Author Topic: Soros Calls Obama His ‘Greatest Disappointment’  (Read 305 times)

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Soros Calls Obama His ‘Greatest Disappointment’
By Matt | Contributor | July 18, 2018 3:16PM

George Soros recently called former President Barack Obama his “greatest disappointment,” but not for the reason you’d think.

Soros wasn’t speaking about the policies that Obama put into place during his presidency, and if he did, the only problem he’d likely have is that they weren’t far-left enough. Rather, Soros is publicly complaining that he couldn’t buy as much political influence as he wanted with his money. (RELATED: Hungary Passes ‘STOP Soros’ Law That Punishes Aid To Illegal Immigrants).

The New York Times broke the story. After the “greatest disappointment” comment, “Prompted by an aide, he immediately qualified himself, saying that he hadn’t been disappointed by Obama’s presidency but felt let down on a professional level.” While Soros has no desire for a formal role in the Obama administration (which would result in a significant pay cut for the billionaire hedge fund manager), “he had hoped that Obama would seek his counsel, especially on financial and economic matters. Instead, he was frozen out.”