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{Qx: This one is more than a bit shrill but I think it's largely accurate in terms of historical facts. There have been plenty of confirmations of such puzzle pieces by a number of other authors}



The Bush Crime Family:
Three Generations of Treason

By Randy Lavello

There have been terrible crimes and criminals in United States history - but because the Bush family has passed their misdeeds down through generations, they are unequivocally the most corrupt. Rarely has there been a whole family of underhanded criminals where nefariousness was the rule rather than the exception. It's not as if they have no code of conduct, the facts prove they lie, cheat and steal as their code of conduct.

Prescott Bush was a firm believer in eugenics, (the study of genetic improvement through selecting parents, or racial superiority) which was very common among the influential families at the start of the twentieth century... of course we are all more familiar with the eugenics 'studies' done by the Nazis. William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany in 1937 said, '... I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi Regime.' Which 'ruling families' was he referring to? Well, Old Prescott was convicted by the U.S. government under the Trading With The Enemy Act in 1942 and fined one million dollars. Brown Brothers Harriman's affiliate Union Bank- of which Prescott was director- invested huge sums of money into Thyssen Steel, the backbone of Nazi steel production.

August Thyssen, an affluent German industrialist, lost much of his empire to the harsh Treaty of Versailles after WWI. Vowing this would never happen again, he founded three banks in three countries: August Thyssen Bank in Berlin, Bank voor Handel en Scheepuaart in Rotterdam, Holland, and Union Banking Corp. in New York City. Using money channeled through these three banks, Thyssen financed the rise of the Nazi party and their front-man Adolf Hitler, ruled Nazi steel production, profited from the mining of coal by Jewish slaves, and financed concentration camps including Auschwitz. In 1937, while director of Union Bank, Prescott hired Allen Dulles to 'cloak' his accounts; Allen obviously didn't do that great of a job because in 1942 the U.S. Alien Property Custodian froze Union Bank's accounts. 'Coincidentally,' Allen Dulles was appointed U.S. Intelligence Chief in post-war Germany while he was also the lawyer representing Thyssen's bank in Holland. This ensuing cover-up may have saved Prescott from further penalty stemming from proper investigation. In 1951, Prescott reclaimed Union Bank from the U.S. Alien Property Custodian, and went on to represent Connecticut in the Senate.

Why is it that picking up a gun and firing upon U.S. troops in wartime is considered treason, but financing the production of thousands of guns, munitions, tanks, and aircraft is not considered a treasonous act? Well, since you weren't convicted by our government, I'll convict you with my words: you, Prescott, were guilty in your lifetime of treason against the United States and your tomb bears the blood of veterans who died fighting the Nazis.

 So Prescott had a son, and named him George - he became president of the United States... but first he became a vile criminal. Let's not even speak of the Iran-Contra scandal or his membership in the Nixon Administration during Watergate. Let's skip the fact that he was ambassador to the U.N. in the seventies, then, during his presidency, he scandalously pledged his support for the establishment of a 'New World Order.' 'Coincidentally,' when the Taliban and Saddam Hussein were trained, funded, and empowered - Bush was director of the CIA and Vice President. These are all common crimes in comparison to the Bushes malevolent standard... let's instead concentrate on the events of late March 1981.

James Baker, a member of Reagan's cabinet at the time, stated, 'Bush is functioning much like a co-president.' This after George Sr. aspired to become president by running against Reagan in the Republican primaries. Here is evidence of a desire for power, then a taste of power. On Monday, the 30th of March 1981, George Bush Sr. was in the Hotel where John F. Kennedy Jr. spent the final night of his life. Coincidence? Maybe George wanted to spend some time alone and reflect on the post-Kennedy years when he, Kissinger, and their fellow war-hawks were finally able to pass their agendas- such as committing to war in Southeast Asia. Anyway, it was on this bizarre Monday in March that a fellow named John Hinckley Jr. shot President Reagan, lodging a bullet in his chest less than an inch from his heart. When there is an attempt to assassinate our President, isn't the Vice President the most likely suspect?

John Hinckley Jr.'s family donated substantial amounts of money to Bush during the 1980 primaries when he ran for President... Neil Bush admitted this. Coincidence? On March 31st The Houston Post ran a story that read, 'Scott Hinckley, the brother of John Hinckley Jr., who is charged with shooting President Reagan and three others, was to have been a dinner guest Tuesday night at the home of Neil Bush, son of Vice President George Bush, The Houston Chronicle has learned.' As if this weren't enough evidence, Neil and John Hinckley both were proven to have lived in Lubbock, Texas in 1978... how many sons of energy barons just happened to live in that town? (It's appropriate to mention that Neil was implicated in the Silverado Savings and Loan scandal.) As the final touch to this surreal scenario, Bush, as leader of the cabinet, came to the decision that this was not part of a domestic conspiracy! It's just like Janet Reno's investigation of wrongdoings at Waco, when she was in charge of the murders committed there! Are we to believe that the Bush family was close with the bin Ladens and the Hinckleys and that both families had a rogue member whose violent acts just happened to help advance the political careers of Bushes?

The fact that there was no investigation into these incriminating facts nearly proves that the Bush family knew of Hinckley's impending assassination attempt. George Bush Sr., you are guilty of high treason and should receive retribution for your vile lust for power.

George Bush had two other sons, named George Jr. and Jeb, and they carried on the name and traditions of the family. Let's ignore George Jr.'s, and his brother Jeb's known affiliation with Ken Lay of Enron. Why don't we look further east: from Texas to Florida. George Jr. obviously learned a valuable lesson from his father: lie, cheat, and steal your way into power. Brother Jeb, as the Governor of Florida ignored the decision of the State's Courts that ex-felons from out-of-state would retain their right to vote if they moved to Florida. (Under Florida law, and a handful of other states, an ex-felon could be stripped of his right to vote.) Jeb hired a private data-mining firm, the first time a state government has done this, to compile a list of voters to be purged from Florida's register. Florida happens to be the only state in the Union to list race on the voter registration: because blacks tend to vote for Democrats (93% of the time nationally), between 50- 100,000 mostly black voters were illegally barred from voting in the 2000 elections. George Jr. 'won' the election by 537 votes. These are the bare bones of the happenings in the Florida 2000 elections; for further detail of these disgraceful tactics look for an article by Christopher Mark to appear very soon on this site or purchase Greg Palast's, 'The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - Revised American Edition.'

. . .

George Bush Jr. was declared the winner of the 2000 elections and became president of these United States. Do you think the two Georges may have known about Jeb's rigging of these elections? Well, just in case this was some sort of surprise gift for our current 'president,' let's examine other evidence of treason committed by George Jr. He did call the FBI off investigations of Osama's family upon taking office; he did run an oil business called Arbusto with Salem bin Laden, Osama's brother. With the virtual laundry list of obscene disregard for our Constitution, why speculate into his close ties with suspected terrorists?

George Bush Jr. proves himself guilty of treason by the very laws he's lent his signature to. This whole administration is guilty of criminal disregard for the laws of our land by violating citizen's rights granted under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution. This administration has passed laws allowing infinite detention without charge or access to counsel for U.S. citizens. As if this weren't enough, he has refused to disclose information to Congress regarding executive function and granted the Attorney General the power to declare U.S. citizens as 'enemy combatants' and strip them of their rights. In these ways he has usurped the power of the Judicial and Legislative Branches and dealt a severe blow to the Constitution's Checks and Balances. He has destroyed the Fourth Amendment by removing the requirement for warrants, which could be easily attained if a Judge believed a person may be involved with terrorists.

For his blatant disregard of the freedoms which represent our nation, Bush and this administration should be impeached and tried for treason by our courts to be sentenced for their crimes. The penalties for those who represent our nation should be severe when they partake in actions detrimental to the citizens. The problem may be deeper than we realize: since treasonous criminals have the power to deem citizens 'enemy combatants' and strip them of their rights, this makes violating the Constitution the rule and adherence to the Constitution a criminal act... it has to. If criminals make the rules, those who refuse illegitimate laws will be deemed the law-breakers. Furthermore, if we don't reaffirm our Constitution there will be no reigns on our government and they'll be able to pass any laws they wish.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely... but in the case of the Bush family - corruption empowers, and absolute corruption empowers absolutely! The roots of the Bush family tree are imbedded in filth, in poison, in the abyss itself. There is apparently no offense too dishonorable to be committed by three generations of Bushes: they engaged in every sort of thievery and deceit; they conspired to commit murder; they have conspired against the American people and Constitution itself. After our present time period passes into history, the Bush family will forever be linked to depravity and malevolence; they'll be immortalized as miscreants and swine. Let the truth be known!

Randy Lavello welcomes your comments at

Permission to reprint this article is granted providing the original author is cited and a link to PRISON is included.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 03:39:31 am by Quix »
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pdf article:

2. "Getting along with their own business" The Secret pact of Standard Oil with the Nazis and why Adolf Eichmann was silenced"


. . .

The interest of the Rockefeller family were identical with the interest of Deutsche Bank. And after WW1, their shares of the „Turkish Petroleum Company“ were transferred as „enemy property“ to France. For many years, the Deutsche Bank tried to litigate against this expropriation, but finally they realized that there wouldn’t be any chance on the legal front. There is strong evidence to suggest that approximately in 1927, Deutsche Bank and Standard Oil made a secret pact aimed at bringing Hitler to power in order to conquer the Oil of Baku. Standard Oil promised to supply the fuel. 

1927, Standard Oil and IG Farben founded the company „Standard IG Farben“; president was the oil dealer William Farish from Texas. Standard passed to IG Farben the patents about the coal hydrogenation processes and the Germans gave them the patents how to manufacture synthetic rubber. In the same year, 1927, the young Adolf Eichmann, close friend of Ernest Kaltenbrunner (chief of Hitler’s Gestapo), was hired by the Vacuum Oil Company in Austria, a relation with future.

While the European powers wanted to avoid growth of German industry after WW1, US  invested huge sums in Germany and never ratified the Versailles Treaty. They sold German bonds in the US financial market. One of the most important was the"Union Banking  Corporation" of George H. Walker. He named his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, grandfather of US president George W. Bush, director of the firm. And he made great business with the Germans, before and after 1933. In the board of his „Walkers American Shipping and Commerce Company“ with its Hamburg-America Line was Emil Helfferich, member of „Freundeskreis Reichsführer- SS“ and until end of WW2 President of Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft, later ESSO, and Vacuum Oil Company in Hamburg. 

. . . .

The alliance of Standard Oil with the Nazis wasn’t well regarded by the US-government, above all after the  entered into the war after Pearl Harbour, on December 7th, 1941.  Officials remembered an old law, "Trading with the Enemy“, and opened a formal investigation against Standard Oil. The accusation was that the company hid patents from the US-Navy and supplied fuel to German submarines. John D. Rockefeller said that he wasn’t aware of that and Farish pled "no contest"
 to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis. In March 1942, the Pentagon begged President
Roosevelt to stop the investigation, to protect war production and oil supply. Roosevelt agreed. The Company paid a fine of 5000 dollars and promised to stop fuel supply for the enemies.
But Farish was forced to appear in front of a Special Committee of the US Senate investigating the National Defence Program, headed by Senator Harry Truman, who called behaviour of Standard Oil „treason“. Farish answered in the hearing:
"Our contracts of 1929 (with IG Farben) were to run until 1947. As you gentlemen doubtless know, contracts such as these are not, in law, abrogated, but merely suspended when the party’s nations are at war. The parties to such contracts must therefore find some way of getting along with their own business".

While the men slaughtered each other in the battlefields in World War II, corporate America was looking for a way of „getting along with their own business“. It was not easy, after the decision of US Congress to enter in the War and to frustrate the pact of Big Oil with the Nazis. For Standard Oil it was a profound defeat. How did they continue with their "own business“? Maybe creating its own intelligence agency? An agency that cared above all for business and not for National Security?

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 Posted on May 2, 2016 by Larry

George Walker Bush – by John Buchanan and Stacey Michael

Exclusive to The New Hampshire Gazette, Vol. 248, No. 3, November 7, 2003

Founded in 1756, The New Hampshire Gazette is The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper

After the seizures in late 1942 of five U.S. enterprises he managed on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen “enemy national” relationships that continued until as late as 1951, newly-discovered U.S. government documents reveal.   
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Thank you for all this background. Even if there turns out to be a t wrongly crossed or an i mis-dotted it's still fascinating stuff.

I was aware of the connection between Bayer/Farben and the camps but this is new to me.

The saddest part is that it Shouldn't be implausible given California's eugenics movement being the inspiration for the extermination camps, and Goebbels use of Edward Bernays works on "Propaganda", which were subsequently repackaged as Public Relations and today are modern advertising's method book.

Post WWII's rudest slap, to me, remains this monster, and why no one bothered to arrest him, try him, and hang him at Nuremberg.

They let him just walk away.
My 'Viking Hunter' High Adventure Alternate History Series is FREE, ALL 3 volumes, at most ebook retailers including Ibooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and more.

In Vol 2 the weapons come out in a winner take all war on two fronts.

Vol 3 opens with the rigged murder trial of the villain in a Viking Court under Viking law to set the stage for the hero's own murder trial.

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I greatly agree.

Thanks for your kind words.

Eugenics, imho, are part of the seduction of atheists by satan into the notion that man can perfect life and himself on the basis of his own 'brilliance.'

When, actually, all they manage to do is intensify more suffering for greater numbers over longer periods of time leaving greater disasters for the environment as well.

Part of me, in my poor-er thinking moments has been attracted to the idea of 'selective breeding' for humans. But it's nonsense.

1. The imperfect among us remind us we are all imperfect. PERIOD. No if's, and's or but's. That is a priceless awareness to keep in mind 24/7/365/110.

2. Down's Syndrome people are incredibly loving, tender, kind, happy. They do an incredible job--when allowed, encouraged and supported to do so--to remind the rest of us what a high priorities being loving, tender-hearted, kind and happy are.

3. Those desperately needing our help to function, to live another day remind us how desperate in one way or another we ALL are--whether it is so painfully obvious to others, or not.

4. Homogeneity is a VERY POOR prescription for survival. One new pathogen can wipe out the whole herd. One new unanticipated challenge could overwhelm the whole herd to a point of terminal dysfunction.

5. We cannot well anticipate what new challenges might require what sorts of complex diversity in the human creature.

6. Some incredibly mangled people brighten a whole room with their smile, their personality. There's lots of lessons in that, every time it happens.

7. Eugenic folks are intensely convinced of their own sanctimonious paragon levels of admirability. They think that THEY uniquely are QUALIFIED to define what human is or should be, ought to be--when they are done tinkering with the rest of us and culture and society in general.

7.1 Yet, most all of them are really miserable creatures very disagreeable and horrible to be around. They are low in EQ--which is probably just as well--keeps people away from being more contaminated by them. They typically sound like some sort of aged spinster old school marm of a bygone era--teaching school alone on the frozen North Dakota prairie with a long pointy nose, a long pointy finger, a handy whacking ruler and a pine cone up her butt. Who, in their right mind, would like to live with a town full of such folks?

7.2 Another variety is the intellectual egg-head so lofty in their own eyes; so chronically lost in the clouds; knowing so self-righteously how the rest of us ought to be herded, drawn, quartered, boxed, packaged & sent off to the gulag; so haughtily superior and tyrannical that they think it is their 'Divine right' from a God they deny--to !!!!CONTROL!!!! every aspect of the lives of the rest of us. NO THANKS!

7.3 Then there's the super rationalist, atheist "true believer" in their self-engineered utopia--just around the corner--if only they can batter or legislate the rest of us into their constructions on 'reality.'

7.4 There are other horrid varieties but that's enough of a sample, for discussion.

8. Suffice it to say--I'm not at all a fan of Eugenics. I glory in and enjoy the human creature made in God's  image in some way or degree--in all the uniqueness each  individual so faithfully displays regardless of how often tyrants try to homogenize us all in THEIR image.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 06:50:24 am by Quix »
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Thank you for all this background. Even if there turns out to be a t wrongly crossed or an i mis-dotted it's still fascinating stuff.

I was aware of the connection between Bayer/Farben and the camps but this is new to me.

The saddest part is that it Shouldn't be implausible given California's eugenics movement being the inspiration for the extermination camps, and Goebbels use of Edward Bernays works on "Propaganda", which were subsequently repackaged as Public Relations and today are modern advertising's method book.

Post WWII's rudest slap, to me, remains this monster, and why no one bothered to arrest him, try him, and hang him at Nuremberg.

They let him just walk away.

They let them walk away--because they were their more or less satanic bedfellows in league to help bring in the tyrannical global government and one world religion. They dare not punish them--else their own necks would be next on the chopping block. It was far safer to spread misdirection & misinformation far and wide and get every citizen of the planet to look elsewhere and attack someone else for whatever silly reasons.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Thank you for all this background. Even if there turns out to be a t wrongly crossed or an i mis-dotted it's still fascinating stuff.
They let him just walk away.

Also, that mass of references & links I posted is a very microscopic tip of the iceberg compared to the amount of solid information available. I still think THE BABYLON CODE is the best historical summary--IIRC, it's a many hundred page summary--but still a summary. And a good one.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 06:58:41 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Yup. I'm afraid she'll die in an iron lung at Betty Ford of 'natural causes' long before anyone dares indict her.

I still find  Mark Taylor's assertion that HRC's bones will be in her prison  cell for 1,000 years! ... Evidently via Holy Spirit insight--I find that very interesting to contemplate.
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@Smokin Joe

Quix and I have had fairly extensive private discussions about this sort of thing.  I do not fault Quix for defending Trump as Trump is right now.  Heck, I now defend Trump, too. 

TBR members will remember that I lobbied hard against Trump during the RNC nomination process because he was extremely dishonorable at the time, because he presented himself as a Christian whereas he was obviously what a Trump supporter delighted to characterize in 2016 as only an "over-the-top a_hole." 

Well, the situation has changed.

Don't get me wrong here:  I don't think we should completely overlook the fact that some of Trump's misstatements after his election in November of 2016 are not just examples of innocent or, at worst, exaggerative confusion.  I personally believe that our POTUS did consciously lie on two occasions when he said shortly after his election that he had decided not to prosecute the Clintons.  He probably felt that this was tactically appropriate for the early phase of his difficult tenure in the White House--but I don't endorse his decision in this regard.  Nor do I endorse his narcissistic nonsense attacking the Freedom Caucus to deflect criticism from himself;  nor do I endorse his asinine claim that, in theory, he could pardon himself out of a criminal prosecution.  But having stipulated this negative stuff, I will point out that, like it or not, Trump is now our POTUS.

More to the point, whether or not we regard our POTUS as surely a Christian by now, he is our POTUS.  Most importantly of all, Trump is actually doing his best at this time to defend Christian values and rights and simultaneously to root out incredible evils that permeate our godless, America-despising society. 

All of this means that our POTUS is quite obviously on our side.  To flatfootedly oppose our POTUS when he is doing God's work, as it were, is to oppose God. This is not disputable. 

Romans 13 DEMANDS that we be as supportive as possible of our POTUS.  Anyone who would like to cut that chapter out of the Bible is a heretic indeed.  That is not disputable. 

(Thus, many churchgoers who can only bash Trump may be in bigger trouble with God than Trump is.  What kind of secondary gain are today's churchgoing Trump haters getting by only trashing him?  The answer is pretty spooky, in my serious opinion.  Hypocrisy is deadly, because it is self-deceptive.)


To appreciate fully the good things that Trump is doing now, you really ought to come up to speed with Q on the internet.  Q's revelations about the depth and breadth of the Swamp are breathtakingly awful.  And Trump is quietly engaged in the largely thankless process of draining that Swamp as he had promised.  He is a patriot who is quite literally risking his life.  The Deep State would love to have him impeached, but they would prefer that he be dead.

As an aside, I have often mused over how America has gotten so deep into the mire of today's societal and governmental filth.  I have concluded that the salt of professing Christianity in America has largely lost its savor, has lost most of its efficacy in preventing our wholesale societal rot.  Neither the doctrines or practices of our mainstream churches are as good as they should be.  (I suspect that our founding fathers would be appalled at the Biblical ignorance of the average churchgoer [and not just Trump's].)


I would conclude this post by pointing out what I believe is the only disagreement I have had with Quix regarding Trump's present spiritual state (or, as I now surmise, with my friend @aligncare).  Whereas Quix hopes and perhaps even suspects that Trump has thoroughly, savingly repented unto life--i.e.,that Trump has moved via real faith (the deeply repentant kind) through the strange, wonderful Doorway of the Once-Crucified Christ into the state of actually knowing God, I see no spiritually compelling need to reach that conclusion at this time.  (I hope he has been dragged by the Spirit of God into a true union with God, but I will respectfully reserve judgment--balancing charity with caution, since I have not heard any recent testimony of a post-2016 conversion, per se.)

It goes without saying that we don't need to have a genuine Christian as POTUS.  (God works in mysterious ways for His glory and for His people.  Some of  America's best Presidents were not Christians.)  In the Old Testament, Cyrus was a God-conscious fellow who worked stupendous good for God's people even though he did not know God

Then again, I will not flatly say that Quix is surely wrong to hope against hope that Trump has been converted out of his narcissistic, flagrantly unrepentant and therefore antichristian filth from 2016;  by the same token, I will not say that we should never affirm that he might now be a Christian.  Most important of all, I am agreeing with Quix that we must not be judgmental against a poor sinner, must not be judgmental against someone who might even turn out to have been a weak but genuine Christian on the Day when we all stand before God.

We all have to exercise good judgment, but judgmentalism is deadly to its practitioners.  It produces a foul, unforgiving spirit of the religiosity of moralism in lieu of Christian charity.  Therein consists its final deadliness.   


Thanks, but I don't believe the Q thing.  I think you're misinterpreting Romans 13; it's not about unqualified fealty/devotion to leaders, but keeping the law and respecting leaders as long as they do the right thing.

This is America; Trump is a public servant, an employee.  We don't go around demanding that people support politicians.  Compliment when right, criticize when wrong is the reasonable position.

I think I asked you once before for details about the year-end event that will have me thanking you and realizing Q is for real.  Can you give me those details---tell me more about what's supposed to happen?

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Thanks, but I don't believe the Q thing.  I think you're misinterpreting Romans 13; it's not about unqualified fealty/devotion to leaders, but keeping the law and respecting leaders as long as they do the right thing.

This is America; Trump is a public servant, an employee.  We don't go around demanding that people support politicians.  Compliment when right, criticize when wrong is the reasonable position.

I think I asked you once before for details about the year-end event that will have me thanking you and realizing Q is for real.  Can you give me those details---tell me more about what's supposed to happen?

Rational point of view @CatherineofAragon   Thanks for posting that.  I'm thinking mass hysteria myself.
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Well, the situation has changed.

No, it hasn't, @the_doc . Nothing has changed. He gained his position through deceit and slander. A leopard doesn't change his spots.

Romans 13 DEMANDS that we be as supportive as possible of our POTUS.  Anyone who would like to cut that chapter out of the Bible is a heretic indeed.  That is not disputable. 

(Thus, many churchgoers who can only bash Trump may be in bigger trouble with God than Trump is.  What kind of secondary gain are today's churchgoing Trump haters getting by only trashing him?  The answer is pretty spooky, in my serious opinion.  Hypocrisy is deadly, because it is self-deceptive.)

Absolute codswallop. 'Divine Right' is the tool of tyrants and demons. I would HIGHLY suggest you study that passage more closely.

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No, it hasn't, @the_doc . Nothing has changed. He gained his position through deceit and slander. A leopard doesn't change his spots.

Absolute codswallop. 'Divine Right' is the tool of tyrants and demons. I would HIGHLY suggest you study that passage more closely.

Kudos for the 'codswallop' thing.  My Bible Class teacher for years absolutely despised Paul and his writings.
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Emjay why do you always make it personal...

Trump has lied over and over about any number of things. Is the NK nuclear threat gone now? Trump said it was.

Maybe the nuclear threat from the Norks is gone.  You and I don't have any way of knowing whether Trump is right or wrong.  (Remember:  the Deep State's Media has a vested interested in lying about the extent of Trump's lying.  The MSM is one of the most pernicious parts of the Deep State.)

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Maybe the nuclear threat from the Norks is gone.  You and I don't have any way of knowing whether Trump is right or wrong.  (Remember:  the Deep State's Media has a vested interested in lying about the extent of Trump's lying.  The MSM is one of the most pernicious parts of the Deep State.)

The 80 million people who follow him on Twitter understand why he would come out of Singapore and say, "The North Korean nuclear threat is over!"

Same reason before the internet and cell phones reporters stampeded out of the courtrooms to the telephone booths to call in the 'verdict'.

He wanted to put Kim on the spot.   "He's a great guy and he promised...yada, yada, yada."

So what if it turns out they lied and didn't dismantle everything?

Does that translate to "Trump lied!"?

Snap the hell out of it!

@the_doc   not directed at you.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 09:37:43 pm by DCPatriot »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Doesn't allow quotes. Convincing original documentation is depicted in the article at the link.

Gosh, you obviously haven't done much research.  /sarc


Silver Pines

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Thanks, but I don't believe the Q thing.  I think you're misinterpreting Romans 13; it's not about unqualified fealty/devotion to leaders, but keeping the law and respecting leaders as long as they do the right thing.

This is America; Trump is a public servant, an employee.  We don't go around demanding that people support politicians.  Compliment when right, criticize when wrong is the reasonable position.

I think I asked you once before for details about the year-end event that will have me thanking you and realizing Q is for real.  Can you give me those details---tell me more about what's supposed to happen?

Rational point of view @CatherineofAragon   Thanks for posting that.  I'm thinking mass hysteria myself.

Thank you, @Emjay.  I’m still waiting for @the_doc to get back to me with an answer.

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Maybe the nuclear threat from the Norks is gone.  You and I don't have any way of knowing whether Trump is right or wrong.  (Remember:  the Deep State's Media has a vested interested in lying about the extent of Trump's lying.  The MSM is one of the most pernicious parts of the Deep State.)

Ya, maybe all the nukes and fissile material have been magically destroyed. Or maybe aliens took it all to save us from ourselves. Who knows... Anything is possible - in the mind. That's the ticket...

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Kudos for the 'codswallop' thing.  My Bible Class teacher for years absolutely despised Paul and his writings.

Yes, every once and a while my redneck falls off, and some little bit of my high-learnin comes through...

Paul is awesome. The problem is that folks forget that when interpreting him. He is an high scholar, and very precise in his words.

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Thanks, but I don't believe the Q thing.  I think you're misinterpreting Romans 13; it's not about unqualified fealty/devotion to leaders, but keeping the law and respecting leaders as long as they do the right thing.

This is America; Trump is a public servant, an employee.  We don't go around demanding that people support politicians.  Compliment when right, criticize when wrong is the reasonable position.

I think I asked you once before for details about the year-end event that will have me thanking you and realizing Q is for real.  Can you give me those details---tell me more about what's supposed to happen?

You didn't notice what I said about Romans 13, because you were too quick to read into my words something I didn't say.  I never got even CLOSE to saying that we owe our government's leaders "unqualified fealty/devotion."  (You're using a straw man argument, and it's hurting your comprehension of what I HAVE said.  I am interpreting Romans 13 in a correctly narrow way.  You, on the other hand, are misinterpreting my interpretation of Romans 13.  [Ooops]) 

I am ultimately saying that we need to recognize that God is in control.  Our leaders do not have any inherited "Divine Right" to rule, but Romans 13 presupposes that God is always using our leaders in one way or another.  We have to respect that. 

That being the case, we need to support our leaders whenever possible.  [That's a phrase I believe I used.]  Occasionally, our leaders are actually on our side.  That means we need to notice when God is using our POTUS for our good.  We ought to be especially grateful for such positive scenarios--not stupidly overlook them.  As a matter of fact, shouldn't we give them the benefit of the doubt when there is at least meaningful doubt?  And shouldn't we compliment them when they do right, even as we are free to criticize them when they do wrong?  (Oh, that's precisely what you said.  [Pardon me for agreeing with you when you seemed to be spoiling for a fight!]) 

My main concern on threads like this one is that some anti-Trump folks on TBR are so contemptuous of our admittedly flawed, even badly flawed POTUS that they refuse even to consider the good stuff that he is doing.  Like the GOPe obstructionists in Congress, they practically loath our POTUS.  They tend to assume only the worst about Trump even when warned that the MSM is incessantly lying about Trump.  And those same anti-Trump folks refuse even to listen to credible reports concerning the spectacularly important things that he is courageously trying to do to protect our Constitutional Republic from a still-looming disaster at the hands of the Deep State.

Catherine, if you will review my posts, you will discover that I HAVE complained when our POTUS says or does something that is spiritually asinine.  But I have noticed that a lot of vociferously anti-Trump folks will not even give him enough benefit of the doubt to notice that he is on our side.  I have heard many, many, many TBR members CURSE him for his refusal to drain the Swamp, when the truth is that he IS draining it.

That being the case, I would dare to chide you for dismissing Q's credible commentary on what is actually going on and what will happen later this year. I am not inclined to repeat it here.  If our POTUS survives, alive and in office, you will know it when it happens.

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No, it hasn't, @the_doc . Nothing has changed. He gained his position through deceit and slander. A leopard doesn't change his spots.

Absolute codswallop. 'Divine Right' is the tool of tyrants and demons. I would HIGHLY suggest you study that passage more closely.

Come on, now;  I am not talking about "Divine Right."  I am saying that God is in absolute control of everything--even governments and the officials thereof.  (That's Pauline theology at its very best!)  God's mysterious superintendence of everything is the underpinning idea of Romans 13.  See my most recent post to @CatherineofAragon.

Paul presupposes that we grasp that in God's awesome providence, He even uses bad people (and secular governments) to do good things--for example, to restrain evil.  This is not difficult to grasp, even if it offends our sinful pride to confess correctly the absoluteness of God's sovereignty in everything whatsoever.  That being said, I frankly assume that you just enjoy being histrionically, publicly "crusty" when you tell me that I don't understand the passage that you happen to be ignoring in spite of my seriously good advice.   (If you will pardon a bit of gentle teasing:  I try to respect my elders in the faith of God's elect, but I have learned that some folksy old codgers are just codgers, not sages.    :shrug:)

Speaking of God's absolute sovereignty in providence, here's yet another example of a passage that you don't seem to understand:  The point of Christ's comment about the leopard being unable to change his spots is that the leopard cannot change his OWN spots.  This idea is theologically confirmed by the predestinarian emphasis of John 6, in which chapter Jesus declares that God is the One Who determines who winds up being drawn to Christ for heart-level repentance, thereby receiving a life-changing Spirit.

In short, sinful "leopards," who cannot change their own spots, sometimes do get their spots changed by God.  If you don't believe that, you have no doctrine of conversion.  With no doctrine of conversion, you have no gospel.  You certainly can't explain Paul's own testimony of the life-changing grace of God. 

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I guess I missed the part where Trump repented for anything.

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No, it hasn't, @the_doc . Nothing has changed. He gained his position through deceit and slander. A leopard doesn't change his spots.

Absolute codswallop. 'Divine Right' is the tool of tyrants and demons. I would HIGHLY suggest you study that passage more closely.

Like you a lot, Bro. However, I think you are wholesale wrong in your observations, analyses and conclusions as represented in this  post.

Time will certainly tell.

Again--God is Holy. He is not prissy. And HE plays by HIS rules and priorities--not ours. Not even by those we THINK are His.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Like you a lot, Bro. However, I think you are wholesale wrong in your observations, analyses and conclusions as represented in this  post.

Time will certainly tell.

Again--God is Holy. He is not prissy. And HE plays by HIS rules and priorities--not ours. Not even by those we THINK are His.

Free will.

Silver Pines

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You didn't notice what I said about Romans 13, because you were too quick to read into my words something I didn't say.  I never got even CLOSE to saying that we owe our government's leaders "unqualified fealty/devotion."  (You're using a straw man argument, and it's hurting your comprehension of what I HAVE said.  I am interpreting Romans 13 in a correctly narrow way.  You, on the other hand, are misinterpreting my interpretation of Romans 13.  [Ooops]) 

I am ultimately saying that we need to recognize that God is in control.  Our leaders do not have any inherited "Divine Right" to rule, but Romans 13 presupposes that God is always using our leaders in one way or another.  We have to respect that. 

That being the case, we need to support our leaders whenever possible.  [That's a phrase I believe I used.]  Occasionally, our leaders are actually on our side.  That means we need to notice when God is using our POTUS for our good.  We ought to be especially grateful for such positive scenarios--not stupidly overlook them.  As a matter of fact, shouldn't we give them the benefit of the doubt when there is at least meaningful doubt?  And shouldn't we compliment them when they do right, even as we are free to criticize them when they do wrong?  (Oh, that's precisely what you said.  [Pardon me for agreeing with you when you seemed to be spoiling for a fight!]) 

My main concern on threads like this one is that some anti-Trump folks on TBR are so contemptuous of our admittedly flawed, even badly flawed POTUS that they refuse even to consider the good stuff that he is doing.  Like the GOPe obstructionists in Congress, they practically loath our POTUS.  They tend to assume only the worst about Trump even when warned that the MSM is incessantly lying about Trump.  And those same anti-Trump folks refuse even to listen to credible reports concerning the spectacularly important things that he is courageously trying to do to protect our Constitutional Republic from a still-looming disaster at the hands of the Deep State.

Catherine, if you will review my posts, you will discover that I HAVE complained when our POTUS says or does something that is spiritually asinine.  But I have noticed that a lot of vociferously anti-Trump folks will not even give him enough benefit of the doubt to notice that he is on our side.  I have heard many, many, many TBR members CURSE him for his refusal to drain the Swamp, when the truth is that he IS draining it.

That being the case, I would dare to chide you for dismissing Q's credible commentary on what is actually going on and what will happen later this year. I am not inclined to repeat it here.  If our POTUS survives, alive and in office, you will know it when it happens.


You can chide me all you want, and I expect you will, because people who enjoy believing they have special, secret knowledge often get off on feeling superior to those who fail to see the light.  But if you're waiting for me to put any stock in nutty theories about people who snack on children, Trump investigating cannibalism in the royal family, Tom Hanks' bruised eye as an Illuminati ritual, and hamburger/hot dog clocks, you're going to be waiting a long time. 

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Free will.

Well, DB.  You brought up free will.  A concept that I struggle with.  If God is all knowing (which he is); and he knows which path we will choose, what any outcome will be, what will happen in the future, then exactly how is it that we have free will?

I am by know means challenging you, this is a question that many have tried to explain to me (clergy included) and most come up with a blank or they refer me to biblical passages.

If God knows the outcome and what is going to happen and everything is pre-determined or pre-destined, then how do we have free will and what then is the point of praying?
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.