Author Topic: Ohio Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Protect Kids from Transgender Mafia at School  (Read 876 times)

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PJ Media
Megan Fox
June 30, 2018

In a recent court decision, Sylvia Sieve Hendon, an Ohio juvenile court judge, awarded custody of a gender-confused minor to the grandparents so he could defy his parents' wishes and get hormone therapy.  The decision alarmed lawmakers and parents in the state so much that new legislation is being considered to stop it from happening again.

Ohio House Bill 658 sets out clear guidelines regarding parental rights when children face the mental disorder of gender dysphoria. The bill ensures that parents have the final say on how to treat their children who are experiencing gender confusion and makes it illegal for anyone else to do so (like teachers or school therapists) without parental consent. The law also would make it illegal for a judge to remove a minor from his parents' custody for refusing to treat gender dysphoria with irreversible, dangerous drugs that can cause sterility and disrupt natural development. Further, the law would require any adult with authority over a child to inform the parents if the child is considering gender "therapy."

Transgender activists are intent on demonizing this law. From the gay publication Them, Mary Emily O'Hara writes,
