Early Hunter-Gather Days:
--Ambitious "gatherer," works overtime. and acquires a "Surplus" of seeds, tubors, roots, non-perishable food items.
They discover these items, will last until next season.
I would wager that the"origin" of money,, was to store value to purchase food. Initially.
Or perhaps to purchase firewood.
Then cometh The Big Orange Trump forefather. He occupies the bank of the river, starts charging for right to cross from His Landes. Next he buys the opposite shorline, as well. He jacks up crossing prices.
He then begins buying women, from near and far, using "money" he entrusts with Saul Cohen.
Still later he buys more land, and more women, and bankers, boats etc.
Later stil he turns to owning inns, where people can play games with their own money.
Eventually he grows bored. He decides he wants to be King of All the Landes.
To gain the Throne, he would have to defeat both the Bush and the Clinton dynasties, who have many supporters among rich bankers, business owners , government workers and fake rune carvers.
But alas, he won and the Kingdom began improving immediately.