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Power Line
Paul Mirengoff
June 14, 2018

More than any federal agency or department I’ve worked for, with, or against, the Justice Department resembles a cult. Its employees think they are special. They feel intense hostility towards the Department’s adversaries. They are fiercely loyal to the Department and compulsively committed to its ways of doing things. Outsiders are viewed with condescension and suspicion, if not contempt.

Obviously, many DOJ employees do not buy fully into the cult, but many do. Those who rise to the top tend to embrace it the most.

This brings us to Rod Rosenstein, a career DOJ attorney who joined the department in 1990. Rosenstein is admirable in some ways. He’s had an exemplary career with the Justice Department. Andy McCarthy writes:

I do not know the deputy attorney general personally, but people I do know and trust regard him as a scrupulous person and professional. That’s good enough for me.



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