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NeverTrump Chickens Coming Home to Roost


June 15, 2018
NeverTrump Chickens Coming Home to Roost
By Brian C. Joondeph

Noted farmer and poultry expert, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, once said in a sermon, that Barack Obama may or may not have been present for, that “America’s chickens are coming home to roost.” Such is the way of nature, with an order to things, cause and effect, which some describe as karma.

Reverend Wright may have been referring to misguided American policies with unintended consequences. If he was speaking about US interventions in the Middle East leading to power vacuums and the rise of regimes far worse than what they were replacing, he would be correct. On the other hand, if he was claiming that the US government created AIDS to exterminate people of color, then his credibility has flown away with his chickens.

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Seen in Washington Times classified section:

Failed foreign policy expert experienced in two failed presidential administrations seeks entry level position in Trump state department. Will work for food – crow acceptable.


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