Author Topic: Max Boot Resurrects the Lansdale Legend If only we'd listened to an eccentric CIA operative, we migh  (Read 4837 times)

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Offline TomSea

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Only as an introduction to Max Boot, gosh knows, I am not a fan of the American Conservative website but in this case, the paragraph seems accurate.
Max Boot Resurrects the Lansdale Legend
If only we'd listened to an eccentric CIA operative, we might have won the Vietnam War.

By Andrew J. Bacevich • March 16, 2018

Max Boot is a journalist, historian, and unabashed imperialist. Not long after 9/11, but prior to the invasion of Iraq (which he enthusiastically promoted), Boot took to the pages of The Weekly Standard to make “The Case for American Empire.” The unvarnished title was aptly chosen. “Afghanistan and other troubled lands,” Boot wrote with trademark insouciance, “today cry out for the sort of enlightened foreign administration once provided by self-confident Englishmen in jodhpurs and pith helmets.” The moment had arrived for self-confident Americans to heed the charge of Rudyard Kipling a century prior: to take up the “White Man’s Burden,” guiding “silent, sullen peoples” from darkness into light, from backwardness and oppression toward freedom and democracy.

To my knowledge, events since that essay appeared in October 2001 have not persuaded Boot to revise his views. He remains today a staunch proponent of empire, even if the term itself has since fallen from favor. Whether this qualifies as evidence of principle or madness is a matter of taste, I suppose.

Read more at:

Max Boot talking about his book, "The Road Not Taken":
! No longer available
Born in Moscow, CFR Fellow.


Sometimes, we read things that upset us. Sometimes, when we know where a person is coming from, it is not as if then, we agree with them but what they say, might not be so disturbing. ---- Then, on the other hand, some folks might look at him, read and listen and say, hey, that's for me....

The guy apparently, pushes an agenda, his own vision.  And I guess, he has his fans as Rush or others have theirs.

Posting this because it does seem like he gets a bit of attention.

Sounds like his vision really clashes with what Trump's would be. No wonder he is so negative on him.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 02:09:26 am by TomSea »

Offline TomSea

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General Landsdale of fame during the Vietnamese war, this is all a bit interesting as well:

I was actually looking for another video above but could not find it.

Offline Absalom

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A glance at the picture of a bald Boot in thick glasses, says volumes about him.
As his experience in war and conquest is non-existent; he is a scribbler and
fantasist whose notion of the 'Black Watch' derives from comic books.
The catalyst driving all isms, whether progressivism, imperialism or the rest, is the
monumental conceit and hubris expressed by; "I know what is best for everybody."
Boot is part of the neo-con (men) crowd at the Weekley Standard of Kristol,
Podhoretz, Goldberg; among others who were the offspring of post-WW1 NYC radical
Jews who were ardent supporters of Leon Trotsky (real name Davidovich Bronstein).
These frauds and hustlers previously masqueraded as Conservative Intellectuals but
now have morphed into Never Trumpers. 

Offline skeeter

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A glance at the picture of a bald Boot in thick glasses, says volumes about him.
As his experience in war and conquest is non-existent; he is a scribbler and
fantasist whose notion of the 'Black Watch' derives from comic books.
The catalyst driving all isms, whether progressivism, imperialism or the rest, is the
monumental conceit and hubris expressed by; "I know what is best for everybody."
Boot is part of the neo-con (men) crowd at the Weekley Standard of Kristol,
Podhoretz, Goldberg; among others who were the offspring of post-WW1 NYC radical
Jews who were ardent supporters of Leon Trotsky (real name Davidovich Bronstein).
These frauds and hustlers previously masqueraded as Conservative Intellectuals but
now have morphed into Never Trumpers. 

He's a disciple of the School of Global Capitalism. An America First foreign policy is kryptonite to him.

Online Wingnut

  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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Avshalom.  What brings you to the little slice of heaven we call the Briefing Room?
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline Absalom

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Avshalom.  What brings you to the little slice of heaven we call the Briefing Room?
A duality;
a penchant to apply history as teacher and
my intellectual curiosity.
Be well.

Offline TomSea

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« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 03:15:43 pm by TomSea »

Offline TomSea

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Actually,  his book seems to have been warmly welcomed by Vietnam veterans.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 04:47:50 pm by TomSea »