Author Topic: Putin Summit May Prove to Be Trump's Finest Hour  (Read 219 times)

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Putin Summit May Prove to Be Trump's Finest Hour
« on: July 17, 2018, 01:53:23 pm »
PJ Media
Roger L. Simon
July 16, 2018

What?  Did you just read that headline correctly?

Yes, you did.  Writing it I assumed people's heads would explode.  It's about as far as you can can get from today's conventional wisdom (i.e. what David Gergen thinks).  Virtually every member of the smart set from Pelosi to McCain to some ninety-five percent of the media, including several cowards on Fox News, to, alas, Lindsey Graham (who should know better) are going out of their minds excoriating Trump for being soft on Putin, even for being "owned" by the neo-Soviet strongman. John Brennan -- once a communist himself, so he should know -- accused Trump of treason.

Okay, time for that familiar cliche -- the thought experiment.  Suppose Trump had done the opposite, exactly what these people demanded -- verbally and viciously assaulted Putin for all his totalitarian tropes from annexing the Crimea to humiliating John Podesta for being so dumb as to fall for a phishing attack (all right -- I'll be fair. For invading the computers of Democratic Party operatives, allegedly to elect Trump) and so forth?
