Author Topic: There’s Nothing the U.S. Navy Can Do to Avoid a Submarine Gap  (Read 330 times)

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There’s Nothing the U.S. Navy Can Do to Avoid a Submarine Gap
Fleet's focus is on mitigating a 25-boat shortfall

WIB sea July 10, 2018 David Axe

In 2018, the U.S. Navy has finally begun to come to terms with a long-term problem that has been decades in the making.

The fleet has too few attack submarines. And arresting the growing shortfall — never mind reversing it — could prove too expensive.
The Navy needs 66 nuclear-powered attack and guided-missile submarines according to a 2016 assessment by then-Navy secretary Ray Mabus. But in mid-2018 the sailing branch possessed just 56 attack and guided-missile boats — SSNs and SSGNs, respectively, in Navy parlance.