Twitter and others] who have taken to researching every single line, question and proposal from Q to ensure validity and connect the dots.

And as Q has asked us, “at what point does it become mathematically impossible to be a coincidence?”  I beg you to look for yourself and decide. As with many things in life, taken in isolation many of his “proofs” could be written off as coincidence.  But when you take a macro view and look at the totality of his predictions and proofs, we are way beyond that mathematical “point of no return” already. 

And it seems as if he’s just getting warmed up.

If you don’t have the time to research yourself, or even read through the answers provided on , check out this “Q Proofs” video by Praying Medic on YouTube (the same person as listed above).  Of all the soldiers enlisted in the QAnon fight, Praying Medic seems to be the easiest to understand and best at breaking it down & connecting the dots in an easy to understand format for we “normies” [people who aren’t tech savvy enough to spend much time on 4chan or 8chan or who haven’t taken the red pill yet].

However, if you consider yourself a logic ninja, able to solve puzzles & crack codes with the best of them, Serial Brain 2 on Reddit is just genius enough to make your head hurt.  But in a good way.

Having only seen tidbits of what Q had put out previously via my Twitter and Facebook feeds, finding was an avalanche of information.  I had always been skeptical, but in legal terms we could refer to these dumps, when read in chronological order along with cross-referencing and answers, as a “preponderance of evidence.”  I was blown away.

I’m the type of person who wakes up every morning and reads the Wall Street Journal to begin my normal morning routine, adding bits and pieces from other news sources throughout the day to ensure I’m not getting all of my news from one place.  And I began to see pieces of a puzzle emerge as I read further into the website.


Who is Q?

While Q has taken great care to remain anonymous, he (or possibly they) has given enough clues for us to surmise that he is either a member of the Military Intelligence community or NSA.  Whichever is his true posting, he has made it painfully clear that he is somehow extremely closely connected to President Trump.

He has proven this through multiple methods: posting pictures from Air Force One or of The President before they’re made public, giving specific details about things President Trump will say or do (sometimes months before they are made public), posting pictures of executive orders before they are made public and even working specific phrases requested by the Anons into some of President Trump’s speeches and Twitter posts for verification.

. . .

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #88 on: August 25, 2018, 08:33:45 pm »

#12 John  Paul Rice | Mainstream Silence on the  Child Trafficking Epidemic

Dauntless Dialogue

Published on Aug 25, 2018

John Paul Rice, co-producer of A Child's Voice, joins us to discuss the systemic child abuse occurring in the entertainment industry.

Film on Vimeo


Twitter link:

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #89 on: August 25, 2018, 08:39:15 pm »


Hey, @realpersonpolitics, . . .  Allow me to retort!



When will the arrests begin?

« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 08:42:22 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #90 on: August 25, 2018, 08:49:19 pm »

Thread by @HNIJohnMiller: "1) Soooooo.... Sessions statement. I know @ThomasWictor is doing a thread right now, but I had a sudden thought. Note the key phrase, 'The D […]"

 Kyle @HNIJohnMiller

1) Soooooo.... Sessions statement. I know @ThomasWictor is doing a thread right now, but I had a sudden thought. Note the key phrase, 'The Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.' This is actually longstanding DoJ policy.

. . .

2) "Simply put, politics must play no role in the decisions of federal investigators or prosecutors regarding any investigations or criminal charges." A memo from 2008, which was actually a memo that was RESENT from a memo from the Bush years.

. . .

3) "Law enforcement officers and prosecutors may never select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party."

4) Essentially, if prosecutions started landing NOW, about 2 1/2 months before the midterms, it would DEVASTATE the Democrats. Something which the Democrats could then use as a platform to claim they're being politically persecuted, and could drive their turnout numbers way up

5) Or, better yet, give them viable defenses against the prosecution. 'Oh, Sessions is just being Trump's good little Gestapo and crushing us poor political resistors underfoot!' You think ANTIFA is bad NOW? Imagine ANTIFA with an actual cause.

6) "I was resisting arrest because Trump's administration is trying to destroy their political opposition in the midterms, your honor, I swear!"

7) AFTER the midterms though? After midterms that, if everything else remains constant with the current trends the GOP should at least hold if not completely demolish the Dems?

8) It won't be the election year any more. There won't be voters that could be swayed one way or the other. That defense simply will not hold up in court. "Your honor, this isn't politically motivated, we specifically waited until AFTER the midterms as DoJ policy states..."

9) "To AVOID THE APPEARANCE OF POLITICAL INFLUENCE." What was a key phrase during the OIG reports? The appearance of political influence.

10) I'm not going to publicly come down on one side or the other for the Sessions thing. I think excessive fear mongering about Sessions is bad, but I understand where people on both sides of the argument are coming from, and they're both rational to one degree or another.

11) BUT, if we're removing emotion from the equation and looking at the facts as they currently exist: from day one of the Trump administration, it would have taken a LONG time to do the investigation required to put forth a lot of the indictments we want to see.

12) We HAVE seen the FBI and the DoJ cleared out or marginalize the ones who politicized the investigation. Also, note, we didn't actually ever SEE the Trump Dossier that was the 'evidence' until AFTER the election. I think that was intentional.

13) I think that was because the DoJ and FBI knew for a f-ing FACT that they were hosed if they went public before the election with the Muh Russia crap, for the exact reason that we're seeing NOTHING for prosecutions that would annihilate the Democrats wholesale.

14) They're not allowed to pursue investigations for the sake of politics. They're not allowed to use their positions as political weapons during election years. The Comey FBI and the Lynch DoJ f'd up ROYALLY in that regard, but they were smart enough to not make it public.

15) Let's assume Sleepy Sessions is being a stickler for rules as he has announced. That he will not allow his investigations to be tainted by the appearance of political concerns. Then he WILL NOT allow the bombshells to land before the midterms.

16) Also, Mueller needs to be bleep fired for allowing his Special Counsel investigation to be politicized for a bleep year and for his prosecutions and those prosecutions he recommended turn into weapons meant to damage the GOP in the months leading up to the election.

17) He was around when the policies were F-ING WRITTEN. There's no excuse for his investigation to have been politicized the way it has been. Just saying.

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #91 on: August 25, 2018, 08:51:41 pm »


Tim Pool



Week of 20th AUGUST

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #92 on: August 25, 2018, 09:21:25 pm »

Thread by @DawsonSField: "What if I told you the White House was bugged? What if @realDonaldTrump publicized it 15 months ago? What if Mueller is investigating those […]" #Spygate #MuellerInvestigation #WhiteHats #TrumpRussiaCollusionHearings

Thread Reader

 DawsonSField @DawsonSField

What if I told you the White House was bugged? What if @realDonaldTrump publicized it 15 months ago? What if Mueller is investigating those who bugged the White House? Why are people still ignoring it! #Spygate #MuellerInvestigation

. . .

mentions 2) I'm going to lead you through several incidents that show how serious the misconduct of our senior intelligence community leaders were. You will see the timelines in an entirely new light. You'll see the #WhiteHats for who they really are.
mentions 3) On 5/8/17 President Trump directed Deputy Attorney General to draft a letter because he was firing FBI Director James Comey. Rosenstein said the discussion started in one of his first meetings with Attorney General Jeff Sessions over the Winter.

. . .

mentions 18) The President gave Michael Scherer & @ZekeJMiller the scoop of a lifetime & they missed it. The White House leaks were coming from surveillance & that was why he remodeled the Dining Room & showed it to them. The night before he fired Comey!

mentions 19) The President then starts a tour of the private residence portion of the White House. The key feature he shows off? A supposedly encrypted secure telephone! Wonder why that features on a tour where he keeps talking about wiretapping?

. . .

mentions 22) Andrew McCabe is given a chance to sign his statement from that interview on 5/12/17. He adds a paragraph denying the leak & he choses to not sign the document to verify that the notes are accurate. Strike 2! They tried until 6/23/17 to get McCabe to sign a witness statement

mentions 23) So Acting Director of the FBI was lying to the FBI investigators, what else was he doing? Well he was in charge of the FBI, including the Trump Russia case! In fact, he counsel Lisa Page & @PeteStrzok are taking advantage of his status to try & get charges against somone.

. . .

mentions 24) So how do you prevent Andy McCabe & his dynamic duo from further influencing the Trump Russia investigation? Well you bring in a Special Counsel to take that case, but what if it is the FBI he is supposed to be investigating? #MuellerIsComing but not for who you expect!

mentions 25) So on May 16th, after AD McCabe's second strike, Robert Mueller, RR, & @POTUS have a 4 hour meeting in the WH. Reportedly for Mueller to interview with Trump to become Comey's replacement as the Director of the FBI. But a 10-year term limit made that illegal.

. . .

mentions 26) So what did they discuss? It seems clear they discussed Robert Mueller becoming Special Counsel as he was appointed the next day. There are so many ways that interview would cause a conflict of interest for Mueller, IF he is investigating Trump as Special Counsel.

mentions 27) SO it seems entirely likely that the meeting was about the real focus of the Mueller investigation. The real reason Trump was firing Comey, that surveillance that President tried to tell @MichaelSchere & @ZekeJMiller about the night before he fired Comey.

mentions 28) On the same day Mueller, RR, & @realDonaldTrump were meeting, Comey leaked his memos of conversations to the NYT. The story showed at least one of the meetings was in the Private Dining Room the President had remodeled before he fired Comey.

mentions 29) So what did the President say about that remodeling? That they found gold behind those walls. Just as he knew it would be there! So leaks of information discussed in that room lead the President to believe it was bugged & found what he expected!

. . .

mentions 31) Think it's getting good yet? It's just getting started! #Spygate #Intelgate #Obamagate #WhitehouseBugsgate!

mentions 32) I'll move forward to the next big explosion of activity! As the next 2 months mostly involve Mueller getting his team together, bumping out people assigned to it by Andrew McCabe, & ramping up to begin #MuellerTime.

mentions 33) That begins with the raid on Paul Manafort on 7/26/17. Bad news for Trump right? Only if he was working with Manafort to collude but the results after that raid happen like lightning! And it wasn't aimed at Trump!

mentions 34) All this time the @JusticeOIG is investigating misconduct by the FBI. They have a meeting between IG Horowitz, RR & Mueller where the IG reveals the text messages of Page & Strzok. While many dismiss these, this meeting triggers an avalanche of activity, aimed at the FBI!

mentions 35) Mueller leaves the meeting & sends FBI agents to arrest George Papadopoulos when he gets off an airplane, we only learned this week he had accepted a $10k bribe from an intelligence official linked to Israel & the US before he started that trip home.

mentions 36) Mueller has the agents arrest Pdop without getting a warrant or taking other steps that might tip off people within the FBI or DOJ. That is extremely important in relation to the following steps. The kept him at the airport for 5-6 hours instead of FBI

. . .

mentions 39) McCabe lied to them in that interview according to the OIG. Attempting to throw Lisa Page under the bus for illegally leaking to reporters, ruining her career, for leaks he ordered her to make. #StrzokPage

. . .

mentions 43) On 8/1/17, after having 3 days to 'remember' more details. Andrew McCabe calls the OIG & tells them he wasn't clear in his interview & they misunderstood his answers. He tells them more false stories that day too!…

. . .

mentions 51) So they move all of the furniture out of the White House, on 8/4/17 & conduct business from NY & the adjoining office buildings in DC. Seems excessive, for a simple remodeling. It was & one of the stories gave us another big clue these were no ordinary bugs.

mentions 52) Going back to the article coinciding with Comey's firing, they even had to shut down the Situation Room for 2 weeks to refurbish the conference table in the room. Anyone believing you close the nerve center of the WH to work on the table?

. . .
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #93 on: August 25, 2018, 10:18:47 pm »



Prior to running for President, Donald Trump was respected, if not liked by most ofthe mainstream media. As the host of a successful TV show, he garnered acclaim from Hollywood. He was treated by most in the industry as an equal. But then he did the unthinkable.


Trump Operation: Gaslight the Media

Aug 25, 2018 | 26 comments

Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.

Prior to running for President, Donald Trump was respected, if not liked by most of the mainstream media. As the host a successful TV show, he garnered acclaim from Hollywood. He was treated by most in the industry as an equal. But then he did the unthinkable. He ran for the highest office in the land.

The Outsider
Trump had no prior political experience and was an outsider to Washington D.C. The media may have thought his bid for the White House to be a prank but politicians took his promise to drain the swamp as a threat to their existence. D.C. is run by people who know how to find the weakness in others and use it against them. With few exceptions, the Presidents of the last half-century were allowed into the oval office because they were compromised in some area of their life and that made them vulnerable to control. During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s opponents dug feverishly to find dirt on him. Even with access to the NSA’s database, the best they could come up with was the BIlly Bush tape. Trump has led a relatively scandal-free life that precludes him from being blackmailed or controlled.

Access Kills
Years ago, the D.C elites, in their infinite wisdom, created an intelligence apparatus that gathers personal information on everyone (including them). Such information is helpful for learning about the weakness of opponents who need to be controlled. But such information would have to be closely guarded and it could never fall into the hands of someone who could not be controlled—into the hands of an outsider. If that ever happened, and if the one who gained access were interested in justice, corrupt politicians would surely hang from nooses.

Knowing the threat that an outsider posed to their house of cards, politicians met with their allies in the media and developed a plan to make sure Trump would never be elected. Needing to account for the slim possibility that he might win, they also developed an insurance policy.

Ever since he came down the escalator, the media’s job has been to portray Donald Trump in the most negative light possible. During the campaign, they claimed it was impossible for him to be nominated. When he won the nomination, they insisted that a racist, misogynist, hateful man like Trump could never be elected.

Reporters have known Trump for decades. They know the things they’ve been told to say about him are untrue. And yet, because they live in an echo chamber where the anti-Trump narrative is never challenged, the lies they repeat have become a kind of mental programming. Even when a reporter knows that Trump isn’t a racist, inside he’ll begin to suspect that perhaps he is, That’s how propaganda works.

{gaslight def}

Confirmation Bias
Confirmation bias is the tendency to believe a narrative that supports what we already believe while dismissing a narrative that runs counter to what we believe. Confirmation bias precludes us from evaluating information objectively. If someone’s confirmation bias is known and if it is strong, it can be used against them.

If the media were to have a strong confirmation bias against Trump and if he were aware of it, he could use it to conceal his real agenda and sell them a fake one. By doing and saying things (publicly) that confirm the media’s beliefs about him, Trump could convince them he was afraid of being impeached, even if he were not. He could convince them he was at war against his own Attorney General even if they were in complete agreement.

Trump is running an operation designed to get the media to believe a false narrative. The “fake news” has swallowed the fake narrative hook, line and sinker. (This is true of pro-Trump outlets like Fox as well.) Because the media is clueless about what’s really happening, Trump set up a channel of communication to let his followers know the real scoop. Qanon discloses Trump’s real agenda. But because both friend and foe are monitoring Qanon comms, the information is coded and both true and false information is provided. The Q team confirms the correct decodes of Trump supporters while the enemies of the President are misdirected.

A Political Pickle
Qanon has confirmed that one of Trump’s highest priorities remains prosecuting corruption in D.C. If politicians ever suspected they were in the crosshairs of the Department of Justice, they would scream from the rooftops that they were the target of a political hit job.

How could Sessions successfully prosecute corrupt politicians if he ever dared discuss those plans openly?
He couldn’t.

If the swamp is going to be prosecuted, it has to be done in a way that prevents swamp dwellers from putting up a defense. There can be no hint of political bias. The media and politicians need to think all is well until the day they’re arrested.

Trump is running an operation designed to gaslight the media and politicians into thinking they’re safe. That’s why there has been no serious discussion of arrests from anyone in the DOJ or the White House, nor will there be until the day the hammer drops.

If Trump is going to keep his opponents guessing, he and Sessions must continue playing their roles. Neither can discuss the prosection of the swamp—at least not openly. The ideal narrative to sell the media is exactly the opposite of what’s happening behind the scenes. A narrative where it seems like Trump himself is about to be indicted at any moment. One that confirms what the media and politicians hope is true—taking advantage of their confirmation bias. A narrative that looks exactly like the Mueller investigation.

The Mueller Investigation
Robert Mueller’s investigation has proven to be Trump’s Swiss army knife. It’s allowed us to see the inner workings of the intelligence apparatus. It’s exposed at least a dozen corrupt top-tier employees in the FBI & DOJ. It’s given Trump’s opponents an endless supply of false hope for his removal and it’s served a lightning rod the for the anger of Trump supporters. Even though the Mueller investigation poses no real threat to Trump, the frantic shrieking of Hannity, Levin, and Limbaugh to end Mueller’s witch hunt has hardened the resolve of conservatives and will likely prevent Trump’s opponents from retaking Congress in the midterm elections. (Don’t be surprised if the Mueller investigation wraps up shortly thereafter. That may have been its main purpose.)

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #94 on: August 26, 2018, 07:50:05 am »

Sigh. The Vatican seems to be the 'gift' that keeps on giving.

"Vatican Bombshell: McCarrick Conspiracy Uncovered!"

The American Conservative

By Rod Dreher 25 AUG 2018

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who served at the papal nuncio (that is, Vatican ambassador) to the United States from 2011-2016, has dropped an atomic bomb on Francis’s papacy, charging that “corruption has reached the very top of the Church’s hierarchy.”

In a lengthy statement, Vigano says that Francis has known for years about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual abuse, but brought him into the pontifical inner circle anyway, and sent him around the world on papal missions.

In fact, says Vigano, the Roman curia has known about McCarrick since the year 2000, but McCarrick was protected by gay supporters honeycombed throughout the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI ordered McCarrick out of public ministry in 2009 or 2010, but McCarrick, abetted by powerful gay allies in the Curia, defied Benedict.

Vigano demands the resignation of Pope Francis, writing:

    At the Angelus on Sunday, August 12, 2018 Pope Francis said these words: “Everyone is guilty for the good he could have done and did not do … If we do not oppose evil, we tacitly feed it. We need to intervene where evil is spreading; for evil spreads where daring Christians who oppose evil with good are lacking.”

    If this is rightly to be considered a serious moral responsibility for every believer, how much graver is it for the Church’s supreme pastor, who in the case of McCarrick not only did not oppose evil but associated himself in doing evil with someone he knew to be deeply corrupt. He followed the advice of someone he knew well to be a pervert, thus multiplying exponentially with his supreme authority the evil done by McCarrick. And how many other evil pastors is Francis still continuing to prop up in their active destruction of the Church!
    Francis is abdicating the mandate which Christ gave to Peter to confirm the brethren. Indeed, by his action he has divided them, led them into error, and encouraged the wolves to continue to tear apart the sheep of Christ’s flock.

    In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church, he must acknowledge his mistakes and, in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example for cardinals and bishops who covered up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of them.

. . .

In 2006, Vigano, working within the Curia, drafted a memo warning that the allegations against McCarrick were so severe that Rome should remove him from the cardinalate. He was ignored. He did so again in 2008, summarizing Richard Sipe’s open letter to Benedict. He was again ignored. Vigano believes that pro-gay Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, then the Secretary of State, prevented the news from reaching Pope Benedict.

Finally, in 2009 or 2010, Pope Benedict learned of McCarrick’s sins, and “imposed on Cardinal McCarrick sanctions similar to those now imposed on him by Pope Francis: the Cardinal was to leave the seminary where he was living, he was forbidden to celebrate [Mass] in public, to participate in public meetings, to give lectures, to travel, with the obligation of dedicating himself to a life of prayer and penance.”

McCarrick was told of these sanctions face to face twice — by Vigano, and by his predecessor in Washington. Vigano says he informed Cardinal Wuerl about them as well. If true, Wuerl’s denials that he knew about McCarrick are lies. Says Vigano, “The Cardinal lies shamelessly.”
McCarrick defied Benedict’s order.

Benedict’s sanctions against McCarrick were widely known among the most powerful cardinals in the Curia. Vigano names them in such a way as to indicate that they are all part of a gay mafia out to undermine Catholic teaching.

After Francis was elected, he set McCarrick free to wander the globe on his behalf. McCarrick became highly influential in Francis’s Vatican. Vigano: “In a team effort with Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, he had become the kingmaker for appointments in the Curia and the United States.”

. . .

Again . . . such goings on seem to be rife in:

--halls of political power
--universities etc.
--Corporation top & other levels of their hierarchies
--The RCC
--large & small Protestant congregations, universities, colleges and other groups.

As Scripture says--there is none righteous, no, not one.

It's tempting to rank sin. And, The Bible does seem to rank sexual sins among the lowest--particularly as idolatry.

Nevertheless, at some level, all addictions are hideous--whether gluttony, OCD, alcoholism, smoking, compulsive lying, drug abuse, workaholism etc. All are symptoms of insufficient quality daddy love the first 6-8 years of life resulting in a big inner hole that the addiction becomes a vain effort to fill.

And The Bible ranks cowardice and gossip there right along with sexual sins preventing entry to Heaven.

All of which to say--it is wise to AVOID the temptation  to look self-righteously down a long nose and pointy finger at anyone else's sins with the least particle of smugness, or at all, period.

The only proper attitude is . . . There but for the Grace of God, go I. Lord, be merciful to ME, a sinner.

Nevertheless, we must be alert to protect our children, our congregations, our families, our friends and loved ones from such hideousness.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #95 on: August 26, 2018, 09:51:42 am »
ATS's Q thread current iteration:

With a good background summary--maybe the most detailed, I've seen.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #96 on: August 26, 2018, 07:49:01 pm »

Latest Qanon-Related  News 8-26-18: $US  15 Trillion  Scam?

26 AUG 2018

Gets into the mind-boggling  Insignia thing:

In plain language, in 2008, the US Federal Reserve Board had an invisible account on its off-ledger books holding 2,588 trillion trillion trillion quadrillion US Dollars. That is 2588 followed by fifty one noughts. An indescribable sum of money. These assets are known as "grey screen" transactions, definition below.

Presented well  here:

from r/greatawakening

I still don't know what to make of that amount of money. Makes Scrooge McDuck look like a pauper.

I don't even know if MicroSlop XCell could handle numbers that big. Can it?

« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 07:51:54 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #98 on: August 27, 2018, 01:29:28 am »
! No longer available

Hideous to the max. Treasonous to the max.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon, Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 2
« Reply #99 on: August 27, 2018, 03:43:00 am »

26 AUG 2018


Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
7h7 hours ago

1) This is my #Qanon thread for August 26, 2018.

Q posts can be found here:

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
7h7 hours ago

2) I've been working on this thread, conceptually, for about a month. I had hoped to post it last week, but other things needed to be done, first. I considered posting it yesterday morning, but again, life got in the way.

Then suddenly, my home state Senator, John McCain, died.
6 replies 135 retweets 504 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
7h7 hours ago

3) I thought it might be best to wait a week or so before posting this thread but #Qanon posted about Senator McCain this morning and as a researcher, I'm obligated to report whatever Q posts, even if the timing isn't the best for some people.
12 replies 148 retweets 578 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
7h7 hours ago

4) If you believe this is the wrong time to post negative things about John McCain, trust me, I understand your feelings. Maybe you should sit this one out.
22 replies 149 retweets 602 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
7h7 hours ago

5) If, however, you're interested in reading what #Qanon has said about Senator McCain, dive in. He's had a lot to say about him over the last 10 months.
5 replies 179 retweets 634 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
7h7 hours ago

6) The President has also had a lot to say about Senator McCain. At most of his rallies during the last year, President Trump has often brought him up, albeit, without saying his name.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
7h7 hours ago

10) The media took note of the President's attacks, even pointing out that Trump never mentions him by name. …

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

11) The New York Times found it odd that the President spoke for 28 minutes on a bill sponsored by Senator McCain but never mentioned him once.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

12) #Qanon explained last October the phenomenon we've been witnessing.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

13) #Qanon suggested things may not be as they seem regarding George Soros, Nancy Pelosi and Senator McCain.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

14) #Qanon asked us to reconcile the net worth of politicians like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Watters and John McCain against their salary.

He suggested that McCain returned to the Oversight (OS) Committee sooner than normal for the surgery he reportedly had.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

15) Since bribery is illegal, most politicians have foundations or institutes that receive donations. In some cases, those donations come with the expectation of political favors.
Here's a link to the McCain Institute.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic

16) Prior to the roundup of corrupt Saudi princes last year, the Saudi's controlled many U.S. politicians. The McCain Institute received a 1 million grant from the Saudi's in 2014.

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Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

17) The McCain Institute also received as much as $100,000 from Teneo, a company backed by George Soros.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

18) Michelle Bachmann knew that Huma Abedin was used by the Saudis to help infiltrate and control our government and its foreign policy.

Senator McCain, because he was controlled by Saudi money, fought all attempts to expose Muslim Brotherhood infiltration.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
6h6 hours ago

19) Just before the roundup of corrupt Saudi princes last year, #Qanon began dropping hints that something big was about to happen there. After the crackdown, Q suggested many U.S. politicians (including McCain) were funded by the Saudis (SA).

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

20) At the end of November, #Qanon asked us to focus on the relationships between Obama (Hussein), Saudi Arabia (SA), the Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA) and Harvard Law Review (HLR).

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

21) An anon put some of #Qanon's clues together.

Obama, Hillary & McCain were all in debt to the Saudis. Once the corruption crackdown happened, they lost their financial support and their protection. Obama and Hillary have been doing damage control ever since.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

22) McCain has played a couple of roles for the team including being the handler of the dossier that was used by the Obama intelligence apparatus to try to prevent Trump from being elected and/or impeach him.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

23) In November of last year, #Qanon told us the DOJ and POTUS could not release certain classified intelligence information until it was no longer needed (it's currently being used by John Huber's team.)

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

24) In December, #Qanon asked us to make connections between Haiti and charitable organizations like the Red Cross, the Clinton Foundation and the McCain Institute.

Q suggested it was all about money and children.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

25) An anon responded to #Qanon

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Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

26) If it's not money laundering, then what exactly did the Red Cross do with the money it raised for Haiti?

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

27) To answer #Qanon's question:
Donor's bailed on the Clinton Foundation immediately after Hillary lost the election.

They insist their support isn't about political favors but why else would all those donors suddenly vanish?

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

28) The McCain Institute received a lot more donations after the 2016 election.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
5h5 hours ago

29) And sure enough, they were the same donors who left the Clinton Foundation.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

30) #Qanon reminded us that politicians are given Board of Director spots and honorariums as a way around bribery laws. Loop Capital manages the assets of politicians in a way that prevents the public from knowing about it.

Did McCain receive $19 million from Singapore?

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

31) In addition to many of Obama's cabinet and staff, it seems Senator McCain [we don't say his name] used a private email address (gmail drafts, and other means) to avoid NSA detection.

What were they hiding?

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

32) In February, #Qanon told us that the President and his inner circle consider McCain to be a traitor of the highest order.

(The photo was taken while McCain meeting with known terrorists.)

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

33) Link 1:

Link 2: …

Link 3: …


. . . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

34) In April, when the National Guard was deployed to the border, #Qanon suggested it would be a roadblock to human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and other C_IA activities supported by Senators McCain and Flake.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

35) An anon asked #Qanon if the wall was for a purpose we had not suspected, like preventing an enemy from coming into the country to overthrow the government.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

36) The Zimmerman Telegram was a communication between Germany and Mexico proposing a military alliance. It was intercepted by British intelligence and was a key reason why the U.S. became involved in World War I. …

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

39) On April 8th, #Qanon posted this after North Korea announced it was willing to discuss denuclearization.

Q suggested it could have been done years ago but there were strategic reasons why previous Presidents didn't want peace in North Korea.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

40) #Qanon then asked about McCain's visit to Syria, suggesting the truth about the trip was about to be exposed and McCain was panicking.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

45) #Qanon asked the anons to find the exact location of the meeting.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

46) #Qanon suggested that contractors were following McCain. (Smile) would indicate photos were being taken by them.

I believe he was being followed by Blackwater contractors.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

47) #Qanon posted to link to an article detailing Erik Prince's time as a CIA operative.
[Think double.]
Prince worked on the Trump campaign
What if he was a double agent sent to expose the corruption of the clown agency?
That could be why the story is being confirmed now.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

49) An anon found a new picture of McCain's meeting. It included the photographer.

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Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
3h3 hours ago

51) #Qanon asked us to note how the people in this picture appear, suggesting they may have been refugees who worked in the House & Senate.

They were here to do what was in the best interest of other nations.

Under previous administrations, America was for sale.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

52) An anon posted these images identifying the man who had not been previously identified.

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Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

53) #Qanon asked why Obama protected ISIS instead of eradicating them, noting that it took Trump only a year to decimate them.

Why did previous administrations allow terrorism to flourish?

The deep state makes money from war & terrorism (arms trafficking, human trafficking.)

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

54) #Qanon said that America would no longer be for sale.

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Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

55) On April 21st, #Qanon posted a link to an article reminding us not to forget about certain people and subjects including:
America for sale
John McCain [No name]
The inside-out destruction of our government.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

56) On April 30th, #Qanon suggested that the Iran deal was a cover story that allowed us to continue funding Iran's weapons program.

The Uranium One deal allowed some uranium to be secretly diverted to Iran & Syria to provide the material they needed.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

57) #Qanon asked what if Iran had a secret nuclear weapons facility in Syria?

It seems they did.

. . .

Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

58) #Qanon wrote:
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
2 replies 78 retweets 186 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

59) #Qanon wrote:
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
1 reply 62 retweets 167 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

60) #Qanon suggested that most of the uranium from the Uranium One deal went to Russia but some was secretly shipped to Syria and Iran.

It was important that it come from the same batch.
4 replies 121 retweets 219 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

61) Uranium isotopes have a unique fingerprint, so batches can be traced.

It was illegal to sell uranium to Syria or Iran but not to Russia.

So Hillary & Obama put together the Uranium One deal.
The cover story was that it ALL went to Russia.

6 replies 164 retweets 279 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

62) But secretly, some of the same batch went to Syria and Iran.

Because it was from the batch that was sent to Russia, anyone who discovered that Syria and Iran had obtained Uranium would think it came from Russia.
3 replies 107 retweets 220 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

63) The deep state shipped uranium to Syria & Iran to start a war and if anyone ever discovered they had it, Russia would be blamed for it.
3 replies 133 retweets 244 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

64) #Qanon asked:
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
3 replies 77 retweets 200 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

65) The cover story for the air strike on Syria was Assad's use of chemical weapons.
The real reason was to obtain proof that Syria had been building nuclear weapons for Iran.

We may have evidence that the uranium Syria had was from the same batch we sold to Russia.
6 replies 146 retweets 324 likes
Praying Medic
‏ @prayingmedic
2h2 hours ago

66) How did Syria get the uranium?

Let's go back to #Qanon's previous question:

What did John McCain deliver on his secret trip to Syria?

I suspect it may have been uranium.

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Cindy Ambach
‏ @AmbachCindy
1h1 hour ago
Replying to @prayingmedic

{Interesting claim about ankle monitor on McCain etc. and a sealed indictment}

. . .

. . .

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/