Author Topic: No, Richard Spencer Is Not a ‘Wilsonian Progressive’  (Read 738 times)

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American Greatness
Wayne Isaac
Aug. 15, 2018

Contrary to recent claims, Richard Spencer is not a “Wilsonian Progressive.” How could he be? Woodrow Wilson pushed for foreign war in the name of “Democracy,” saw the administrative state as the cornerstone of government action, and sought the spiritual uplift of Americans from the “hosts of sin” and a “heartless” economic system.

Spencer on the other hand, despises foreign interventionism, does not support democracy, and says very little on the subject of economics and public administration. It is true, as Dinesh D’Souza notes, that both Wilson and Spencer reject the American Founding. It is also true that both consider European civilization to be a product of something unique and superior in the “blood” of those who built it.

But these instances of possible overlap do not make D’Souza’s case that Spencer’s views are “virtually identical” to those of the early 20th century Progressives. The Founders restricted immigration in the Naturalization Act of 1790 to “free White persons.” Does that mean Richard Spencer and George Washington are “virtually identical” or that they are both “white nationalists?” Only a fool would suggest it.
