State Chapters > California
California’s Prop 47 Has Officially Backfired
California’s Prop 47 Has Officially Backfired
Steven Ahle June 29, 2018
The Golden Fleece Award from Independent Institute is awarded to the worst boondoggles by the government for the year. Proposition 47 was a bill to lower penalties for crime and it has paid off in a big way.
Since car theft and other property crimes are no longer felonies, criminals are taking advantage of the law and crime is skyrocketing in the state of California. For decades, crime in California had been dropping pretty much every year but thanks to Prop 47 since 2014, crime is back up where it was decades before. Steal a car and if it’s your first offense you will likely walk and if it isn’t your first, the penalty is still very low.
The Independent Institute explains why Prop 47 was selected for the award:
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