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With FBI's boiling hate for voters exposed, America dodged a bullet by electing Trump


June 15, 2018
With FBI's boiling hate for voters exposed, America dodged a bullet by electing Trump
By Monica Showalter

One of the biggest takeaways from the Department of Justice's 500-page Inspector General report is how deep the contempt for voters is among the Federal Bureau of Investigation's leadership elite.

The text messages are incredible. According to the gleanings of J. Christian Adams over at Pajamas Media:

    One FBI agent on the Hillary investigation wrote in an FBI text:
    Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS.

    "POS" is the agent's acronym for "Pieces Of S***."

There's also this from Adams:

    In another FBI communication, Strzok says he visited a rural Virginia Walmart -- and the customers had a political odor:

        Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support....

    Strzok does not say he could see Trump support, or hear it discussed. Rather, he smelled it among the customers.


Its not the FBIs hate for voters.  Its the standard govt bureaucrat mistrust and disdain for anyone and everyone not part of the bureaucracy.   Go to DC, the disdain for the rest of the country is palpable from the minute you step off the plane.   They think they are better then everyone else.



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