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Member and Guest Poll: Should the Federal Government Regulate Social Media Content

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Frank Cannon:
It's a moot point. The radical Lefists and the DNC control Social Media and they are openly shutting down dissenting views. It really doesn't matter to me whether it is an actual Govt' official doing it or a puppet doing this, the results are the same.


--- Quote from: Frank Cannon on August 07, 2018, 07:39:10 pm ---It's a moot point. The radical Lefists and the DNC control Social Media and they are openly shutting down dissenting views. It really doesn't matter to me whether it is an actual Govt' official doing it or a puppet doing this, the results are the same.

--- End quote ---

Until you realize that their plan isn't just the big three, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  Forums, like this one, are also considered social media. And if you look at the proposal the Democrats have been circulating, they don't want to limit this regulation to social media, but to the internet in general. We are cheering them opening this door because we don't like what is happening at the big 3.


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