A posting before it was approved. http://www.gopbriefingroom.com/index.php/topic,321779.msg1723084.html#msg1723084
We had a local news report that showed some amazing treatments with CBD for epilepsy. One person was completely bedridden for years due to the seizures. After a few days worth of treatments, the seizures almost completely stopped and months on they were able to go back to a normal life.
It makes sense, the compounds slow the misfiring of neurons and rapid chemical dumps associated with epilepsy. What I understand is the same factors may make it a potential treatment for other mental/chemical disorders (schizophrenia as an example).
It also doesn't have to be marijuana derived. Although not as potent, Hemp based CBD has been legalized across the country although there are some States who don't like that it is a cousin of pot so they are fighting to ban it again even though it contains virtually 0 THC (something like .03ppm, well under schedule 1 classification).