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Is De Niro the new Jane Fonda?

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Is De Niro the new Jane Fonda?
Exclusive: Jane Chastain says actor and his ilk are telling fans, 'Shut up and buy tickets!'
Published: 13 hours ago

For decades, the political class, as well as other influential people, have observed the maxim “politics stops at the water’s edge.” This simply means that when a president is dealing with a matter of national importance abroad, the criticism stops until the crisis is averted or, at the very least, he is back safety inside the confines of the United States.

With President Trump, that is no longer the case. The political atmosphere in Washington is so toxic that Democrats, and some members of his own party, feel free to take pot shots at him even as he deals with issues that could avert nuclear war.


What does Jane Fonda and De Niro have to do with the rest of the story?

I think De Niro has gone way past the point of TDS. He is showing signs of full blown dementia. He reminds me of the old guy in the neighborhood who is constantly yelling at everyone to "Get off his f-ing lawn!", even if you just walk by on the sidewalk. He has lost it.

Cyber Liberty:
In answer to the headline:  No, he is not.  Trash talking a President doesn't compare to the crimes Fonda visited upon brave soldiers.

It didn't start with Trump. They got their first taste with Nixon. Each time they've lost the White House since the democrats have become increasingly hysterical. They tried to nail Reagan with the secret pre-election flight to Iran & Iran Contra. With Bush it was 'he was selected not elected'.

Regarding Trump they're just following the same trajectory. Now in many cases they openly reject the will of the voters - with many in the GOP nodding in silent approval.

Of course they'll suddenly revert back to traditionalists when they win.

Any fool can see where this is ultimately headed.


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