Author Topic: The New York Times Advises Democrats to Quit Appeasing Immigration Radicals  (Read 303 times)

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 The New York Times Advises Democrats to Quit Appeasing Immigration Radicals
avatar By Ira Mehlman   July 9, 2018 2 Comments

Maybe it’s because it was a holiday week and most of the editors were on vacation. Or, perhaps, it is because the establishment elitists have been scared you-know-what-less by the primary defeat of Rep. Joe Crowley, a powerful establishment Democrat at the hands of a novice self-identified Democratic Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Whatever it was, some intelligent thought on immigration managed to find its way into an opinion piece by The New York Times’ in-house columnist, Bret Stephens.

In his July 7 column “Democratic Socialism Is Dem Doom,” Stephens warns that the radical wing of the party that the establishment has been working to appease is not only a danger to the country, but the Democratic Party. One of the radical positions, championed by Ocasio-Cortez, that is gaining traction among the Democratic Party’s far left base is a demand to abolish ICE, the agency designated to enforce U.S. immigration laws.