Author Topic: The irrational hysteria over Trump and Putin  (Read 415 times)

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The irrational hysteria over Trump and Putin
« on: July 17, 2018, 12:39:21 pm »
American Thinker
Steve McCann
July 17, 2018

I spent a good part of yesterday watching the vast army of those incapable of generating an original thought, namely the majority of talking heads on radio and television as well as politicians in both parties, droning on about the disaster that was the Trump-Putin press conference in Helsinki.  Once the first narrative was proffered by one of this gaggle, the rest dutifully repeated the talking points as if they were preprogrammed ventriloquist dummies.  The bottom line: Trump is a buffoon inalterably subservient to the puppet master; thus, betraying his country.  However, having watched the press conference, I did not come away this inane version of events.

I come to this subject matter of Donald Trump as someone, during the primary season of 2016, who was unalterably opposed to him going so far as to write an article Why I cannot vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.  However, in November when standing in the voting booth staring at the ballot and the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency, I voted for Trump.   I am still bothered by some of his mannerisms and, at times, his buffoonish governing style as well as his refusal to address out-of-control spending.  But, on the whole I am gratified that he has successfully pursued a predominantly conservative agenda at home and an America First agenda overseas, despite the constant ankle biting by the mainstream media and the Washington Establishment’s determined use of their considerable arsenal in order to marginalize and ultimately obliterate his presidency.


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Re: The irrational hysteria over Trump and Putin
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2018, 01:35:48 pm »
The state and its bizarre quest to re-aquire power obviously has lost its mind and might ultimately get a whole lotta people killed.

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Re: The irrational hysteria over Trump and Putin
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2018, 02:27:25 pm »
It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jul 16, 2018 12:01 AM
Donald Trump goes to Europe, scandalizes the Euroweenies, libs, and cruise-shilling grifters of Never Trump, and comes back victorious. He’s about to get his second SCOTUS justice confirmed – all they have on Brett Kavanaugh is that he likes beer and is named “Brett.” In Congress, the Democrats decided to go all in on abolishing ICE because Americans love open borders and welcome MS-13 or something. In the Mueller farce, the Dems decided that the smart play was to publicly run interference for creepy weirdo Peter Strzok when he went on national TV doing his impression of Lotion Boy from Silence of the Lambs.  ...

How did Trump luck out by getting such hopeless geebos for opponents? It can’t just be chance. At every turn, these dummies choose to lock themselves into the most implausible and indefensible positions imaginable, then push all their chips into the center of the table. It’s almost supernatural – maybe Trump won the intervention of some ancient demon by heading over to the offices of the Weekly Standard and snatching away one of its Never Trump scribblers to use as a virgin sacrifice.

Look, I was not a Trump fan at the beginning – I was anti-Trump but never Never Trump, both because I was Never Hillary and because I wasn’t a Beltway squishboy who would take his white paper and go home when my guy Ted Cruz lost.   ...
Complete essay here

I'm with Kurt - Trump was about the last person I wanted to see as GOP nominee. But I'm not going to freak out over his European visit.
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Offline dfwgator

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Re: The irrational hysteria over Trump and Putin
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2018, 02:28:51 pm »
It didn't matter what Trump said or did, the media was going to go with this angle no matter what.  They'd been planning it since they found out about the meeting.

Offline skeeter

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Re: The irrational hysteria over Trump and Putin
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2018, 02:35:24 pm »
It didn't matter what Trump said or did, the media was going to go with this angle no matter what.  They'd been planning it since they found out about the meeting.

Considering what was specifically said at yesterday's press conference and the media/state reaction its becoming clear that there's something else going on. Probably relating to damning info the Russians still possess.

Offline Jazzhead

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Re: The irrational hysteria over Trump and Putin
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2018, 02:35:44 pm »
Russia's true motives in its "election meddling" don't seem that hard to figure out.   Its hacking of the Dem server and the likelihood that it had Hillary's e-mails were intended to gain the ability to blackmail who it figured - like just about everyone else - would be the next U.S. President. 

While it's possible, the motivation for Russia to collude with the Trump campaign seems weak at best.  Far more likely is that Russia assumed Hillary would win, and wanted the means to hold her e-mails over her head like a sword of Damocles.   It that was the motive, why collude with Trump and make it more likely for him to win?   The leverage they possessed was over Hillary, not the Donald.   
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