Author Topic: US Muslim leader claims “Islam vs. the West is the lie that keeps on giving”  (Read 286 times)

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US Muslim leader claims “Islam vs. the West is the lie that keeps on giving”

Jul 3, 2018 6:29 pm By Robert Spencer 81 Comments

“On the far right,” says Salam al-Marayati, “Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney and others making baseless claims about the incompatibility of Islam and the West increasingly find an audience and place in U.S. politics.”

Islam as taught by its classic schools of jurisprudence teaches the death penalty for criticizing Islam and leaving Islam, the legal inequality of non-Muslims and women, the permissibility of beating disobedient women, etc. Compatible with the West? You be the judge.

My new book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS gives the lie to al-Marayati’s soothing falsehoods. It shows that Islam has been set against the West, and other non-Muslim areas of the world, since it began. Nor has it reformed or rejected the doctrines that gave rise to this endless warfare. So on what basis does al-Marayati claim that it is egregious to say that Islam is set against the West? He doesn’t want you to think that it is.