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The Intellectual Dark Web

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--- Quote from: Sanguine on July 29, 2018, 10:07:31 pm ---I'm pinging a couple of TBRers who I think might find this interesting. 

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Please include me on future pings of Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, et al., @Sanguine.

Thanks!  happy77


--- Quote from: Suppressed on July 29, 2018, 11:30:53 pm ---Please include me on future pings of Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, et al., @Sanguine.

Thanks!  happy77

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I should say, most TBRers are informed enough to find this interesting.  I just pinged a few people with whom I have had conversations about some of these topics in the past. I should have thought of you.

Camille Paglia/Christina Hoff Sommers: "We are Heading Towards Late Rome"

! No longer available


--- Quote from: Sanguine on July 29, 2018, 10:07:31 pm ---This one is great: Men Cannot Fix Crazy Women

 I have great respect for both of these thinkers, and they present some very powerful stuff here.  "There's nothing more dangerous than a weak man."

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I too have a great respect for Pedersen and Paglia - I have respected Paglia for a very long time, and regard her as one of the few deep thinkers on the liberal side. In large part, I can accept her classic liberalism, even though I don't always or fully agree.

And as an aside (not meaning to jack the thread, as this is a great thread in its own right), this particular bit addresses very eloquently the subject matter than you and I have bandied about: Men and women are not equal, and never can be, because they are different. Two fully and completely different hierarchies, absolutely different power dynamics, and etcetera.
This is a brilliant piece.

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: Sanguine on July 29, 2018, 11:19:32 pm ---Which part?

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Men cannot fix women.  Actually, I'm aware that it might be pretty good, but they talk so fast the CC resolves it into one loooooooooooooong sentence each.  I'm sure if I pop a pair of headphones on I could follow it a lot better.


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