Author Topic: Column One: Heeding Democratic warnings . By Caroline B. Glick  (Read 240 times)

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Israel must support its supporters and oppose its opponents, without regard to their political affiliation. Every day Israel is subjected to a torrent of warnings from  Democrats.

“You will pay a price for your support of President Donald  Trump,” we are told.
He won’t be president forever, and when he’s gone,  watch out!” The basic notion, repeated over and over again is clear enough. If  Israel doesn’t want to be punished by the next Democratic White House – which we  are warned will make us long for Barack Obama – then we’d better stop talking  about the fact that Trump is the best ally and friend Israel has ever had in the  White House.

These warnings are not baseless. The data are unmistakable.  Republicans are more supportive of Israel than they ever have been. Democrats  are abandoning Israel in droves. In January, Pew reported that liberal Democrats  side with the Palestinians over Israel by a margin of nearly two to one.  Conservative Republicans support Israel over the Palestinians by a margin of  more than 16 to 1.

The yawning gap in support plays out in multiple ways.  This week, 70 House Democrats sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  demanding that Israel not destroy illegal Palestinian construction in the south  Hebron hills.

Last week, no serving Democratic lawmakers attended the  opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem.

Democrats also boycotted the  Israeli Embassy in Washington’s party celebrating the move.

How is Israel  supposed to deal with this wide and growing gap in partisan support? Before  taking a stab at the answer, we first must understand what is causing the  Democrats to turn against the Jewish state.

There are two primary causes  for the current trend.

The first has to do with President  Trump.