Author Topic: USA Today Blasts President Trump’s Critics in Wake of Putin Pow-Wow  (Read 887 times)

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USA Today Blasts President Trump’s Critics in Wake of Putin Pow-Wow
By Andrew West July 17, 2018

Every now and again, the mainstream media comes to its senses. It’s not all that often, but when it does occur, it is certainly worthy of propagating.

Such is the case today, after we all witnessed whatever it is that truly occurred in Helsinki, Finland.  The meeting that occurred between President Donald Trump of the US and President Vladimir Putin of Russia was certainly something, with this writer finding it a bit difficult to truly put his finger on.

The left, of course, is crying “treason”, and loudly.

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The media lost control of the narrative and it turned into a laughable farce. It turned into people posting on FB "Impeach Trump for talking to Putin". Ordinary people went from initial displeasure with Trump to utter displeasure with his unhinged critics. The critics came off looking like conspiracy kooks. Even MSM people got caught up in the moment, providing optics for the ET's and media critics.
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It is much easier for liberals to believe in the deus ex machina than to face up to the reality that Hillary Clinton was beaten fair and square.   Unfortunately,  that has metastasized into this obsession with shaming the President into abandoning common sense when it comes to Russia.     
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It's one long game of Gotcha, a game Americans are tired of playing. Americans are worried about jobs, health care, crime, immigration...the usual things. The media is worried about playing Gotcha. Our local paper leads with Trump Hate every day which is why we quit paying for it. Their numbers are so far in the hole, they deliver it anyway. They just deliver it really late.

That's why news ratings are plummeting. It's why people like me have switched over to BBC World Service on radio. When the morning radio news mentions Trump in any way, I switch to Sports. People are fatigued by all the negativity.
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It's one long game of Gotcha, a game Americans are tired of playing. Americans are worried about jobs, health care, crime, immigration...the usual things. The media is worried about playing Gotcha. Our local paper leads with Trump Hate every day which is why we quit paying for it. Their numbers are so far in the hole, they deliver it anyway. They just deliver it really late.

That's why news ratings are plummeting. It's why people like me have switched over to BBC World Service on radio. When the morning radio news mentions Trump in any way, I switch to Sports. People are fatigued by all the negativity.

I agree,  but unfortunately I see no good end to it.  Perhaps a resounding GOP sweep in November might quell it, but the political divide among Americans coupled with the unceasing media noise make that a near impossibility.   

I think what Americans ultimately need is an independent alternative for President in 2020, one running on a ticket of national reconciliation and rejection of the partisan hate on both sides.  Can such a candidacy earn a plurality?  The odds are steep, meaning that the divide will deepen and worsen as we face four more years of Trump chaos or four years of a radicalized Dem party that will, from a policy perspective,  be a disaster. 

But if such an independent alternative should emerge,  I intend on supporting it.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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Even though I voted for him, am I a Trump fan? No.
Did Trump sort of make a mess of the summit with Putin? Yes.
As Trump political and media enemies claim, was that equivalent to or worse than Pearl Harbor or 9/11 and treasonous enough to impeach and hang Trump? No.
This was just Trump being Trump. He doesn't always think things through and frequently reverses himself on what he says sometimes the same day.
As the article stated Obama blamed Republicans for every problem that has befallen the U.S. and the world since 1776.
So Trump says the U.S. intelligence community is wrong and Putin is right. Then the next day he reverses himself.
Although I shake my head at Trump's much too frequent misstatements and outright mangling of the facts, I place more emphasis on what he does rather than what he says. Sometimes I think even he doesn't realize what he's saying.
Then he issues a retraction. I would bet usually after his aides talk to him and tell him the import of his words.
Maybe his aides can put more effort into briefing him stronger in the future.

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Although I shake my head at Trump's much too frequent misstatements and outright mangling of the facts, I place more emphasis on what he does rather than what he says.

I generally like what Trump does, and cringe at what he says.   The problem is that what he says will likely doom him to be a one-term President,  notwithstanding anything he does. 
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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I generally like what Trump does, and cringe at what he says.   The problem is that what he says will likely doom him to be a one-term President,  notwithstanding anything he does.

I disagree. Smart people recognize that Trump is not a polished politician, but that was part of his appeal, we will take the bad with the good, that comes with being a political neophyte.

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I disagree. Smart people recognize that Trump is not a polished politician, but that was part of his appeal, we will take the bad with the good, that comes with being a political neophyte.

Some will take the bad with the good, some will not.  But he's no longer a political neophyte.  That's no longer an excuse.  He's been in office over 18 months,  and has ready access to the knowledge and expertise he needs to do his job.   He CHOOSES to treat governance like an improvised jazz solo.  It's shtick that's wearing a bit thin with me.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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I disagree. Smart people recognize that Trump is not a polished politician, but that was part of his appeal, we will take the bad with the good, that comes with being a political neophyte.

However politically unpolished he is, Trump’s instincts are very, very good. Watch how Sacha Baron Cohen as Ali G attempts to punk Donald Trump but Trump’s not taking the bait. Recall, Cohen makes his bones on punking unsuspecting, overly polite, politically correct, and hence, gullible victims. Well, that’s not Trump, he’s having none of it and finally just walks away.

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Some will take the bad with the good, some will not.  But he's no longer a political neophyte.  That's no longer an excuse.  He's been in office over 18 months,  and has ready access to the knowledge and expertise he needs to do his job.   He CHOOSES to treat governance like an improvised jazz solo.  It's shtick that's wearing a bit thin with me.

And not just with you.  I know several Trump voters who had hoped he’d grow into the job, but he clearly isn’t.  I think his missteps over the past couple of days will have a lasting impact.  The one thing a President just can’t screw up is national security especially with a power like Russia. 

Trump lost the popular vote to a horrible candidate.  He won the Electoral College, but he won a number of key swing states by very thin margins (e.g., Michigan by 0.23% of the vote; Wisconsin by 0.77%; Pennsylvania by 0.71%; Florida by 1.2%).  Those four states represent 75 electoral votes.  It wouldn’t take him losing too many votes to flip those to a Democratic candidate, better than Hillary Clinton.  Between an energized “resistance” and his screwups, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ultimately decides not to seek a second term.
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