Author Topic: U.S.-led Coalition Set to Launch Final Fight Against ISIS in Syria  (Read 384 times)

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U.S.-led Coalition Set to Launch Final Fight Against ISIS in Syria
The jihadi group has lost nearly all its territory but is still seen as a threat.
By Lara Seligman | August 1, 2018, 4:58 PM

The U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State for the past four years is closing in on the last pocket of militants in eastern Syria and is expecting the battle to flush them out to be a tough one, according to a top officer involved in the campaign.

More than 1,000 Islamic State fighters are holed up in the city of Hajin in eastern Syria, near the Iraqi border, including a number foreign fighters, said British Army Maj. Gen. Felix Gedney, who is the deputy commander for strategy and support for the U.S.-lead campaign to defeat the Islamic State.