Author Topic: Pocahontas and Krazy Kamala shamelessly pander for Nutroots support  (Read 249 times)

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August 5, 2018
Pocahontas and Krazy Kamala shamelessly pander for Nutroots support
By Ed Straker

The "Netroots," derisively – and accurately – called the "Nutroots" by some, is a group of hard-left activists who provide the ready foot soldiers when the left goes to electoral war.  So would-be 2020 Democratic presidential candidates appeared before them, each trying to appear more insanely left-wing than the others, in an attempt to curry favor with the certifiably politically insane.

Most prominent among them was Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Caucasian-American pretending to be an Indian-American, and Senator Kamala Harris, an Indian-American who prefers to emphasize being African-American.  Senator Cory Booker was also there, almost as an afterthought, probably for comic relief.  (He posed for a photo with an anti-Israeli sign and then claimed he forgot to read it.)

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