Author Topic: Sick of actors and Hollyweird  (Read 218 times)

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Sick of actors and Hollyweird
« on: June 15, 2018, 07:12:07 pm »
Sick of actors and Hollyweird

By Charles Wills  June 15, 2018

Sick of actors and Hollyweird
While leftists applaud De Niro, the Raging Bulls__t, for his foul mouthed remarks and idiotic gestures at the egomaniacal Tony Awards, those of us with a sense of decency wonder what happened to the entertainment industries’ integrity. I just don’t think a respectable person would have gotten up in front of a world audience and muttered such idiotic filth. By the same token, I don’t think a respectable audience, with the least amount of integrity, would have applauded De Niro, let alone given him a standing ovation.

Moreover, who cares what De Niro has to say? For that matter, who cares what any actor has to say? Those with inquiring minds really want to know what happened to Trudeau’s eyebrow. We all know that leftists are basically idiots, but who knew Trudeau had fake eyebrows? Wonder what else is fake? Obviously, Hollyweird is full of fakes. They all make a living pretending to be somebody else. That’s their only claim to fame, and that is not an accomplishment. Pretending to be somebody else certainly doesn’t deserve an award.