Author Topic: NATO’s Challenge Is Germany, Not America  (Read 356 times)

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NATO’s Challenge Is Germany, Not America
« on: July 19, 2018, 11:35:29 am »
National Review
Victor Davis Hanson
July 19, 2018

As the most populous and most affluent of European nations, Germany insidiously dominates Europe

During the recent NATO summit meeting, a rumbustious Donald Trump tore off a thin scab of niceties to reveal a deep and old NATO wound — one that has predated Trump by nearly 30 years and goes back to the end of the Cold War.

In an era when the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact are now ancient history, everyone praises NATO as “indispensable” and “essential” to Western solidarity and European security. But few feel any need to explain how and why that could still be so.

Does NATO still protect the West? Does it prevent destructive European feuding? Does it ensure the postwar global order of free trade, commerce, travel, and communications? And is NATO — or the United States and its leadership of NATO — the real reason there has not been a World War III or a return to global tribalism and chaos?
