Author Topic: "Free Tommy Robinson" demo in London  (Read 556 times)

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Offline Blizzardnh

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"Free Tommy Robinson" demo in London
« on: July 14, 2018, 09:57:52 pm »
! No longer available

The video may have been shut down by you tube I can't get it there now . saw it earlier.
Ah you tube and free speech.

Offline Blizzardnh

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Re: "Free Tommy Robinson" demo in London
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2018, 10:00:13 pm »
chkd bitchute but not up at this point

Offline SirLinksALot

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Re: "Free Tommy Robinson" demo in London
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2018, 12:08:47 am »
The next best thing is the news report:

Free Tommy Robinson Rally Draws Massive Crowd Into Central London, US Congressman Speaks


A crowd was already in London for a separate pro-Donald Trump event, but after that event many of the Trump supporters made their way down to Whitehall where another crowd was forming for a "Free Tommy Robinson" rally.

The event was emceed by Raheem Kassam of "Breitbart" in London, who has been a close associate of "Mr. Brexit"  Nigel Farage.

An early speaker was leader Gerard Batten of the United Kingdom Independence Party, the leading party of Brexit buoyed by this week's rising poll numbers in the midst of the controversy over Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit sellout.

Batten spoke about an arrest of a protestor at a May "Free Speech" rally in London being held without charge, a British citizen with a "European Arrest Warrant" on him on cooked up charges.

Then Batten moved onto the matter of Tommy Robinson and his arrest asking questions:

"Was he really in contempt of court?  Did he really breach the terms of his suspended sentence and is 13 months fair and proportionate sentence for his offence if indeed he was guilty?"

He went on to say:

"But in my view Tommy Robinson has been in prison much more for who he is and what he says rather than what he is supposed to have done.......he has now become a symbol of the opposition to so much that we know is rotten in our society.....a real criminal is someone who preys upon the weak and the defenseless.

 Tommy Robinson is somebody who has chosen to defend the weak and the helpless...the suffragettes broke the law....Mahatma Gandhi broke the law, he was arrested and convicted 13 times......Robin Hood broke the law......who's side would you rather be on, Robin Hood or the Sheriff of Nottingham?.......Who's side do you want to be on now, Tommy Robinson or the political establishment?...."