General Category > Immigration/Border

He Survived Nazi Concentration Camps – His Message On Border Security Will Silence The Media


He Survived Nazi Concentration Camps – His Message On Border Security Will Silence The Media
10:27 PM 06/19/2018

David Tuck was enslaved by the Nazis and survived multiple concentration camps. In the wake of pundits and politicians comparing immigration detainment facilities in modern day America to Nazi concentration camps, Tuck felt compelled to speak out. 

“Wake up,” he said in an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller. “Look it up. This is not the Holocaust.”

Tuck was born in Poland in 1929. When he was 10 years old, the Nazis invaded his country. They marched through his neighborhood, identifying Jews. David had a golden Star of David sewn to his clothes and was moved to a ghetto.

It won't silence the media any more than the media silenced Hitler.  They'll say, in essence, he's an old man who doesn't accurately remember the concentration camps. 9999hair out0000

The media would do it again if we let em


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