Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

**EXCLUSIVE BRIEFER POLL** How well is President Trump doing so far?

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  Don't know how long this will stay up but my $$$$ is on less than 20% occupying each extreme, with the majority of Briefers being the objective people they claim to be.  These 'middle of the roaders', 'fence sitters', whatever, are the glue that keeps this place sane, IMHO.

[X] Drink more beer and wait it out.


--- Quote from: corbe on June 24, 2018, 02:10:36 am ---  These 'middle of the roaders', 'fence sitters'...

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Neither a good place for a turtle.

Like I mentioned on another thread I am about 55% agree, 45% disagree with DJT at this point.  And a lot of that 45 is when he opens his mouth and goes into idiot mode.


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on June 24, 2018, 02:27:55 am ---Like I mentioned on another thread I am about 55% agree, 45% disagree with DJT at this point.  And a lot of that 45 is when he opens his mouth and goes into idiot mode.

--- End quote ---

Or when he caves into the idiot left and RINOs .... like re: his latest EO, essentially putting us back to that catch & release bullcrap.


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