Author Topic: A mummification workshop was discovered by archaeologists in Egypt  (Read 500 times)

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07/14/2018, 10:05am
A mummification workshop was discovered by archaeologists in Egypt

The latest find, announced at a press conference Saturday, belongs to the Saite-Persian Period, from 664-404 B.C. The site, which lies south of Unas pyramid, was last excavated more than 100 years ago, in 1900.

A recently discovered gilded mummy mask is displayed after it was found in a disturbed context of the hall way of a burial chamber dating back some 2,500 years at an ancient necropolis near Egypt's famed pyramids in Saqqara, Giza, Saturday, July 14, 2018. Antiquities Ministry officials said at a press conference that archaeologists hope the find will reveal more about the secrets of mummification in the 26th dynasty of ancient Egypt. | AP Photo
ByAssociated Press

Archaeologists in Egypt stumbled upon a new discovery dating back to more than 2,500 years ago near Egypt’s famed pyramids at an ancient necropolis south of Cairo.

The discovery which includes a mummification workshop and a shaft, used as a communal burial place, is located at the vast Saqqara necropolis part of the Memphis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Memphis, the first capital of ancient Egypt, and its large necropolis are home to a wide range of temples and tombs as well as the three pyramids of Giza.