Author Topic: Prehistoric mysteries from Judea to Stonehenge unearthed in Jerusalem  (Read 420 times)

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 Prehistoric mysteries from Judea to Stonehenge unearthed in Jerusalem
Shamanic burials in prehistoric Israel.
By Hagay Hacohen
May 28, 2018 11:46

An old woman is found buried in a Hilazon Tachtit cave with a feather taken from a golden eagle, 86 cooked turtles and the arm of a wild boar.

Why? Was she a powerful shaman, possibly a Natufian tribal leader from 12,000 BCE? Speaking to a mesmerized audience at a conference held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on May 24, Prof. Leore Grosman describes how other bodies were found buried on their side with legs pulled up in a manner pointing to elaborate mourning and feasting rites.