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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2018, 05:30:11 am »
Wow, you're right.  I'm sorry you can't feel that way.  **nononono*

By the way, there is still the small matter of 40,000+ unexplained sealed federal indictments.  (Maybe they're mostly MS-13, but why have they stayed sealed?  Over 4,000 of them have been sealed for more than nine months.  [See])

The feds are definitely preparing for an unprecedented tsunami of prosecutions.  As Q has said, "Enjoy the show."   :2popcorn:


a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.

 I don't want to feel special ... I want to feel sane.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2018, 05:46:00 am »
I just hope that if those people have that meeting that's been rumored, that nobody passes out Kool-aid.
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Offline the_doc

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2018, 02:19:43 am »

a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.

 I don't want to feel special ... I want to feel sane.

My joke about "feeling special" was a gentle retort to your chiding, of course.  I regard you as a TBR friend and as an important poster on this forum. 

All chiding aside, however, I will stipulate that I think our whole world is pretty insane.  Does that opinion instead constitute me as insane?  Is it out-of-bounds for me to complain that most other folks are badly crazed by today's myriad of morally stupid distractions and weird, often evil appetites--not to mention weird beliefs in the occult?  Nope.  Even if it is tempting to diagnose neuroses or psychoses by standard deviations or the like, I am actually just a hardnosed guy who objectively faces unpleasant realities.
At the bottom line, I certainly don't feel special.  I don't go gaga over crap like "secret knowledge."  As a matter of fact, I don't regard any of my insights as particularly "secret" knowledge.  I have merely noticed that the really bad forms of evil invariably produce an iceberg of evil, only the tip of which is occasionally visible, and I have concluded that it's reasonable to dive beneath the surface to see how big the evil iceberg really is.  Having dived down pretty deep in my investigations over the years, I have discovered that what we can readily see is ordinarily just a small fraction, maybe even a tiny fraction of the hideous mass that is strangling our planet in filthy, vicious corruption.

My point here, Emjay, is that we live in a very, very evil world.  Occasionally, I have a hard time believing what I'm really looking at.  I am not quick to believe the worst.  But I have concluded that the mess of corruption is 100 or even 1000 times worse than most people would dream possible.   

Q, in fact, has actually said that the Global Cabal, including its American faction, is UNIMAGINABLY evil.  Q has said that the American people will be absolutely HORRIFIED to see what will be revealed shortly before the November elections.  Most people will be SHOCKED at the revelations, and many people will initially refuse to believe even RIVETING evidence of the Deep State players' hideous crimes.  (Most Americans will try to suspend belief in order to feel sane, I think.  Eventually, however, they will have to become Q-believers to recover their flagging sanity.)       


Is Q a liar?  Is he a publicity-seeking egomaniac?  No, the MSM has been lying to you--AGAIN.  Q is not a conspiracy theorist.  He is not a LARP.  He is quite evidently plugged into U.S. military intelligence.  Most important of all, we can convincingly demonstrate that Q is an authorized spokesman for the POTUS, directly accountable to Trump.  And Trump's team has information that you do not have.  TONS of information that you do not have.  TONS of information that you have summarily dismissed, I'm afraid.

You obviously haven't spent much time following the Q tweets.  And it takes a big investment of time.  Most TBR members just don't have the time, just won't make the time.

They will have to go back over Q's thousands of tweets when the 40,000+ indictments are opened, I guess.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 02:52:05 am by the_doc »

Offline Emjay

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2018, 03:28:52 am »

Hey, I like you also and am frankly surprised that you are drawn into this Q world.

I know evil exists but I am far more optimistic than you are about the extent of it.

I just don't believe it.  I've read a bit of it and chose to leave it alone.  You can feel free to chide me if any of those dire predictions prove to be true.
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Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2018, 03:45:15 am »

QAnon is silliness...not at all like the Deep State.

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I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Emjay

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2018, 05:42:26 am »

Why did you choose to show a CNN picture showing TWO rather large ladies wearing Q shirts.  I doubt if that is representative of the audience.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2018, 07:28:41 am »
Why did you choose to show a CNN picture showing TWO rather large ladies wearing Q shirts.  I doubt if that is representative of the audience.

If you bothered to read the link at all, it's a video from the Wilkes-Barre rally, interviewing people 2nd believe this stuff.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Emjay

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2018, 03:41:30 pm »

If you bothered to read the link at all, it's a video from the Wilkes-Barre rally, interviewing people 2nd believe this stuff.

Of course I didn't read the link.  I had stuff to do.  Can't remember what but it was important.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Silver Pines

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2018, 04:33:42 pm »
My joke about "feeling special" was a gentle retort to your chiding, of course.  I regard you as a TBR friend and as an important poster on this forum. 

All chiding aside, however, I will stipulate that I think our whole world is pretty insane.  Does that opinion instead constitute me as insane?  Is it out-of-bounds for me to complain that most other folks are badly crazed by today's myriad of morally stupid distractions and weird, often evil appetites--not to mention weird beliefs in the occult?  Nope.  Even if it is tempting to diagnose neuroses or psychoses by standard deviations or the like, I am actually just a hardnosed guy who objectively faces unpleasant realities.
At the bottom line, I certainly don't feel special.  I don't go gaga over crap like "secret knowledge."  As a matter of fact, I don't regard any of my insights as particularly "secret" knowledge.  I have merely noticed that the really bad forms of evil invariably produce an iceberg of evil, only the tip of which is occasionally visible, and I have concluded that it's reasonable to dive beneath the surface to see how big the evil iceberg really is.  Having dived down pretty deep in my investigations over the years, I have discovered that what we can readily see is ordinarily just a small fraction, maybe even a tiny fraction of the hideous mass that is strangling our planet in filthy, vicious corruption.

My point here, Emjay, is that we live in a very, very evil world.  Occasionally, I have a hard time believing what I'm really looking at.  I am not quick to believe the worst.  But I have concluded that the mess of corruption is 100 or even 1000 times worse than most people would dream possible.   

Q, in fact, has actually said that the Global Cabal, including its American faction, is UNIMAGINABLY evil.  Q has said that the American people will be absolutely HORRIFIED to see what will be revealed shortly before the November elections.  Most people will be SHOCKED at the revelations, and many people will initially refuse to believe even RIVETING evidence of the Deep State players' hideous crimes.  (Most Americans will try to suspend belief in order to feel sane, I think.  Eventually, however, they will have to become Q-believers to recover their flagging sanity.)       


Is Q a liar?  Is he a publicity-seeking egomaniac?  No, the MSM has been lying to you--AGAIN.  Q is not a conspiracy theorist.  He is not a LARP.  He is quite evidently plugged into U.S. military intelligence.  Most important of all, we can convincingly demonstrate that Q is an authorized spokesman for the POTUS, directly accountable to Trump.  And Trump's team has information that you do not have.  TONS of information that you do not have.  TONS of information that you have summarily dismissed, I'm afraid.

You obviously haven't spent much time following the Q tweets.  And it takes a big investment of time.  Most TBR members just don't have the time, just won't make the time.

They will have to go back over Q's thousands of tweets when the 40,000+ indictments are opened, I guess.


Q also said that the Clintons and John Podesta would be arrested on a certain date.  Never happened, but as is common with people who are vested in believing this kind of thing, they adjust and come up with a reason that will allow them to keep believing.  It becomes a hobby.

Here's an Interesting look at some of the reasons people fall for conspiracy theories.  The Q larp plays on strongly held beliefs, such as the fear of Hillary Clinton as some kind of unconquerably evil monster.  Claim that she eats children, and the responses are "I knew she was a demon and this proves it."  Another example is the devotion Trump's base feels for him, and the conviction that he's a warrior/deliverer.  Secret knowledge that he's allowing these cryptic nuggets of (non) information to leak out because he loves them back?  And that he's leading a worldwide moral crusade?  The base is vindicated.

Offline the_doc

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2018, 08:42:24 pm »
@Smokin Joe
@Chosen Daughter

Q also said that the Clintons and John Podesta would be arrested on a certain date.  Never happened, but as is common with people who are vested in believing this kind of thing, they adjust and come up with a reason that will allow them to keep believing.  It becomes a hobby.

I do recall a Q tweet many weeks ago suggesting that the Clintons and John Podesta would be arrested soon (or at least his tweet was interpreted by many Q followers as intimating that such an event was coming soon indeed).  As I recall, Q's tweet didn't give a date for any such thing--at least, not a "certain date" (your language).   

By the way, Q rarely gives EXACT DATES about ANYTHING in the PLAN or the intelligence thereunder.  But his revelations are still shocking for their subsequently revealed veracity.  The first of many examples of this, one that I saw way back in 2017, concerned a would-be suicide bomber from Bangladesh who would soon injure himself with a bunch of firecrackers that he would believe were high explosives.  Well, this bizarre incident did happen in NYC soon after Q's cryptically humorous tweet.  There are a number of other examples of such crazy intelligence on Q's part--which goes to show that Q is someone plugged into American counterintelligence, including sting operations. 

On one or two occasions, Q has given exact dates for other peculiarly specific predictions--and they have proven to be precisely on target.  One that I recall in early 2018 was a chilling declaration made by Q during the meme war #ReleaseTheMemo." At the height of the meme war, Q stated that on the very next day, ALL of the MSM outlets would begin trashing the #ReleaseTheMemo" movement by using IDENTICAL talking points to the effect that #ReleaseTheMemo" was a massive tweeting fraud PERPETRATED BY RUSSIAN BOTS.  Well, guess what?  Exactly as predicted, on the very next day, a weird explosion of identical talking points about RUSSIAN BOTS using fake Twitter accounts occurred.  It happened all at once, and it happened the very next day.  As Q would say, "We know their comms."  (Q has specifically declared that all of the MSM news producers/anchors receive their daily talking points from the same Deep State Twitter account.)


In any case, timetables in the TRUMP/Q PLAN will sometimes have to be changed in a covert war against the Deep State.  This is a no-brainer.  And the fact that it is a no-brainer is one of several reasons why I think the article you linked is so naïve as to be lacking in usefulness, to say the least.  The article (or at least your reading of it) presupposes and bluntly claims that any appeal to necessary flexibility is just a lying excuse by Conspiracy Theorists for ignoring "failures" of their guru's predictions.  But I am afraid that you (and the author of the article) are ignoring the reality of war and the foggy quality thereof.

(Any numbskull can write the article you linked.  That fact does not exactly commend the article to any very strong intellectual as great insight.  The article's slant--as in a determination only to debunk the Q movement [by thoroughly "explaining it away"]--is just a priori junk.)   

By the way, I recall one occasion in which Q unabashedly revised some of his predictions well in advance of their anticipated fulfillments, stating that POTUS had decided it was necessary to change directions or timing, due to the exigencies of Trump's conflict with the Deep State.  This was not a matter of dishonesty or even an intelligence failure, but of cautious honesty.  And yet the article you have linked smarmily insinuates that a fellow like Q is just a flake or an even more sinister fake.  (The article is just parroting the MSM, Catherine.  That isn't something we should overlook.  The MSM is monumentally corrupt--perhaps even more corrupt than you have noticed.)

Here's an Interesting look at some of the reasons people fall for conspiracy theories.  The Q larp plays on strongly held beliefs, such as the fear of Hillary Clinton as some kind of unconquerably evil monster.  Claim that she eats children, and the responses are "I knew she was a demon and this proves it."  Another example is the devotion Trump's base feels for him, and the conviction that he's a warrior/deliverer.  Secret knowledge that he's allowing these cryptic nuggets of (non) information to leak out because he loves them back?  And that he's leading a worldwide moral crusade?  The base is vindicated.

I suspect that you know less about the Clintons than you think you do.  (Heck, a lot of anti-Hillary folks, here on TBR, don't know the most important facts about her.  As another "heck," a lot of folks here on TBR think Obama really was born in Hawaii.  [Enough said?]) 

I also don't think you know much about the worldwide mess of pedophilia and about Satanic Ritual Abuse.  (One Hollywood insider, Isaac Kappy, has said concerning these things in Hollywood, "It's worse than you think.")
I don't believe you have read or watched the decidedly awful reports, over decades, by serious, credible authorities on any of this really awful stuff.  I also don't think you have been willing even to entertain the ominous nature of Trump's EO of 12/2717--concerning a State of National Emergency centering on Human Trafficking and Serious Corruption--or of the MSM's refusal to talk about that EO at all.  I don't think you have seriously considered the significance of Trump's subsequent EO concerning the proper protocol for military prosecutions of civilians--or of the MSM's refusal to talk about it at all.

Notice from this that the MSM is monumentally corrupt--obviously so.  (Virtually all of the J-Schools in the U.S. teach their students that the only important role of the journalist is that of what Alinsky lauded as social change.  That Alinskyite stance is a flat-out denunciation of true journalistic ethics.  It invariably produces fake news in lieu of the real news.)

And here's the clincher:  You have given no meaningful thought to the fact that as of July 31 of this year, there were 45,468 sealed federal indictments in the federal court system (sealed since 10/31/17, according to  The annualized rate for these sealed indictments is fifty-six times the normal rate, higher than ever before in history.  It's a matter of government record--and although a shockingly significant statistic, it is even more significant for the fact that the MSM is not talking about it at all. 

Again, the MSM is monumentally corrupt.  If a news item is important, they will make sure they don't cover it properly, if at all.

The average number of sealed federal indictments for a full year is documented as barely over 1,000 for a full year.  Something BIG is happening, and yet you just aren't interested.  I would dare to point out that your incredulity has wound up aligning you with the MSM.  (I respectfully submit that you seem to be a kind of sleepwalker who dreams that she's awake.)


Finally, let me say, as I have said over and over on TBR, I do not regard Trump as a kind of messiah.  I didn't vote for him in 2016, but he is now our POTUS by the strange providence of our Creator, and I am delighted to know that Trump is doing incredibly important things that you are overlooking.  If President Trump survives, alive and in office, I believe that he will CRUSH America's domestic enemies--even if he  horrifies you by so doing.  (And it turns out that it is easy to demonstrate that Q is Trump's authorized leaker--i.e., the POTUS himself is ultimately the Man Behind the Curtain.  The creation of Q seems to be a military-style psyop designed to keep the public relatively calm and safe when the excrement hits the ventilator.  As Q has said repeatedly:  YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE SAFE.)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 09:42:52 pm by the_doc »

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2018, 09:39:25 pm »

And here's the clincher:  You have given no meaningful thought to the fact that as of July 31 of this year, there were 45,468 sealed federal indictments in the federal court system (sealed since 10/31/17, according to  The annualized rate for these sealed indictments is fifty-six times higher than ever before in history.  It's a matter of government record--and although a shockingly significant statistic, it is even more significant for the fact that the MSM is not talking about it at all.

Hilarious stuff @the_doc .  I had time to waste so I looked up the sealed indictments thing  and found this...
Even if not all sealed criminal cases are indictments, doesn’t a massive uptick in sealed cases mean a massive uptick in sealed indictments?

It doesn’t, because routine court matters in district courts are usually handled by lower-level magistrate judges. And the FLC report found over 15,000 sealed magistrate judge cases, with many others not in the Electronic Court Filing system that feeds into PACER.

A random sampling of these files showed 83 percent of sealed magistrate cases to be warrant applications or tracking devices. They are NOT indictments, but #QAnon’s number includes them anyway. We know this from their own methodology.


But we do know, at the very least, that the massive numbers of “sealed indictments” being thrown around by #QAnon believers is inaccurate, and isn’t being compared to previous years correctly.

Meanwhile, sealed indictment mania is a conspiracy theory that feeds itself, and will continue to, by adding more numbers to an essentially meaningless tally, and pretending it’s a portend of things to come.

Mike Rothschild

Mike Rothschild is a writer who specializes in researching and debunking conspiracy theories and fringe beliefs. He also writes about politics, history, and breaking news.

Offline heckocopter

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2018, 10:14:57 pm »
Hey there - my blog was linked upthread a bit so I saw some referral clicks, came through and saw the discussion. I won't stick around long, just saw some misinformation about Q and thought I'd set the record straight on some things.
I do recall a Q tweet many weeks ago suggesting that the Clintons and John Podesta would be arrested soon (or at least his tweet was interpreted by many Q followers as intimating that such an event was coming soon indeed).  As I recall, Q's tweet didn't give a date for any such thing--at least, not a "certain date" (your language).   
This was probably referring to one of the first Q posts, back in the 4chan days, that predicted massive nationwide riots and martial law after the arrest announcements of Huma Abedin and John (or maybe Tony) Podesta in early November.

Nov 1 2017 21:56:16 (EST)
Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

This was one of the first things that brought Q into the limelight, and weirdly, the failure didn't do much to discourage his following. Making fake predictions that don't come true is weirdly good publicity if you're trying to run a prophecy cult operation.

Nowadays Q doesn't make specific predictions very much, it's true. The last really solid one was that the IG report on the Clinton email investigation would be heavily redacted. It wasn't, so he switched to basically "I meant the one released was actually a whitewash by Rosenstein and there's a secret version that blows the lid off everything that Trump will make public via EO at some point." Presumably around the same time he unseals all the indictments and sends the entire DNC to Gitmo.

By the way, Q rarely gives EXACT DATES about ANYTHING in the PLAN or the intelligence thereunder.  But his revelations are still shocking for their subsequently revealed veracity.  The first of many examples of this, one that I saw way back in 2017, concerned a would-be suicide bomber from Bangladesh who would soon injure himself with a bunch of firecrackers that he would believe were high explosives.  Well, this bizarre incident did happen in NYC soon after Q's cryptically humorous tweet.  There are a number of other examples of such crazy intelligence on Q's part--which goes to show that Q is someone plugged into American counterintelligence, including sting operations. 
This one is way inaccurate. Here's the post that "predicted" the attack, on December 10th.

Blunt & Direct Time.
Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.
Tick Tock.
Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.
Enjoy the show.
The next day, a Bangladeshi guy was arrested in New York for trying to suicide bomb a subway station with a homemade pipe bomb (not fireworks). Q sashayed back into his thread to declare he'd predicted the attempted bombing, because in the above post, he'd capitalized Blunt & Direct Time = BDT = the currency abbreviation for the Bangladeshi Taka! Clearly a prediction that there'd be some Bangladeshi shenanigans.

He had also mentioned to watch out for false flags in a later post, but Q's always going on about false flags. He'd said to expect a big one on November 2nd last year - nothing happened - then "more false flags imminent" on November 5th. Also nothing.

There are loads of other examples of Q's failed predictions. There's always some rationalization - they had to set the timetable back, they arrested everybody but then secretly let them go, it was disinformation to throw off the conspiracy, etc.

But beyond that Q's been repeatedly caught photoshopping some of the photos he's posted - even by his supporters. He had one post of a reflection of AF1 in an iPhone, but it was later proven that he took an Obama-era photo and photographed a reflection of it in the back of an iPhone case. In response to this he claimed he was trolling. Another time, he posted what he claimed was an advance copy of an executive order (but with most of it covered up so you can't really verify the text), but the letterhead had a double-headed eagle instead of the single-headed eagle of actual WH letterhead.

He's supposed to be some high-level military intelligence guy but he has awful password security - his first password was literally just Matlock, and he typed the second one into the subject field of one of his posts before sending it (though he later claimed that both of these screwups were part of his master plan). His early posts had some real howlers like writing "Command and Chief" instead of "Commander in Chief." Whoever's running the account is clever at building a following, props to them, but they had a real learning curve. Even the name is nonsense - it comes from the fact that he claims to have Q clearance, but that would mean he's part of the Department of Energy.

Q's absolutely, undoubtedly nonsense.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 10:21:04 pm by heckocopter »

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2018, 10:45:25 pm »
Hilarious stuff @the_doc .  I had time to waste so I looked up the sealed indictments thing  and found this...

The difference between sealed cases and sealed indictments surely is important to maintain for overall accuracy, so, thanks for the scoop.  I will tighten up my terminology (and also look into the data further). 

Still, an important point seems to have been glossed over by the "debunking" researcher:  the data compiled from represent a huge number of investigations of federal crimes.  The geographical frequency map shows the highest concentrations of sealed cases in cities that are already suspected for being high-crime locales, but that same map is auspicious for the fact that the suspected criminality being charted rises to the level of investigations for federal crimes--not just tallying the number of homicide investigations in Chicago, for example.  (The overwhelming majority of criminal matters have nothing to do with violations of federal statutes.  Most criminal matters are State criminal matters.  And I have heard from lawyering sources that the "uptick" of federal law enforcement--versus, say, 2006 rates-- is big.)   

(As an aside, even matters "handed off" from Federal District Judges to "lower level magistrates" are still federal investigations.  I am not at all surprised that Federal District Courts have procedures in place to move the federal court workload--now more than 5000 per month and still going strong [even speeding up recently]--down to lower-level judicial designates.) 

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2018, 11:26:32 pm »
@heckocopter, thanks for the input. You're welcome to stick around if you like.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #40 on: August 04, 2018, 11:54:04 pm »


I know the media is corrupt.  We've known that for a long time.  And we've seen them send out talking points before.  It's not a new thing.

I suspect that you know less about the Clintons than you think you do.  (Heck, a lot of anti-Hillary folks, here on TBR, don't know the most important facts about her.  As another "heck," a lot of folks here on TBR think Obama really was born in Hawaii.  [Enough said?]) 

I know that Hillary Clinton is a lousy individual and a crook and that she should be behind bars.  Beyond that, I don't give her a thought.  She's an unwell (I think), aging woman who's over and done and in our rearview mirrors.  But she is not snacking on children.  I really don't understand the obsession with her.

I also don't think you know much about the worldwide mess of pedophilia and about Satanic Ritual Abuse.  (One Hollywood insider, Isaac Kappy, has said concerning these things in Hollywood, "It's worse than you think.")

I'm sure.  Child-trafficking is an international problem.   Trump on a secret 007 mission to magically solve it all, to the point of faking the Mueller investigation, is something altogether different.

The average number of sealed federal indictments for a full year is documented as barely over 1,000 for a full year.  Something BIG is happening, and yet you just aren't interested.  I would dare to point out that your incredulity has wound up aligning you with the MSM.  (I respectfully submit that you seem to be a kind of sleepwalker who dreams that she's awake.)

Because I don't believe that the British royals are cannibals?  That's fine, lol.

Finally, let me say, as I have said over and over on TBR, I do not regard Trump as a kind of messiah.  I didn't vote for him in 2016, but he is now our POTUS by the strange providence of our Creator, and I am delighted to know that Trump is doing incredibly important things that you are overlooking.  If President Trump survives, alive and in office, I believe that he will CRUSH America's domestic enemies--even if he  horrifies you by so doing.  (And it turns out that it is easy to demonstrate that Q is Trump's authorized leaker--i.e., the POTUS himself is ultimately the Man Behind the Curtain.  The creation of Q seems to be a military-style psyop designed to keep the public relatively calm and safe when the excrement hits the ventilator.  As Q has said repeatedly:  YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE SAFE.)

Well, messiah, deliverer, whatever, but I don't know what else you'd call the Trump this hoax is putting forth.  I mean, he's going to solve--no, sorry, crush---the evildoers of the world.  As for that last sentence?  Dude, somebody sitting behind a computer screen doesn't have the power to guarantee my safety or anyone else's.  Wth, come on.

I don't understand why you seem to get irritated when you're confronted with people who don't believe the Q thing.  I'm sure you don't expect everyone to join up.

It's a shame Butterdezillion was banned at TOS.  She would have been in her element.  And damn, Humblegunner's posts to her would have been epic.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2018, 12:31:43 am »
@heckocopter, thanks for the input. You're welcome to stick around if you like.



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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2018, 12:49:57 am »
Thanks for the info, @heckocopter, and welcome!
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2018, 05:27:20 am »

He's supposed to be some high-level military intelligence guy but he has awful password security - his first password was literally just Matlock, and he typed the second one into the subject field of one of his posts before sending it (though he later claimed that both of these screwups were part of his master plan). His early posts had some real howlers like writing "Command and Chief" instead of "Commander in Chief." Whoever's running the account is clever at building a following, props to them, but they had a real learning curve. Even the name is nonsense - it comes from the fact that he claims to have Q clearance, but that would mean he's part of the Department of Energy.

Q's absolutely, undoubtedly nonsense.

People have a strong urge to 'be in on something' ... to know things that other people don't know.

The fact that Q's predictions are vague and often wrong does not deter his followers one bit.

It's a cult.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2018, 05:56:13 am »
People have a strong urge to 'be in on something' ... to know things that other people don't know.

The fact that Q's predictions are vague and often wrong does not deter his followers one bit.

It's a cult.

@Emjay agreed

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2018, 10:40:30 am »
For the uninitiated:

There is a 31 page, 51,765 Views megathread on Q-Anon etc. in the Alt Realities forum here:,297134.0.html
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #46 on: August 05, 2018, 11:43:24 am »
@Emjay agreed

Then you'd both be outrageously and horribly, thoroughly wrong.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #47 on: August 05, 2018, 11:48:36 am »
People have a strong urge to 'be in on something' ... to know things that other people don't know.

The fact that Q's predictions are vague and often wrong does not deter his followers one bit.

It's a cult.

Dream on. And prepare to have your flawed reality testing seriously adjusted in the not too distant future.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #48 on: August 05, 2018, 11:49:35 am »
For the uninitiated:

There is a 31 page, 51,765 Views megathread on Q-Anon etc. in the Alt Realities forum here:,297134.0.html

As a loyal lifetime member of the officially "uninitiated".... a big fan of crib notes....

could you summarize and list a few of the so-called Q predictions that actually have come true and occurred as predicted?

(just curious but too lazy and/or uninterested to read 31 pages)
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #49 on: August 05, 2018, 11:51:52 am »


I know the media is corrupt.  We've known that for a long time.  And we've seen them send out talking points before.  It's not a new thing.

I know that Hillary Clinton is a lousy individual and a crook and that she should be behind bars.  Beyond that, I don't give her a thought.  She's an unwell (I think), aging woman who's over and done and in our rearview mirrors.  But she is not snacking on children.  I really don't understand the obsession with her.

I'm sure.  Child-trafficking is an international problem.   Trump on a secret 007 mission to magically solve it all, to the point of faking the Mueller investigation, is something altogether different.

Because I don't believe that the British royals are cannibals?  That's fine, lol.

Well, messiah, deliverer, whatever, but I don't know what else you'd call the Trump this hoax is putting forth.  I mean, he's going to solve--no, sorry, crush---the evildoers of the world.  As for that last sentence?  Dude, somebody sitting behind a computer screen doesn't have the power to guarantee my safety or anyone else's.  Wth, come on.

I don't understand why you seem to get irritated when you're confronted with people who don't believe the Q thing.  I'm sure you don't expect everyone to join up.

It's a shame Butterdezillion was banned at TOS.  She would have been in her element.  And damn, Humblegunner's posts to her would have been epic.

I guess you are not well informed about the Jimmy Saville (sp?) fiasco for the royals? The Queen may be a 'nice lady' to have tea with . . . but there  has long been plenty of horrible darkness surrounding more than a few royals . . . back, certainly, to Montbatten. Your assumptions appear to be quite askew from the facts.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/