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Republican controlled committee votes to grant backdoor open borders via asylum regulation

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Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) is the only Republican named in the article, that is infavor of this.
I wonder who the other Republicans are?


--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on July 27, 2018, 02:11:51 pm ---Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) is the only Republican named in the article, that is infavor of this.
I wonder who the other Republicans are?

--- End quote ---

I can guess, the rest of the RINOS.  McCAIN, MARCO RUBIO, FLAKE, L.GRAHAM, probably Paul Ryan, some others,,WHO it has been documented, all receive money from SOROS.  McCAIN since 2001.  Senator Heck, in Nevada. A LOT are paid by SOROS.  CLINTOONS & OBAMA.

We had amnesty in 1986, on the condition the border is closed. Demon-rats reneged.  Obama open borders for 8 years. Suing states, who follow federal law. AZ. Alaska. Joe Arpaio.  Since 1986, we have increased ILLEGALS. 10 fold.  Always a "reason" to come here, illegal.  Fix your own country!  You turd world country people,  bring all that same, filth with you. Assimilate or leave.  Dirtying up America!

OK, one more time.  Posting in GENERAL. NOT TO ANYONE IN PARTICULAR. 


--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on July 27, 2018, 02:11:51 pm ---Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) is the only Republican named in the article, that is infavor of this.
I wonder who the other Republicans are?

--- End quote ---

As I understand it, they took a voice vote, not a roll call vote, so they can come back and say they were against the measure.  These are real scumbags and need to be punished.



--- Quote from: LegalAmerican on July 27, 2018, 09:01:48 pm ---
I can guess, the rest of the RINOS.  McCAIN, MARCO RUBIO, FLAKE, L.GRAHAM, probably Paul Ryan, some others,,WHO it has been documented, all receive money from SOROS.  McCAIN since 2001.  Senator Heck, in Nevada. A LOT are paid by SOROS.  CLINTOONS & OBAMA.

--- End quote ---

You will could be right, eventually, but this is still in the House, for now.
It hasn't reached the Senate yet.
Ryan would be the only House member on your list.


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