Author Topic: More of Australia’s rejected migrants headed to your American city  (Read 236 times)

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More of Australia’s rejected migrants headed to your American city

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 17, 2018

It has been quiet for awhile—months I believe—since we’ve heard of another shipment of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers to America in that dumb deal Obama made and Trump is continuing.

Some of these men are your new neighbors!


Unlike feckless European leaders, Australia’s government at the time, rightly and successfully, blocked the arrival of migrant boats about five years ago and apprehended those trying to break in to the country.  They were packed off to offshore island detention centers and efforts were made to get them to return to where they came from.

Most didn’t, and Obama rode to the rescue and said, sure, send these ‘refugees’ to America.

(Readers, this is a completely unorthodox and possibly illegal use of the Refugee Admissions Program.)