Author Topic: Poll: More Americans Support Zero Tolerance Policy Than Catch & Release  (Read 296 times)

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Poll: More Americans Support Zero Tolerance Policy Than Catch & Release

Thu, Jun 21st 2018 @ 5:29 pm EDT

The Economist and YouGov recently released a poll conducted June 17 through 19,revealing that there is a plurality of support among American voters -- 46% -- for a 'zero tolerance' policy regarding the arrest and detention of all illegal crossings. Additionally, a Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 American likely voters, conducted June 19 and 20, showed that 54% of likely voters believe parents who illegally enter the country with their children are more to blame for the arrest and separation of families. Only 35% blame the federal government for enforcing immigration law, and 11% are undecided.

A more detailed breakdown of the poll shows that 82% of Republicans and 56% of voters with no major political party affiliation hold these illegal alien parents more responsible, where 60% of Democrats blame enforcement of federal immigration law for the arrest and separation of families.