Author Topic: The Trump Era and Dumb Conservatism: When “Owning the Libs” Is Your Only Goal  (Read 7005 times)

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Offline dfwgator

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Why yes, I do - It is the foundation that Western Civilization rests upon.
And even if you don't believe the Book, The quote is true.

Did not the Book say, "Render Unto Caesar"?    Do you really understand what that means?  It means that governments of Man are merely a necessary evil to organize society. God's Kingdom is not of this world.   All we ask from our Government is to allow as Pope John Paul II said, the Freedom to "live as we ought".   What is Trump doing to discourage that? 

Offline endicom

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   Sure in the old days Conservatives didn't win much but in the end when we were declared the Loser, we smelt good having not got down into the mud with those liberal pigs like Trump enjoys doing.  The means does not always justify the same end result @Right_in_Virginia

If you think they weren't dirty then you were oblivious.

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Do you really think Trump is an evil man?  Do you think he's doing it for personal gain.  I keep asking myself,  why would a guy give up the perfect life,  to do arguably the most thankless job in the world?    Is it ego?  Is it a true sense that he sees where this country is headed?

At first, I did believe it was the former,  but as time passes, more and more I believe it is the latter.


I find myself in exactly that same boat.  I pray that you and I are right as the alternative is not good.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
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Online roamer_1

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Do you really think Trump is an evil man? 

His record speaks for itself, unless you believe the convenient 'new leaf' shtick... The scorpion is a scorpion, after all.


Do you think he's doing it for personal gain. 

Well, of course.

I keep asking myself,  why would a guy give up the perfect life,  to do arguably the most thankless job in the world?    Is it ego?  Is it a true sense that he sees where this country is headed?

At first, I did believe it was the former,  but as time passes, more and more I believe it is the latter.

It is power. Money is just a way of keeping score. And no, I do not believe his outlook is philanthropic, not in the least.

Offline DCPatriot

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I don't like the idea of always having a President, like Trump for many of the reasons that Never-Trumpers eagerly point out.

But at this particular moment in time, I think he's exactly what we need.   He is shaking things up, and I believe the end result of that will make us better down the road, when Trump leaves the stage.

...exactly what I said in here that day he came down the escalator.  The right man for the times.
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Online roamer_1

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Did not the Book say, "Render Unto Caesar"?    Do you really understand what that means?  It means that governments of Man are merely a necessary evil to organize society. God's Kingdom is not of this world.   

What is Caesar's that is not Yahovah's? Caesar did not even own the breath in his own lungs, nor the lungs themselves. Think on that passage with that in mind. Otherwise you will wind up in that silly notion that bad people can do good things. That the end justifies the means. That principle things, TRUE things, don't matter anymore.

All we ask from our Government is to allow as Pope John Paul II said, the Freedom to "live as we ought".   What is Trump doing to discourage that?

Well $3T  (some are saying $5T) more debt upon our great grandchildren comes to mind for starters...

More importantly, what has he done to secure the blessings of liberty? EO's are transient, and little more than red meat for his followers (see Geo, W, Bush administration)... What has he done that we get to keep?

Offline dfwgator

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Never said there still wasn't a LOT of work to do on that front.    And let's face it, the Pubbies haven't exactly helped the situation neither.

Offline dfwgator

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What is Caesar's that is not Yahovah's? Caesar did not even own the breath in his own lungs, nor the lungs themselves. Think on that passage with that in mind. Otherwise you will wind up in that silly notion that bad people can do good things.

The Bible of full of examples of just that. God has always used flawed men for His purposes.

Online roamer_1

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The Bible of full of examples of just that. God has always used flawed men for His purposes.

ALL men are flawed. That is not the point.

Offline dfwgator

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ALL men are flawed. That is not the point.

No, no, no, I mean REALLY flawed. We're talking murderers, like Paul.

Online roamer_1

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No, no, no, I mean REALLY flawed. We're talking murderers, like Paul.

Paul's conversion is without question. And Paul was not seeking power. In fact, he threw it off.

This is a pointless exercise. The very same argument could be said of Hitler, taken to its logical end. ANYTHING and anyone can be justified by this false metric.

To quote Paul without abuse:

Rom 6:1-2 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

You are inevitably left with truth discarded. The very truth we stand upon.

Offline INVAR

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Welcome to the world of politics.  Your brand of conservatism seems to be the only folks who don't seem to get the importance of winning and why it's important.   

Winning without principles is why the French Revolution turned out differently than ours.

But hey - when "winning' by any and all means, even when adopting the ideals and tactics of an antithetical and corrosive ideology as your own - simply to dance on your fallen enemies - you already have your reward, and liberty is lost to an even greater measure.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Offline INVAR

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To quote Paul without abuse:

Rom 6:1-2 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

You are inevitably left with truth discarded. The very truth we stand upon.

I have already had it explained to me, that YES - they did not vote nor want an 'altar boy', so if a bigger and badder unsavory miscreant/tyrant comes along that can beat the Democrats, then they are all for him.  Oh, and piss on our stupid holy book because it doesn't win elections - I am told.  It loses elections.

So we should shut up because one day soon we will be made to shut up about our stupid religion and our criticism of the only man that will save us, making us the enemy of the people.

Honestly - I can no longer tell the difference between the moronic Communist Left and rabid Trumplicans.  They sound just alike.

Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Online roamer_1

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Honestly - I can no longer tell the difference between the moronic Communist Left and rabid Trumplicans.  They sound just alike.

That's right... The only difference that I can see is that one side of that claims to be Conservative... You know, Conservatism - that hardy band of rugged individualists, those who gather around certain principles ~TRUTHS~ Truth which these pretenders throw off like they are detestable. That is the real damage done. As I have said all along, the enemy inside the gate is more dangerous than the enemy in the field...

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Welcome to the world of politics.  Your brand of conservatism seems to be the only folks who don't seem to get the importance of winning and why it's important.   

Whatever floats your boat.   :shrug:

Getting back to the article, why is it so crucial to be hypocrites about James Gunn?
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Offline Axeslinger

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That's right... The only difference that I can see is that one side of that claims to be Conservative... You know, Conservatism - that hardy band of rugged individualists, those who gather around certain principles ~TRUTHS~ Truth which these pretenders throw off like they are detestable. That is the real damage done. As I have said all along, the enemy inside the gate is more dangerous than the enemy in the field...

I said way back when I posted my opus at TOS, Trump will do generational damage to conservatism.  And I say that again as someone who has been relatively pleasantly surprised at what he has attempted.  But the utter abdication of principles by his followers in order to achieve an end cuts the legs off of any of their arguments when Trump leaves the office...and conservatism will be the worse for it.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson

Online roamer_1

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I said way back when I posted my opus at TOS, Trump will do generational damage to conservatism.  And I say that again as someone who has been relatively pleasantly surprised at what he has attempted.  But the utter abdication of principles by his followers in order to achieve an end cuts the legs off of any of their arguments when Trump leaves the office...and conservatism will be the worse for it.

I agree with every single bit of that.  :beer:

Online Fishrrman

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roamer asks?
"What is power without principles?"

It is... power.
Plain and simple.
It is what it is.

I want our side to have it.
I want the democrat-communists not to have it.

I don't particularly care about "principles", "scruples", "morals", or any of that crap.
If we can have power with them as well, all the better.
But... if all we can have is "just the power" (without the rest)... that's still fine with me.

Online roamer_1

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roamer asks?
"What is power without principles?"

It is... power.
Plain and simple.
It is what it is.

I want our side to have it.
I want the democrat-communists not to have it.

I don't particularly care about "principles", "scruples", "morals", or any of that crap.
If we can have power with them as well, all the better.
But... if all we can have is "just the power" (without the rest)... that's still fine with me.

You won't be happy with how that turns out, I guarantee.

Offline skeeter

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roamer asks?
"What is power without principles?"

It is... power.
Plain and simple.
It is what it is.

I want our side to have it.
I want the democrat-communists not to have it.

I don't particularly care about "principles", "scruples", "morals", or any of that crap.
If we can have power with them as well, all the better.
But... if all we can have is "just the power" (without the rest)... that's still fine with me.

Good point.

If we have it, the statists don't.

Why is that not a good thing? Good grief its not that difficult to grasp.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 12:16:32 am by skeeter »

Online roamer_1

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Good point.

If we have it, the statists don't.

Why is that not a good thing? Good grief its not that difficult to grasp.

Because power corrupts. Those who wield it for good are rare. Giving a corrupt man the most powerful position in the world cannot end well.

That is why one should seek a man of impeccable character.

I don't know why that would be so difficult to grasp... But you will see.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 12:22:02 am by roamer_1 »

Offline skeeter

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Because power corrupts. Those who wield it for good are rare. Giving a corrupt man the most powerful position in the world cannot end well.

That is why one should seek a man of impeccable character.

I don't know why that would be so difficult to grasp... But you will see.

Sounds simple. How come you haven't done it?

... I can't do it either. So I'll support the closest available option.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 12:30:21 am by skeeter »

Online roamer_1

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Sounds simple. How come you haven't done it?

... I can't do it either. So I'll support the closest available option.

Because I have no interest in power whatsoever. Been there, done that, never again.
'Closest available option' is giving the keys to the head thief.

Offline musiclady

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Because power corrupts. Those who wield it for good are rare. Giving a corrupt man the most powerful position in the world cannot end well.

That is why one should seek a man of impeccable character.

I don't know why that would be so difficult to grasp... But you will see.

You're doing a great job tonight, @roamer_1 .  Keep it up!   :patriot:
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

Online roamer_1

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You're doing a great job tonight, @roamer_1 .  Keep it up!   :patriot:
