Author Topic: Amazon makes a killing on electricity rates paid for by the rural poor  (Read 677 times)

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American Thinker
Monica Showalter
Aug. 22, 2018

If you've ever wondered if crony capital is a thing, look no further than Amazon's record on energy, something it needs to stay competitive like Dracula needs a blood supply.

The Internet giant, according to this Bloomberg report, has an absolutely ravenous appetite for the much-derided petroleum products, given that its Internet model requires lots and lots of electricity.

This sort of thing is becoming a pattern. Amazon Web Services, the company’s cloud computing business, is its fastest-growing and most profitable division, but it comes with a lot of upfront infrastructure costs and ongoing expenses, the biggest of which is electricity. Over the past two years, Amazon has almost doubled the size of its physical footprint worldwide, to 254 million square feet, including dozens of new data centers with vast fields of servers running 24/7. In at least two states, it’s also negotiated with utilities and politicians to stick other people with the bills, piling untold millions of dollars on top of the estimated $1.2 billion in state and municipal tax incentives the company has received over the past decade.
